Chapter 4

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Percys Pov:
My heads throbbing, and the world is dizzy, and I can't quite walk in a straight line. But i need to keep it together until I can get somewhere far away from here. I'm looking down in an attempt to try and keep my balance, and I bump into someone that knocks me to the ground.
"Shit," says a females voice I don't recognize. "Are you okay?" She holds out her hand,and I finally get a good look at her. She has black raven hair tightly worn in two braids, and she almost as pale as Nico. She pulls me to my feet, and I'm at least a foot taller then her.
"Yeah, I'm just dizzy." A whiff of alcohol fills the air and she raises an eyebrow.
"Dizzy, or drunk?" She questions, her black eyes piercing through me. I start to panic.
"You can't tell anyone about this. Please." I realize I'm still gripping her hand as tightly as possible.
"I won't but if you go to the mess hall where there's a crowd of people, they might figure it out anyway." Shit, shit.
"But they're expecting me to be there."
"So? Tell them that you weren't hungry."
"No, you don't understand. Chiron is expecting me to be there."
"The horse dude? He has a bunch of hormony ass teens packed together in a tiny space. I think you'll be okay." I laugh a little and my stress level drops.
"You're kind of funny."
"Thanks. Is it possible that you'd let blood come back my hand?" I release my grip.
"It's fine." She starts to walk away from the cabins and towards the forest.
"Where are you going?" I ask. She turns back around and shrugs her shoulders.
"The beach? I'm avoiding Reyna." The memory of this morning flashes in my head.
"No shit, you're the girl that Reyna brought in."
"So you've heard about me then." She starts walking again. I follow her, stumbling.
"You're the mystery girl that Nico got so freaked out about." Her facial expression changes.
"Nico and I don't have the best track record."
"Why?" I ask.
"I use to bad things."
"What kind of bad things?" She smiles and glances over at me.
"You ask a lot of questions for a drunk." My cheeks start to burn.
"I'm not a drunk." My words slur.
"I'm not."
"So you just happend to be drunk before 2 o'clock?"
"People can drink at anytime."
"Okay." We reach the strawberry fields.
"Whats your name?" I ask. She never actually told me.
"Jack Saturn."
"Is Jack short for Jackie."
"Fuck no. My father wanted a boy."
"He seems like a wonderful person."
"He's a real mother fucker." She says in a mock happy tone.
"Does he love you?" I ask. Jack rolls her eyes.
"God, you ask a lot of questions. Are you one of those mouthy drunks?" I shoot a her a glare.
"I'm just curious."
"Obviously. I'm a very interesting person." She jokes.
"Sure." I roll my eyes.
"What's your name, drunk?"
"Percy Jackson."
"Oh, you're the boy that almost blew up Camp Juipiter."
"You were there?"
"I used to live there."
"Seriously? Then why did Reyna brings you here from Camp Jupiter?"
"I wasn't at Camp Jupiter when Reyna found me. I was in the shady part of New York City."
"I am so confused."
"I'll explain it to you when you're sober."
"I'm sober-ish."
"No, you can pass as sober, if you really tried. But you can't quite walk in straight line, and you're still slightly slurring your words." How does she know all of this?
"You used to drink." I exclaim. She raises her eyebrows and nods.
"A lot." Jack responds looking at the ground.
"Why?" She frowns and bits her lips.
"My boyfriend killed himself. And everyone thought he was a hero for it."
"Was he a demigod."
"Oh yeah. He died during the titan war."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. He died for a good cause, but he chose to die."
"If it makes you feel any better my girlfriend died 3 months ago."
"Is that why you're drinking?" I nod my head.
"It numbs the pain." I state.
"And the joy, and the healing."
"Thats not true." Jack shrugs her shoulders.
"Whatever you say." We finally reach the beach, and she sits down on the cliff. I sit down next to her, my feet dangling over the edge.
"We knew each other for 6 years. And then one day she just leaves. She's just gone."
"That sucks. What was her name?"
"Annabeth. She was the girl that came on the ship."
"The blonde one."
"Yeah. When did you stop drinking."
"About 6 months ago. I stopped smoking about 3."
"You used to smoke?"
"So if you where at Camp Juipiter, do Jason and Hazel know you."
"Unfortunately for them they know me."
"You don't seem that bad."
"You didn't know me at Camp Juipiter, and you've only known me for about an hour."
"Well then tell me more about you." She shoots me a look. "Just five facts. Whatever five facts you want."
"Fine." She sighs. "Let's see, I was born in Rome, I'm fluent in Italian, I slept with a third of the the people at Camp Juipeter-"
"People?" I question.
"What? Girls are soft." I let out a soft laugh. "The first god I ever met was Apollo, and... my favorite food are egg rolls."
"Egg rolls?"
"Thats so weird."
"No it's not. A lot of people like egg rolls." She pauses. "Who's your godly parent?"
"Poisiedon. Yours?"
"I don't know."
"But I made the gods swear an oath that they'd claim all there children."
"I prefer not knowing actually."
"I'd be angry at them if I knew." 
"I get that. It kind of sucks."
"Life sucks, the people don't. Or at least most of them don't." Her expression saddens.
"Have you ever wanted to die?" I blurt out. She looks at me with surprise.
"Have you?"
"No." I say. She smiles and laughs.
"You ask all sort of personal questions, Jesus.Come on, we should get back." She stand up and pulls me to my feet. "Before Reyna thinks I've runaway again."

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