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Jacks Pov:

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, Fuckidy, fuck, fuck. I'm sitting next to Reyna, in her car, and I don't think I have ever been this pissed. That's not true.
There's not really a point in being mad at Reyna, because no matter what she does, I know she's right. But for now, I should at least try to get her to take me back.
"Take me back." I say, Looking straight ahead.
"You know I won't do that."
"Why not?"
"Because your not safe in New York City."
"I was."
"Not the way you were living." She snaps.
"Just take me back." I plead. I'm not giving up without a fight. Her hair hangs down her waist and for once isn't in a braid. I guess I can't really judge, I've had my hair in braids, since I was 15. She sighs.
"You are the most stubborn woman I have ever met."
"So will you take me back?"
"Reyna, please. It doesn't matter if there Greek or Roman."
"What happened to you at Camp Jupiter was partially your fault."
"What happened at Camp Jupiter was completely my fault. That's not the point." She glares at me.
"At least you can admit it. What's the point?"
"That somehow something's going to go wrong."
"Look on the bright side of things." She says.
"You know I love you like a actual sister, but your so full of shit sometimes." She laughs.
"Aw love you too. If it makes you feel better Jason's there. Sometimes."
"That doesn't make me feel better. I know who's there, but Reyna, it's not your job to take care of me anymore."
"We take care of each other. You took care of me, let me take care of you." I shoot her a look. We take care of each other. "You know I'm right."
"You're always right. You're Reyna." I say leaning against the seat. She shakes her head lightly, but she's smiling.
"Just don't do anything stupid."
"You just want to suck the joy out of everything."
"Fuck off." She teases.
"Reyna, I really don't want to stay here."
"It's either here or Camp jupiter." I don't respond and look out the window. We pull into the camp, and I get out of the car before Reyna does. I walk up to the hill that has the Athena Parthenos. I look out at the camp. Just like he described it. Every inch. I mean, now it looks kind of sad, but I'm guessing that's cause Annabeth is gone. Reyna walks up to me.
"So I'm guessing this Athena girl meant a lot." I state.
"You have no idea." She says. I look at Reyna's brown hair. We could pass as real sisters if we tried. We both have freakishly long hair, although mines black. Reyna's taller than me, but given that I'm only five one, almost everybody is. Reyna also has a much thinner body frame and I, unfortunately have curves, not to mention that I'm white as fuck, and Reyna has light brown skin. But, our faces look alike, and we both can be annoyingly stubborn. "Come on, Chiron wants to meet you."
"Does he know who I am."
"He does, he doesn't know that your the Demi god I'm bringing." Quote on quote. Am I famous? We walk into camp, and near a giant brown building. We walk through the door of the building, down a hallway into an office. There's a man sitting behind a desk with an unkept beard, but who am I to judge. His head snaps up and his eyes widen when he sees me and Reyna.
"You didn't." He sighs.
"She had nowhere else to go."
"I can leave. I have a place in New York City." He glances at me. Reyna shoots me a glare.
"No." Chiron sighs. "You're here for reason." Damn it.
"And what if that's a bad reason?" I ask.
"Then the camps screwed."
"Don't say that." Reyna sighs.
"No, it's true. I don't think our border can handle another tragedy. If she stays where does she sleep?"
"Hermès cabin." Reyna suggests. She sits down in the chair in front of his desk.
"But my godly parent isn't Hermès." I state. She shoots me another glare.
"If they find out who your godly parent is they're not going to be happy." Chiron says.
"So what do you want me to do?" I sigh. He's silent for a minute. He glances at a picture of Percy Jackson, and then at me.
"I'll make you a deal. You're well aware that Nico's here."
"I don't know if I can fix things between me and him."
"You can try. You do that, and I'll let you stay."
"Please." Reyna says. Our eyes lock for a minute. I don't belong here. But I don't have a choice.
"Oh and one more thing. I need you to help people here."
"You're kidding."
"Do you want to stay here or not?"
"How do you expect me to help them? I almost tore apart Camp Juipiter."
"You'll figure it out. You always do." He says.
"Why would they need my help?"
"They lost someone who was like family to them, figure it out."
"It's not that easy. If Nico has any say in it, he's going to keep me as far away from literally anyone as possible."
"Then explain what happened with Octavian, and he'll forgive you."
"Wait, what happened with Octavian?" Reyna asks. Shit.
"We need to talk." I sigh.
"I'll give you 24 hours to decide if you'll stay here." Chiron says trying to get us out of his office so we can tear eachother apart somewhere else. I nod my head lightly. I walk outside, Reyna stomping behind me. I sit down in one of the chairs on the porch.
"I'm confused, what does Chiron know that I don't?" I sigh and explain everything about Camp Jupiter to her. "Why didn't you tell me, or Jason, or even fucking Nico?"
"I couldn't compromise the Greeks, Reyna. I swore to the gods that I wouldn't do that."
"But Nico knew about the Greeks."
"And so did Octavian. I wanted to tell you so bad."
"So why didn't you?"
"Octavian threatened to kill you, Bryce threatened to kill you, and most importantly they had ways to legally kill you."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Bryce was a part of this?"
"Bryce knew a little bit about what was going on."
"Jack you should've told me. They would've been dead in seconds."
"So would you." I say in a meaner tone then I should have. She shoots me a look. "I'm sorry. I'm still not the best person in the world." Reyna sighs and looks at the ground.
"Come on, let's go find Nico. I think a little pre-explaining would make this situation easier for him." We start to walk, but instead of Reyna finding Nico, Nico finds me. And he is not happy.

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