First Words - Part 2

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I looked over, and it was Will. He calmed my nerves a bit, he knows how I feel in these situations. I asked, "Will do you know where your sister is?" The rest of the boys looked between Will, the boy, and I. I looked over at one of them, I realized I knew another one, not personally of course. This one had dark brown hair, with the freckles that were iconic for him. It was Dylan O'Brien.

I knew Will worked with him on The Maze Runner, but I didn't think he was gonna be here. "I think she's gonna be in the kitchen, but I don't know it's her own flat." Will responded. "Thanks Will." I said graciously, I didn't really want to be here without Jo. "No problem y/n/n" He said as I started to walk towards the kitchen.

The boys were near the end of the kitchen, so when I walked past the corner I could see them. I looked over my shoulder as I walked past to see the blonde haired man staring at me.

Unknown Man's Pov
When I arrived to the party I thought nothing of it. Just a regular house party with the boys. Will had invited us to it, but it was at his sister's place. Either the word had gotten out or his sister had a ton of friends because the place was packed. We got greeted by Will and we had a few drinks and the party for us was started. Time went by fast, and lots of laughs were caused by Dylan at that point.

At one point of the night I got bumped into by a woman who spilled my drink. I turned around, she seemed very nervous and on edge. I asked, "You alright ma'am?" She seemed around my age, 23, 24, or something similar. Of course, I don't look my age because I have an extreme Babyface. She looked amazing, though it seems like her confidence is shaken.

"I um, I'm sorry sir." She said, but I'm not sure if it's because she knew me from somewhere, or if it was just because that's how she is. I responded with, "You're fine miss." She really was fine, it didn't really matter to me that she spilled my drink, I could just get a new one. I heard Will start to speak, I think he said hello or something, I was too busy studying how she was. She asked Will, "Will do you know where your sister is?" She looked around the group at the people in the group, and I noticed she looked at Dylan longer than compared to Will, Ki Hong, or I. Probably knew him from Teen Wolf or something. I looked back at Will, right before he responded back to her saying, "I think she's gonna be in the kitchen, but I don't know it's her own flat." She responded quickly, "Thanks Will." Right before she walked away Will spoke "No problem y/n/n." As she walked away Dylan said "You call her y/n/n? You guys must be close" Will sighed, and said "I mean we are, but she's closer to my sister, she's her best friend." They laughed a bit about her nicknames and some other nicknames he gave her.

Ki Hong laughed and spoke "I noticed Thomas staring at her" Dylan giggled, but I rolled my eyes, "C'mon guys, why wouldn't I look at someone who bumped into me." Will said "I mean if you do fancy her, then ask me about her anytime." The guys started talking about something else but I tuned out. I looked over at her and saw her looking back at me, and I spoke "Hey guys I'm gonna go get a drink real quick." Dylan joked, "What so you can go flirt with the little miss over there?" I scoffed, "Very funny Dylan." I walked to the kitchen to get my drink and maybe for more?

that's it for now folks. tell me what you think about it.

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