Chapter 6.

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Nico POV:

I'm lying next to Will, his arms around my waist, under the covers, and we're both half asleep. He got Kayala to cover for him, while the rest of the camp goes through activities, and I never go anyway.

"What time is it?" He mutters. I glance up at the clock. 1:00.

"To early for you to leave."

"I promised Kayla I'd be back by 1:15."

"She won't care if you're back by dinner."


"5 more minutes?" He rolls his eyes.

"Fine." He moves closer to me. "You are really cuddly for a Hades kid." He mumbles, putting his head on my shoulder.

"Shut up." I state quietly. We lie there for a couple more minutes, before Will actually has to go.

"You know," He says as he pulls his shirt back on. "You could come with me, and, I don't know... Be social?"

"People are gross." He lets out a soft laugh.

"Goodbye." He says.

"No," I complain. He grabs my hand and pulls me up, and then french kisses me. There are butterflies in my stomach, and my heart thuds. Fuck you Solace for making me so weak.

"I have to go." He sighs.

"Fine." I sigh. He smiles, and walks out the door. I think about Reyna. I guess I shouldn't be mad at her. She was right, there was no where else to go, although I don't understand why she cars so much about Jack. Then again, I wasn't there very often after Jason disappeared. Maybe Jack has changed, but it doesn't matter. I can't trust her anymore, and I don't think I can ever actually forgive her. A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. I manage to finish getting dressed, before Percy barges through the door 

Nico POV:

I'm lying next to Will, his arms around my waist, under the covers, and we're both half asleep. He got Kayala to cover for him, while the rest of the camp goes through activities, and I never go anyway.

"What time is it?" He mutters. I glance up at the clock. 1:00.

"To early for you to leave."

"I promised Kayla I'd be back by 1:15."

"She won't care if you're back by dinner."


"5 more minutes?" He rolls his eyes.

"Fine." He moves closer to me. "You are really cuddly for a hades kid." He mumbles, putting his head on my shoulder.

"Shut up." I state quietly. We lie there for a couple more minutes, before Will actually has to go.

"You know," He says as he pulls his shirt back on. "You could come with me, and, I don't know... Be social?"

"People are gross." He lets out a soft laugh.

"Goodbye." He says.

"No," I complain. He grabs my hand and pulls me up, and then french kisses me. There are butterflies in my stomach, and my heart thuds. Fuck you Solace for making me so weak.

"I have to go." He sighs.

"Fine." I sigh. He smiles, and walks out the door. I think about Reyna. I guess I shouldn't be mad at her. She was right, there was no where else to go, although I don't understand why she cars so much about Jack. Then again, I wasn't there very often after Jason disappeared. Maybe Jack has changed, but it doesn't matter. I can't trust her anymore, and I don't think I can ever actually forgive her. A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. I manage to finish getting dressed, before Percy barges through the door anyway.

The broken clock.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt