Chapter 5

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Jacks Pov:

Percy continues to drunk ramble next to me all the way back to camp. He talks about his mom, his new step sister, Annabeth, how weird it is that they keep getting monster attacks, and that he would kill the guy who crashed into Annabeth if he could. Then he starts to ask questions again, and as much as I try to answer honestly, some questions are just none of his fucking business.

"Have you ever dated a girl?" He asks as we pass through the Strawberry Fields.

"One time."

"So then are you like Bisexual?" I make a so-so sign with my hand.

"I try not to dwell on labels."

"But you've slept with girls."


"How many?" Jesus Christ Jackson.



"No. Why do you ask such weird questions?"

"Have you ever kissed somebody else's boyfriend?" He says ignoring my comment.

"No." I lie. 

"Have you ever hurt someone you loved?" My heart sinks.

"Thats a bold question."

"Have you?"



"I betrayed them. Broke their trust." I pause for a minute. "Next question please."

"Have you ever cussed out a god?"


"Which one?"

"Zeus." He stares at me.

"How? Wouldn't he have smited you to the ground."

"I was under the protection of Apollo when I said it."


"I met Apollo when I was eleven, and I thought Zeus was an asshole when he brought him up, so I thought it would be perfect to say that out loud."


"Yeah. So luckily I wasn't smited and now I'm here."

"Well that's great."

"Pretty great."

"Did you know Octavian?" My stomach starts to turn when he asks me that.

"Not really. He was kind of a dick so I pretty much avoided him." I lie. If Percy was sober he might notice my voice shaking but he just keeps on rambling.

"What's the weirdest demigod dream you've ever had?"

"I had a dream predicting the war with Gaea."



"You're all sorts of strange."

"Thanks." We finally reach the edge of camp, and Percy's still drunk, but he's no longer falling all over the place.

"Annabeth was so pissed about the war with Gaea. She was so upset with Hera. Then we fell into Tartarus and life was super shitty. Then Nico came out, and then she died." He continues to ramble, and we end up back to the topic of his mom. "I haven't seen her in 4 months. Annabeth died and I kind of just went off the radar. One night I drove along the coast until I ran out of gas. Jason had to come and pick me. Another time I got so hammered I woke up in the middle of the forest."

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