Chapter eleven

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No-one likes playing the waiting game. Least of all Gladio, he's never been the most patient man but there's a difference between waiting for a bus and waiting for your partner to wake up, not from sleep might you. In fact, it's the helplessness that irritates him more. More often than not, Prompto will come in to relieve Gladio of his watch, only to be told 'no'. It's not like he meant to be harsh on the kid, but they're all stressed out and snapping at one another can't be helped.

It's been a few days since Altissia fell into ruin, since they lost Noct and Luna. For Gladio, he silently prays Ignis will wake up soon, lest he lose all hope and the rest of his heart. He's tried planning out their next moves but plans really aren't his forte, both he and Prompto together can't so much as cook a decent meal, let alone plan the next however many years.

So Gladio just waits, perched in a chair, holding Ignis' hand like it'll miraculously trigger something. Instead, it's like he's holding ice, save the occasional twitch.

"C'mon Iggy... I know you can hear me, get your stubborn head outta the clouds and come back to me." Gladio pleads, given the fact he knows it's slowly becoming a lost cause. His eyes were drawn to the scar around Ignis' finger, one of many permanent reminders of that day and the stupid choice he made.

Over the past few days, Ignis' wounds healed and in their wake left scars marring his skin, considerably less than there could have been but still... Gladio found it hard to look at them, even though he has countless scars of his own. His eyes were bandaged for the sake of precaution, an infection is the last thing they need. Make no mistake, doesn't blame himself, not entirely at least, Noct and Ignis are just as responsible for this mess. He doesn't blame Prompto though, poor kid didn't know what to do with himself half the time but was still a huge help.

"You mighta kicked Ravus' ass, maybe Ardyn's too, but you wake up and I'm gonna kick your ass for bein' so damn stupid. Well... I'll try anyways, I'm sure Prompto would help," He began, reaching into his pocket and holding a chain in his fist, rather than a pendant though, he'd put a simple, silver ring on it. "Was kinda tempted to put a Haribo ring on this y'know? Mess with you a bit, not that you'd mind, you being you. Don't think you'd wanna wear another ring, so this is the next best thing." Gladio sighed heavily, enclosing it in Ignis' hand before he rose to his feet, in dire need of a long walk.

(16:42) Gladio: wanna trade? I need a walk

Prompto must've been playing on his phone because he replied almost instantly.

(16:43) Prompto: sure buddy, be right there.

Sure enough, a soft knock came at the door and Prompto poked his head round sheepishly. He'd brought his phone charger and an energy drink with him, backpack slung lazily over his shoulder.

"You okay?" He asked, settling into Gladio's seat, crossing his legs. "I think there's some food left in the kitchen if you're hungry, big guy like you needs ta eat, too." Gladio didn't miss how Prompto's expression softened when he looked at the bed. "That what I think it is?"

Gladio pursed his lips, knowing Prompto had a sharp eye and it wasn't like the chain was well hidden in Ignis' loose grasp. "Depends what you think it is. Won't be long, text me if you need me, yeah?"

"Yeah, 'course." He said with a smile, weak and forced as it may be. "Don't worry buddy, we ain't going anywhere. Bring me back another one of these, will ya?"

Shaking his head with a fond smile, Gladio nodded once and left the room. His back ached and his rear was numb from sitting down for so long. The trek downstairs was longer now, what with the damage sustained and the amount of people taking refuge here. The Leville had been turned into a refugee centre for the time being, a couple of doctors buzzing around wherever they were needed at the time, most of them running on caffeine and nerves. Most food was being rationed, not that they were running low yet but there'd be no telling when Lucis could send supplies, Gladio had already asked Iris to inform the others.

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