Chapter four

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A/N: This isn't overly fluffy or feelsy but I tried? Hope this is okay, the comments motivate me so thank you! I cut out some conversations and diverged from canon events a little 'cause hey it's a fanfic, I can do what I want lol. 

I kinda made Noct act like a bit of a dick near the end but it's super brief and you can probably understand given the events.

By the time Gladio woke up Ignis was nowhere to be seen but he could hear the shower running, Prompto and Noct still very much asleep and likely to be for some time, he grabbed his phone off the nightstand and groaned when he read the time. It was only 6:17, earlier than he usually got up for sure, though it appeared Ignis hadn't been up long either, the spot he slept in was still quite warm. That being said, Gladio was very reluctant to move because it was so warm, he grabbed the pillow Ignis had used and hugged it to his chest, just staring at the ceiling in thought.

"Ah, you're awake, my apologies if I woke you up." Gladio glanced over at the bathroom, Ignis stood in the doorway looking far too awake this early, with his hair done and fully dressed just made Gladio feel lazy.

"Nah, started gettin' colder without you, plus Prince Charmless' snoring woke me up." He said, nodding at Noct, currently sprawled out in the other bed.

Ignis threw his towel in the bag of laundry, picking up his phone and glasses from the nightstand. "I'm going to see about the ferry and perhaps pick up a paper, do you need anything?"

"How can you be this productive this early? Like- I don't even wanna get outta bed yet- But you're always up this early... Do you actually sleep or are you a vampire?" Gladio asked, masking his sarcasm with seriousness, he meant it as a joke though. "I'm kidding, Igs, I'll make sure the kids are up so text me when you're on your way back, yeah?"

"But of course. I strongly advise making Prompto shower though..." Ignis retorted, eyeing the sleeping blonde fondly but haphazardly, likely referring to the amount of dirt that accumulated on the young man somehow.

Once Ignis was gone and Gladio was left to his own devices, his thoughts became festered with 'what ifs'. So he opted for remembering last night and although things could have been worse, so much worse if Prompto wasn't a lightweight, the soft look on Ignis' face combined with the alcohol induced blush and composed yet needy mood, made for fond memories. Even if they also lead to... Interesting thoughts, not unwelcome but definitely not appropriate right now.

Rather than lay around forever, Gladio decided to hop in the shower while Noct and Prompto were still asleep. Hopefully by the time he was done they'd be awake but it was wishful thinking, Prompto maybe but the Prince of Naps was another ordeal entirely, if Ignis- Sometimes literally, more often than not- Dragging the man out of bed was anything to adhere to.

Gladio jumped when frantic knocking came at the door, instinctively putting his fists up but it was just that, reminding himself there was no cause for alarm because Ignis locked the door behind him. "Gladio! Hurry up I need to pee!" Came Prompto's whining from the otherside, a thud meant he must've headbutted the door.

"Gimme a sec! I'm sure you can hold it! Hey- Wake Noct up for me!" The Shield shouted back, hearing receding footsteps and then a startled scream from Noct. Better Prompto than Gladio, Noct gets real sassy if anyone but Ignis or Prompto wakes him up.

Clean, showered, dressed and fully awake, Gladio exited the bathroom and within seconds Prompto darted in. Noct looking pissed off to say the least but half-awake, which was a good sign in the long run. He sat up and rubbed his eyes groggily, Prompto returned from the bathroom as Noct actually stood up and stood by the window, the pair of them looked ready to fall back asleep. It took the Prince a moment to realise Ignis wasn't there, after doing a brief scan of the room.

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