A deal

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(Side note: Shinsos quirk has evolved so he no longer needs a verbal answer, he just needs to make eye contact but non verbally using his quirk makes the connection weaker and gives him a headache"

At this izuku chuckled lowly

"What could you possibly want with monsters like us?"

Nezu folded his hands together and smiled

"Monster? All I see is three young boys with potential"

Izuku leaned forward in his seat

"I could snap your neck in an instant with only the bat of my eyelid, Shotō could freeze you to the ground and leave you for dead, shinso Can control you against your will without even moving and you want to sit there and tell us we're not monsters?"

"I'm speaking the truth, You're not a monster izuku Midoriya"

"Firstly never, and I mean NEVER call me by that bastard of a fathers name
It's deku or izuku but not Midoriya
Secondly, I'm just saying what society has told us our entire lives"

Izuku slowly leaned back into his chair and smirked almost proud of being labeled as a monster
But Deep down we all know he just wants to be welcome in this mess of a world..

"I don't believe you truly think you are a monster izuku" nezu said

Izuku scoffed

"Over the years the weak little boy everyone once knew died,
he withered away and rotted in a cold empty room after nearly killing his father
He was forced to re live awful memories and plagued with nightmares
His mother couldn't afford to bail him out while he was alive and she's now sick in a hospital somewhere knowing her son was reborn into a cold cruel bastard who will most likely be caged like an animal for the rest of his life,
So yeah
I do think I'm a monster"

"We all are" shinso said looking at his lap

"Well how would you like to change that?" Aizawa asked


Number 23Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora