Chapter one

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A/N: This is actually kinda short but it'll do. Welcome to the second story of my series I named Unimaginable! (Series can be found on Ao3) I genuinely don't know where this is going to go but no harm in improvising, eh? Thanks for all the reads/likes/comments on my previous (And now complete) story Surprises!

"Do we have to help? Like- Really?" Gladio asked, practically on his knees begging and pleading for Ignis not to make him continue.

Said man just stared at him with mild amusement. "Gladio... Need I remind you we're Noct's friends as well as retainers? It's common decency. Now, make yourself useful and help me."

With a hefty sigh of defeat Gladio grumbled his way over to help Ignis move some boxes and furniture. It was the night before they were to set out for Altissia and Noct roped the pair- and Prompto against his will- into helping clear his apartment. The process took the better part of the day so far and was creeping into night, to the despair of Ignis, wanting them all to get an early night lest there be endless moaning tomorrow.

"Noct... You're meant to be packing those, not reading them." Ignis quirked an eyebrow at the Prince, currently holed away reading a comic while the rest of the work.

"Right- Sorry Specs. I'm just so tired and bored... Shoulda started this yesterday." Noct spared a glance at his Adviser only to be plagued with a hard stare.

"I said that. Multiple times. Perhaps one day you'll listen to me"

"He gotcha there Princess, even blondie told you so." Gladio gestured to Prompto, packing away the DVD's and CD's.

Noct huffed and threw the comic in the box, rising to his feet to raid the cupboards, a hand on his stomach. "Hey, Specs we got any snacks left? I'm starving."

"I'm afraid not. Though there is fruit in the fridge." Noct simply grimaced and Ignis rolled his eyes. "I'll visit the shop and prepare something shortly, I trust you won't waste away until then?"

Noctis grunted and nodded in affirmation, returning to his corner and continuing to throw books and comic books alike into a box. Gladio nudged Ignis with his elbow and cocked a smile, to which the latter frowned at in partial confusion, turning away to tie off yet another rubbish bag.

True to his word, Ignis excused himself after a short while, trusting Gladio to keep the younger men engaged and productive. The apartment was clean and packed, aside from the things Ignis left out to use for dinner and a couple of blankets, a roll of toilet roll and toothbrushes. Prompto planned to stay with Noct overnight, Ignis would go home and go over the agenda and the like, Gladio would just do whatever he usually does. Which is bug his boyfriend continuously and then steal his bed.

When the Adviser eventually returned, Noct had persuaded Prompto to act starved and sleep deprived, thus trying to sway Ignis into calling it a night.

"The kids missed you, Iggy." Gladio joked, referring to the silent pleading of the younger men, still rolling around like a pair of drama queens or in Noct's case; Drama Prince. A fitting title beside the Prince of Naps.

"Dad was negligent." Chided Noct. By the way his pout had formed a smirk, he'd do or say anything to get some reaction from his friend, minus Prompto's snickering.

"Apparently so. The pair of you can stop the theatrics now, rather than attempt to goad or force a healthy meal into you, I look the liberty of ordering you a pizza. And with the apartment practically clean, we can retire, do clean up after yourselves."

While Noct and Prompto celebrated, Gladio rose to stand beside Ignis, a soft smile on his lips. "You're too soft, Igs."

"Perhaps. But it's in everyone's best interest we wrap this up quickly, surely a cranky Prince isn't your idea of a good start either." Ignis flashed a smile and before Gladio could reply he'd set about finishing up the packing. Namely sellotaping the boxes shut.

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