Chapter six

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A/N: I wrote this instead of sleeping :D so there's bound to be mistakes but if there are any big ones, please point them out and I'll edit them! Now I'm going to bed... Or to start the next chapter, whichever comes first.

Few moments of respite were given to the group over the next few days, ranging from burning bases to hunting down bounties for gil. Being reduced to hunters in their down time wasn't helping keep everyone calm. Though presently they were en route to Lestallum, Iris having called Noct earlier in the week which gave Gladio the peace of mind he desperately needed. So with one possible break down successfully diverted, that left three in waiting, although Gladio breaking down would be a sight for sore eyes indeed, as well as painful for those in his wake. 

Unfortunately there was one person that looked ready to burst and it wasn't the usual suspects. Gladio kept eyeing Ignis in the mirror every few minutes wearily, the Adviser looked beyond exhausted and irritable, the ridiculous amount of caffeine he'd ingested recently probably didn't help. 

It was becoming a common occurrence for Gladio to wake up and find Ignis reading something on his phone, coaxing Noct or Prompto back to sleep after a nightmare. And he was sick of it, one might suggest jealous even. Noct said he'd pull his own weight but ultimately it backfired, the lazy git would never learn, at least not until he broke Ignis, which was rapidly becoming inevitable. Not that the latter helped matters at all by coddling the man, bending to his every whim despite Gladio's insistence on 'tough love'.

"So… When we get to Lestallum, what're we gonna do exactly?" Prompto suddenly questioned.

Noct shrugged at the question, Gladio wasn't sure at all and Ignis frowned. "Our first priority should be reuniting with Iris. Then gather information on the area, in hopes of there being another tomb nearby, as well as replenishing our supplies."

"Right… Gotcha. That mean we're gonna be there for a few days?" 

"Probably. Iris ain't the type you can run away from, eh, Iggy?" Gladio prodded Ignis' shoulder with a smirk, the latter glaring at him in the rearview mirror. Prompto cocked an eyebrow with that confused puppy expression of his, waiting for an answer but unsure if he really wanted one. "Don't worry blondie. Iggy's like a brother to Iris, she just used to cling to him like a dog to a bone."

"And in the process permanently damaging Gladio's ego." Ignis cut in smugly, his smirk morphed into a cocky grin when Gladio flipped him the middle finger.

"I hate Noct's driving, but I ain't gonna hesitate to deck you Iggy, I'm super humble." Gladio joked. Well- he was actually half-serious.

“I’d like to see you try.” Was all Ignis said, it was all that needed to be said. 

Noct and Prompto were aware Ignis could hold his own against Gladio, more than that, he could put the Shield on his back. Not that Gladio would ever openly admit to losing to the Prince’s Adviser, who was meant to be a nerdy, puny pushover; not a super nerdy but too-hot-for-his-own-good badass.

On the way to Lestallum, the temperature just seemed to increase and it only made people all the more irate. After all, who really likes being sweaty, hot and confined in a cramped car for hours? Certainly not these boys. Especially since it's been this way for days now. Needless to say jackets were shed and sleeves rolled up, Ignis even resigned to unbutton a couple more if his shirt buttons than usual, not that Gladio was complaining.

Although, despite the horrid heat and sweaty locals, Lestallum seemed quite quaint and homey, given none of the boys hadn't been here prior to this trip. Prompto certainly enjoyed the scenery, both the architecture and seemingly endless women.

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