Chapter 3

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Nico's POV:

To say I'm pissed is to say the least. I run my hand through my hair. I make eye contact with Jack and she looks down.
"You brought her here?" I mutter.
"Nico I can explain." Reyna says. Blood rushes to my cheeks.
"You brought a criminal to camp halfblood. After what just happened with Annabeth."
"I don't do that anymore Nico." Jacks says lightly.
"After what she did to Hazel, you think that you can just bring her here. You brought this manipulative, acholic, criminal into camp, 3 months after Annabeth died."
"Nico, she had nowhere else to go. I couldn't take her back to Camp Jupiter, and she wasn't safe in New York City."
"So? What does Chiron think? The twisted Jack Saturn staying here."
"He was fine with it actually. Why that is I don't know." Reyna says.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a jerk, I'm sorry for being an asshole, and I'm sorry for what I did to Hazel. I have no excuse. I'm sorry." Jack blurts out. "And I'm sorry I hurt you." I nod my head lightly. For the first time in a year and a half I can see actual guilt on Jacks face
"How long have you been sober for?" I ask her. If she doesn't answer me honestly I won't let her stay here.
"Six months."
"Are you telling the truth?"
"What reason do I have to lie?"
"You always find a reason."
"I swear Nico, I don't do that anymore. Fuck, I'll take a sobriety test everyday."
"Do you even want to stay here?"
"Not really, but it's either here or Camp Jupiter." She says glancing at Reyna. If I let her stay and she meets Percy, there's no telling what kind of trouble they'll get into. But on the other hand if she goes back to Camp Jupiter, she has to be in a position that I don't even think she deserves to be in. Fuck it. I sigh.
"Fine, you can stay here, but stay out of my life."
"Alright." She sighs. I turn around and start walking towards the cabins. I want to talk to Will. I need to warn him to stay away from Jack. But first I need to talk to Percy. If Jack finds Percy with alcohol, there's no telling what could happen. Jack and alcohol don't mix well.
The sun's hot on my back, and even though it's mid June it's oddly warm. Why would Reyna bring her here? I don't understand. Jack doesn't want to be here, and when the rest of Camp finds out who her godly parent is they won't want her here either. Fuck.
I'm about halfway to the cabins when I feel Will's arms go around my waist, and it sends a warm tingle down my spine.
"Hey," I say. He rests his chin on my shoulder, and looks at me.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"I'm just tired." My hands meet his.
"Ok, what's actually wrong?"
"I'm just slightly annoyed."
"Life just... sucks." He chuckles softly and kisses my neck.
"Aren't you just a little ray of sunshine." Will says sarcastically.
"I'm literally the prince of hell, what did you expect?"
"Prince? Thats a big title. Last time I checked you were just sir death boy." He lightly traces his hands into my front pockets, and my hands are soon to follow.
"Stop teasing me."
"Teasing you?" He whispers in my ear. "I'd do nothing of the sort." He kisses me gently. "I'll be in your cabin after lunch. If you're up for it."
"Isn't that a little scandalous?" I ask.
"Maybe I'm feeling a little rebellious." He takes his hands out of my pockets and kisses me again. "I have to go."
"Fine. I'll see you after lunch then." Will smiles and walks away. I love you. I still have to talk to Percy. He's probably drunk right now anyway.
I'm worried that he'll become an alcoholic. I never thought that Percy and I would be friends. After all the shit that happened. Sometimes things are still weird. It's just awkward.
I don't know why Chiron let Jack stay. She nearly tore Camp Jupiter apart. Let's just hope she's not lying about being sober. There was something in her eyes were different. She was almost pleading. Maybe she doesn't want to stay here but I know she'd rather stay here then Camp Jupiter. Let's just hope Hazels grief keeps her out of Camp Half Blood for at least a little while. Or else there will be a bloodbath.
It'll be worse if Jason comes. Let's just hope that it doesn't happen for a while. Jacks fucking insane. I thought I'd never see her again. I hoped I'd never see her again. She hurts people. With or without intention.
I finally reach Poseidon's cabin, and I can't tell if he's asleep or if he passed out. Fuck. I shake him, but he doesn't move. Damnit Percy. It's only 12:30. I shake him again, and finally I get some response from him. He looks at me with bloodshot eyes.
"What time is it?"
"Half past noon."
"Shit." He mutters. His hand travels to his head.
"You need to stop, Percy."
"I'm fine Nico." He snaps.
"No your not. You're becoming an alcoholic."
"I'm not an acholic." He sits up to fast and groans.
"What would Annabeth think?" He stammers to his feet, and towers over me.
"Don't bring her into this. She's dead. As dead as Bianca." My cheeks start to burn, and Percy pushes past me through the door as the lunch bell. Rings. Asshole.

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