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Every one admires diamond.  Well, I do not know about others.  I do.  Since I am long waiting to adorn it on my lover's ring finger.  Hope that day will come soon.  

The hardness of the opportunity was like that of a diamond.  It was very scary, risky, precarious and uncalled for on my part.  The diffusion of light effect in diamond made it fiery like in the case of my lover. Well, initially I got many offers to modelling for many important brands.  One such brand was Jockey.  When I got the offer, I was totally in a fix.  I had a serious discussions with my parents and I did not get any solid discouragement or encouragement from them.  Then, I asked my friends about it.  Well, my male friends dared to do it and my female friends squealed at the top of their vocal cords and I was like.  What to do man?  Nobody helped me on that project.  Finally, I decided if I had to impress Arthit what better opportunity I would get than the one in my kitty.  I could shamelessly flaunt my body and handsomeness to bewitch my Arthit without actually him knowing about it.  Since for the days were being numbered to make him fall for me.

The date was fixed and I landed on the shoot myself because I did not want anyone to see me naked.  I was given boxer briefs of different colours.   It raised a red flags in my mind.  But having had come so far and to allure my lover, I decided to give it a short.  The location was beach and the cameras and spot boys, make up artists and other co models were on toes and the whole photo shoot was a crazy mess.  I developed a cold feet when I saw a female model in green bikini to be my co model in the next photo shoot.  I was given male  bikini and directed to join her on the shore.  I could not convince myself to wear that piece of  costume. I refused to wear it and ..............

Arthit dragged me to the police station to file a complaint against the loafers who groped me.  I was totally in daze.  Arthit firmly held my right arm as we entered the station.  Though I was drugged, I could feel the warmth of love seeping in through his touch.  For the first time, I thanked those loafers for dragging me into that mess.  For that was the moment, when Arthit fell for me.  For me alone.  My extra ordinary muscled man with handsome looks and calm posture fell for ME.


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