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Quarter of an hour later, I was sitting at the table with the rest of my family, I had gotten all of my clothes on except for my shirt.

Krista, my mum squinted her eyes.
"Roy, honey, stop watching the TV for a full five seconds please."

The golden retriever was in a trance, he missed his slice of PB and J and bit down on his paw, making him yelp.
"Ow!... sorry boy's," He said with a heartwarming smile. The kind that really shows just how much good there can be in the world. "your dad is a TV-holic." He laughed as if he had just invented the next best joke.

Jake giggled at the joke.
I tried not to laugh at the reddening bite-mark on his paw.

I didn't blame Roy, he worked as a manager for a furniture company that was slowly going out of business, and his opposition: 'Couches, couches, and more fucking Couches' were having a nation wide sale today. So that did put a slight distaste on his mood.
His own company, 'Furniture through the wazoo!', was going out of business, because although the product was great and the customers were many, Roy was a good person, not a good businessmen.
That right there, is the golden opportunity for him to get scammers, and manipulated in the workplace. And I would know; I'm a racoon.

I can't tell you how many times I've tagged along and seen furs 'negotiate' a price with him that almost makes the product come for free.

If it weren't for my mother, we probably wouldn't have a house a nice as this one. She works as an accountant. She doesn't make too much off of it, but that with Roy's business – no matter how unsuccessful – piles together for a decent sum of dough.

"Skim." She said to get my attention.

My brother rolled his eyes.
"Oh really? You're calling him by his nickname now?"

Yeah, the nickname was a bit of a doozy. There was this famous incident a few years back in highschool, where I in the school cafeteria and I had the hots for a girl called Sasha Kenley.
I'm talking big tits, great personality, the whole package. Anywhoo, she was quite a bit obese, and me being the gentleman I am decided to go and buy here a coffee.

I asked for skim, instead of regular milk, because she looked like she needed it. Sure enough, she asked me why the coffee tasted a bit weird, and when she found out about the 'lack of fat' she landed a full on slap across my head, and poured the entirely of the coffee onto me.
I sat there for a while, trying not to cry as her friend-group laughed at me... trying to negotiate with Sasha but the stuttering was getting too bad, I sounded like a Geiger counter when I needed to talk the most.

And that landed me the nickname, 'Skim'. Pretty tragic, right? Don't worry, I got Sasha back for that by catfishing her on social media for a few weeks until I leaked her nudes to the whole grade.
God, that had been a fucking rush!

Mum went on.
"A little birdy told me that you're going to see a girl this morning and watch a movie.

I rolled my eyes and spooned some cereal into my mouth. Milo and white-chocolate-stuff, AKA the good shit. Some of the milk droplets caught onto the fur of my chest, earning a sigh from Roy, who was really a clean'a'holic in the household.
"Little birdy meaning Jake, right? And yeah, we're going to watch a horror movie." I said with food in my mouth.

Roy smiled.

Trust me, that guy wouldn't no what 'smooth' meant if it hit him over the head with a sledge-hammer. The smooth thing to do, would be to watch a romance and buy a few drinks to share.

Me and Robin, one of my best and only friends, were actually planning on going out to a campfire gathering with a few classmates, to get absolutely shit-faced on liquor and cigerettes.
Most of the time, I was an honest guy. But there are some things that my family should never know about me. Social gatherings like this one, are no exception to that.

Mum offered me a napkin to clean up my paws and chest – I always ate without cutlery, it was just in my instincts – and I quickly turned it down, wiping the mess on my jeans instead.
"I like that Robin." She said with all the personality of a 1980's housewife... take away the phone, and that's pretty much my mum. She even sounds like Marilyn Monroe. "She would make a lovely girlfriend, if you two ever were to date one day." She said with love in her eyes.

My family tended to constantly suggest opportunities to me, as if just because of my species I was somehow unable to make any good chooses. I mean, they aren't half wrong... but I have fun nonetheless.
Dating stuff was ruthless, Rob nudged me every time a decently attractive girl walked past when we were out at café's chatting about stuff.
Mums had conversations like these. Oh honey, you should date her, and marry that one, and fuck that one. She doesn't actually sound like that, I just get a bit pissed off about it.

Jake, ironically stays silent, probably because he's got a few years to go before he finds himself doing stuff in the bathroom to get rid of a 'funny feeling'.

I finished up by lifting the bowl and slurping the remains until there was nothing left, extra loud so that mum and Roy could cringe to it.
Jake just laughed.

"Alright folks." I said with a wink. "Better not keep the muh... keep the m-missus waiting."

Roy stood up with me, dusting the crumbs off his trousers. He took out some cash from his wallet and held it out for me.
"Here, to get some soda for the Skimster himself." He chuckled.

I grinned, knowing that the liquor was going to be completely free. Nonetheless, I walked over to the golden-retriever.
"Aw, y-you don't have to do that." I said. "I'm fine with wuh-one of your famous goodbye hugs."

Roy shot my mum a glance, looking both very pleased and very shocked. We had a very strange relationship him and I, he wanted to be my father, but I was too cool for that, and often left him to dry. Until a few years ago, I didn't even want to talk to him. So you can imagine how much progress he thought he had made when I offered to actually hug him.

Don't worry, I'm not a nice guy. I just like messing with people; family are no exception.

Before he could respond I walked up to him and hugged the air out of him. I was a little taller, and a little stronger than he was. Hugging people shirtless also feels awesome, so that's another reason why I did it.

He straightened his glasses and patting me on the back for a bit, too shocked to hug back.
I pulled out of it before he could get the chance.

Furry High (furry 'coming of age' story) R18+Where stories live. Discover now