Number 13: origins

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Todoroki's file

Name; Shotō Todoroki

Sex: male

Age of 'collection'; 5 years old

Year of quirk development; 5 years old

Date of birth; January 11th

Past; Classified - Access to authorized personal only


Shotō todoroki thought his life couldn't get any worse, he had an abusive father, a quirk he hated and he barley knew his siblings because of the intense training he was forced into

His quirk has only half developed meaning he could make small flames but the most he could do with his ice was make frost

He knew his mother was trying to stay strong but even he could tell she's breaking

One night he decided to get up to grab a drink of water from the kitchen

He was about to open the door when he heard a voice on the other side

'Mom?' The boy thought

He cracked the door open slightly and peeked in to see his mother on the phone in front of the stove

"I can't do it anymore Mom, every day he looks more and more like his father..  I-I can't raise him any longer"

"Mommy?" He asked stepping into the kitchen

His mother spun around with an insane fear in her eyes

The kettle on the stove was now screaming

Before the duel haired boy could react his mother picked up the kettle and poured its contents onto the boys eye

When he awoke his face was poorly bandaged and his mother was gone

"Where's momma?" He asked looking up at his 'father'

"She's gone" he replied blankly not looking up from his newspaper


"She hurt my masterpiece so i sent her away"

The boy let out a small growl

"It was your fault" he said through clenched teeth

"Pardon me? You better watch your mouth boy"

"It's your fault she had to be sent away! It's your fault she's afraid of me!" He yelled with frost climbing up his arm

"Your not aloud to raise your voice here! IM THE FATHER NOT YOU BOY"

"YOUR THE REASON MY MAMAS NOT HERE" Todoroki yelled, his ice coating the walls causing the temperature to drop dramatically

Endeavour didn't seem to notice and he continued to yell


"shut up"


"I said, shut.. UP!" Todoroki threw his hand forward launching an ice spike at his 'father'

He managed to dodge it and looked up at his song with a smile

"Looks like your not entirely useless after all" endeavour then knocked him over the head making him unconscious

When Todoroki awoke he was in a white room with three white beds


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