Quiet - Part 3

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Your Pov

I walked to the kitchen, and the first person I see is Jo. "Jo!" I called, she turned and ran towards me. She put her arms out for an open embrace. Jo has been there for me, through the darkness of my life, to the brightest moments. She is more than I could ever ask for in a best friend. She could never do me wrong. 

"Hey Y/n!" She gave me a warm smile, "I didn't actually expect you to turn up! I thought this wasn't your crowd." She teased. I laughed slightly, "I mean it isn't, but I gotta live life a little." "Want a drink? Specially picked for you, I know how paranoid you get." I nodded, smiling a little. "I mean, I rather be safe then sorry!" "That's true too I guess." She pulled out a beer from the fridge, looks like it hasn't been tampered with so I crack it open. 

"Did you see my brother?" She asked, I nodded. "He was with his cast mates, but I don't know if he's still with them." "Speaking of a cast mate." She leaned in and whispered, I turned around to see the guy I had bumped into previously. "Bloody hell." I sighed. "What? You think he's too hot to handle?" She bumped her elbow into my arm, jokingly. "It's not that, I spilled his drink earlier." She shook her head, enough to show that she understood. "But do you think he's cute?" She asked. I mean, I knew I've seen him somewhere other than here, other than Maze Runner, I just never bothered to look him up online. "I mean, he is something. But I wouldn't really judge him on his looks." She looked down at me and smiled, "You know that's what I've always liked about you, you always find a way to be kind, no matter if they're an asshole or not." I smiled back at her, "Thank you. Also are you saying that he's an asshole?" She shook her head, "He's not, but he's naturally quiet if he can be, like you, and he's coming this way."

I could tell by the way she described him, she obviously fancied him, I dunno if it's because she has a crush on him or because she thinks he's cute, but it was something. "Hey Jo." He said. "Uh- Hi, how do you know my name? I thought Will didn't talk about me to his mates." She looked at him, admiring his looks. I saw her check him out a few times before, but she did it again now. "This little birdie told me." He said and pointed at me. "She did?" She kind of had a shocked expression on her face. "You're Y/n I presume?" I smiled slightly, "I hope I am, if I'm not then that would be a problem." He smiled at my joke, "Yes, that would be bad." I glanced at Jo, she seemed to get a little jealous. "I never bothered to ask Will, but what's your name?" She asked, "Uh, it's Bond, James Bond." He joked, "But no, it's Thomas." Jo smiled, "Well if you need anything, I'll be here." He nodded. "Well I should get going, the boys are probably wondering where I am." He started to back away, He looked at Jo as she turned to me, then gave me a look, as he looked me up and down. I smiled turned to Jo.

Thomas's Pov

I walked into the kitchen, it was less crowded in here, and I saw y/n talking to who I'm guessing is Jo. I'm not really sure, I never got to really meet her. I got more of my drink, and saw the girls staring at me and I thought, Why not talk to them? I mean, I can try. This is gonna be really embarrassing if this girl isn't even Jo. "Hey Jo." I spoke, She kind of had a shocked look on her face, I don't think she expected me to talk to her, especially to know her name. "Uh- Hi, how do you know my name? I thought Will didn't talk about me to his mates." This was most definitely Will's sister. I saw her check me out, it was visibly obvious, kinda made me uncomfortable that she did it like that though. I smiled a little bit, just to avoid an awkward situation, "This little birdie told me." I said pointing at y/n, and Jo looked slightly shocked, "She did?" I turned to y/n, trying not to be weird, "You're Y/n I presume?" She had slightly smiled, "I hope I am, if I'm not then that would be a problem." It was cheesy, I like it. I smiled at her, almost wanting to giggle a bit, but I resisted the urge to do so. "Yes, that would be bad." I noticed the glance Jo gave y/n, she kind of seemed jealous, and her body language showed that too. "I never bothered to ask Will, but what's your name?" She asked, and I responded with, "Uh, it's Bond, James Bond." I quickly corrected myself, "But no, It's Thomas." Jo had smiled, "Well if you need anything, I'l be here." I nodded at her, understandably. "Well I should get going, the boys are probably wondering where I am." I started to back up, and Jo turned to y/n, and y/n still looked at me for a moment, for some reason I had an instinct to check her out. 

Either way, something makes me drawn to Y/n. And I don't know why.

Your Pov

"See I told you he's cute." She smiled at me, I giggled slightly. "Well, I didn't think you'd be so bold about it." She chuckled a bit, "Did you see yourself? That's the most you've talked to the opposite gender in years, other than my brother of course." I rolled my eyes jokingly, "Shut upppp," I paused, "But I'm gonna go talk to some people and hang out." She smiled and patted my arm. "Yay, you're finally gonna get out of your comfort zone!!" She quietly cheered. I smiled, and walked away from her.

I lied, I walked away from the crowd, and I walked off onto a balcony, there was no one on it. I liked my alone time, I've always enjoyed it. I look off, it was a beautiful night out here in London. I took everything in, then my mind wandered about the conversation I had earlier. I pulled out my phone and looked up 'The Maze Runner', I think I know Thomas before the Maze Runner. I went to the cast and pulled him up, I looked at some of his other works and there was two other things I've seen him in: Love Actually, and Nanny McPhee. I remember thinking he was so cute, and really talented. Huh, I just met my first childhood celebrity crush and I didn't fangirl. Interesting. Then again I didn't recognize him. I put away my phone and looked back up, enjoying the view and my beer. 

"Knock knock." I heard a voice say. I looked back behind me, and holy fuck was this person dreamy.

lol you gotta wait to see the next chapter. have fun waiting.

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