Zero Pointer

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I can't write action scenes for the life of me, I'm exhausted, and plus ultra depressed
My apologies if it's shitty

Izuku smiled devilishly and cracked his knuckles as they lined up awaiting command

He turned to Shinso, who had already scanned the battle ground and come up with a plan so he wouldn't have to use anyone against their will, and smiled reassuringly at him

Shinso nodded in acknowledgement and got into a running position

Izuku then turned to todoroki
He seemed to be anxiously pulling at the skintight fireproof sleeves under his T-shirt

"Hey" the green haired boy started "it'll be ok, toshi and I are here, nobody's forcing you to use your fire quirk" he cooed

Todoroki smiled gratefully and nodded before taking a deep breath and narrowing his eyes at the entrance

With a proud smirk izuku reddied ;) himself up

Pres. Mic said something before shouting a loud "GO!" And the three boys shot off
Todoroki using ice to help shinso slide ahead of them, izuku using his quirk to harden and sharpen his knuckle bones like knives

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?" Mic yelled at the frozen students "THEY HAVE THE RIGT IDEA! VILLAINS DONT WAIT AROUND FOR YOU" his yelling seemed to snap them out of their trance and the hesitant teens followed behind


When the others caught up it was already a war zone

Izuku had a maniacal smile on his face as he ripped apart and crushed robots with pure strength (plus a boost from his titanium knife like knuckles)

Todoroki seemed to be enjoying himself, freezing robots, watching hem crumble with a laugh and helping Shinso by making ice weapons for him to grab

Shinso was having the time of his life
Whooping and hollering happily along his best friends as he destroyed the weaker bots with literally just his muscle power

The others rushed into battle, trying to catch up and claim what little points were left

Izuku spat blood onto the pavement and wiped sweat off his forehead

He turned to his two companions and yelled "Shoto 43, Toshi 47" they grunted and have him a thumbs up before running back into the fight

"And I have 56" he nodded to himself before whipping around and jumping a robot that had attempted to sneak up on him

They had just jumped onto the roof of a nearby fake building to catch their breaths and talk for the remainder of the test when the ground shook

They all looked at each other with a smile as the zero pointer slowly charged forward

Todoroki created an ice slide and helped them down safely to begin helping other examines

Shinso carrying students who couldn't move

Izuku moving rubble off of trapped students

And Todoroki freezing the base of the robot to give them more time

Once everyone was evacuated safely todoroki looked over to izuku who nodded

He froze the bottom half of the robot and threw an exhausted shinso over his shoulder before beginning to run away, leaving the greenette to deal with the metal giant

Izuku cracked his knuckles and swiftly began to climb the robot, using cracks and ice shards to boost himself higher

He finally got to the main control panel and quickly opened it before, quite literally, smashing it and jumping down

He landed gracefully and sprinted after the two boys as the robot began to fall to the ground

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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