Chapter two

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A/N: As usual, unbeta'd but it should be okay, see anything major let me know and I'll update it ^^

Game text was used for this cause it correlates with the game's storyline and events etc. But I skipped little bits and added bits here and there.

“I think we can forget about hitching our way there…” Gladio grumbled, resorting to leaning against the car door, wiping the sweat from his brow. “Thought people were friendly outside the city.”

“You can only go so far on the kindness of strangers.” Ignis spoke plainly, letting out a sigh as he stared at the road ahead, ever so slightly grateful to be sat in the car rather than pushing it.

The Shield rolled his shoulders, prepared to continue. “Just gonna have to push her all the way.”

“I’ve already pushed myself… To the brink of death.” Prompto piped up, laid behind the car like the drama queen he was quickly becoming under Noct’s tutelage. Thought perhaps it wasn’t entirely theatrical, they had been pushing the car for some time and he was fairly scrawny compared to say Gladio. 

“Oh, get up.” Said Gladio, patting Noct on the back and nudging Prompto’s foot with his own. When neither of them made to move he kicked Prompto lightly, “C’mon, car isn’t gonna move itself.” 

Moaning and groaning, both Noct and Prompto begrudgingly got to their feet and split to their respective sides, Gladio at the rear of the car. “Sheesh, I thought the car was supposed to move us.”

“Wouldn’t that be nice?”

“Can it. Ready… Steady…” Another groan from Prompto as he and Noct secured a good grip on the car. “Push!” And yet another, seemingly the only way the younger men could express their discomfort and frustration. Pushing their heavy, broken down car with the sun bearing down on them was certainly a good start to their journey. 

After not even five minutes Noct decided to pipe up and restart the complaints. “Un. Believable.”

“Not exactly a fairy tale beginning, huh, Prince Noctis?” Gladio chimed in sarcastically, Noct rolling his eyes at the comment and soldiered on. 

“We let ourselves get carried away.” Was Ignis’ only addition to the conversation, his only job at the moment being to make sure the car keeps going straight. Meanwhile the rest of them slaved away. 

“Look, these things happen!” Prompto said, cheery as ever given the situation. 

“Let’s just hope this isn’t some omen.”

“Gladio, do me a favour.-”

“-Push this thing by yourself!” Noct said breathlessly, as if there weren’t 2 other people pushing as well. 

“All by myself?”

“You won’t even notice if we just let go.” Prompto teased. 

“Prompto, don’t even think about it.” The threat imminent in the Shield’s voice, so much so Prompto didn’t dare even mess around and pretend to let go. 

“Save some breath for pushing.”

“Ignis, c’mon- time to switch!”

“Uh-uh! We just switched back there!”

“And it’s my turn, Noct.” The livewire stated, Noct shooting him a sidelong glare. 

“His ‘turn’.” Ignis agreed, a slight undertone of amusement, to the dismay of Noct, who now wore a permanent scowl. The last few complaints consisted of Prompto complaining his hands hurt and then Gladio threatening to kill him barehanded. And that was when Ignis turned on his mp3, borrowing Noct's speaker.

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