Chapter three

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A/N: This is longer than I thought and I'm sorry. There's some fluffy silly shite at the end, before the storm that will be chapter four. I'm literally half asleep so, sorry if there's mistakes, not that I have a beta or proof read anyways haha. Anyways, hope this is worth the length, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I used some in-game text, you can clearly see where though and probably recall the cutscene/convo.

As per usual, Noct was the last to rise the next morning, groggy but in a considerably better mood than last night. Gladio on the other hand was in a foul mood, ordinarily he would’ve woken up with Ignis in his arms or asleep beside him, that or to him making coffee but this morning… He woke up to Prompto’s snoring and Noct kicking him. At least the coffee was consistent.

“So, what’s the plan Specs?” Noct asked sleepily, taking the mug of life giving liquid extended to him, and that was saying something because Noct wasn’t overly fond of coffee. Much unlike Ignis who practically lived off of it. 

“Quite simple. We finish off this little errand of ours, pay Cid and Cindy for repairing the car and be on our way, Galdin Quay is our next destination.” Ignis said. Noct didn’t seem to take that in but he nodded anyways, confident the Adviser would make sure things run smoothly with Gladio’s help of course. From an outside perspective, one could describe the groups dynamic like an average family, two parents and two children, given the four of them were more like brothers. 

Prompto soon came tumbling out of the tent, trying to pull his boot on and falling over in a spectacular manner that had even Ignis laughing ever so slightly. “Quit it! Can we go already!?” The blonde shouted, pouting as he stalked over to his seat and accepted a plate of food quietly. 

Not ten minutes later the four of them were off to find the creature Dave was talking about, having cleared away their camping supplies, one of the many uses of the armiger. The area they were looking for was quite concealed, though not exactly what you would call a small piece of land either. 

“So what’re we after?” Noct questioned, it wasn’t as though Dave told them what they were looking for.

Prompto yelped and fled behind Gladio and Ignis, “Maybe something like that?!” After a moment of observation he peeked around Gladio. “It doesn’t look that dangerous, maybe it’s friendly?”

“Move!” The Shield shoved the others to the side, out of the way of the incoming creature, it looked as though it was charging at them. Unfortunately for ‘it’, it was no match for Gladio’s sword, at least not on it's own. With a grunt and an upwards strike from the Shield, it fell to the side heavily and kicked its legs in the air, trying to turn over onto its front. “Let’s go! Iggy- What is this?”

Ignis stood back and thought, sifting through the countless bestiaries he’d read and memorised, snapping his fingers when he remembered. “It appears to be a Bloodhorn, though it may be contaminated by something else... If we break it’s horns, we can dispose of it quickly with little risk.”

“Yeah? And how the hell are we supposed to do that?!” Noct shouted from the other side of the beast, clearly distressed already. 

“Noct- Use your broadsword- Prompto and I will move to the rear to strike, once you two break the appendages. Questions?” Ignis shot Noct a look, half expecting a snide remark or protest but he said nothing. 

“Basically, don’t fuck up Princess or we’re gonna get skewered, got it?” Gladio huffed, Noct glaring at him but changing to his broadsword all the same, Ignis and Prompto moving to opposite sides until the others distracted the Bloodhorn. Almost on cue, the beast rose to its feet, enraged and confused it charged once again only to be blocked by Gladio’s shield, taking the opportunity he and Noct attacked it’s horns. A sickening snap and they broke off, the Bloodhorn letting out a pained cry, cut short by a flurry gunshots and incoming daggers, followed by a thud as it fell to the ground, one last whimper escaped as it died.

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