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"What do you mean change that..?" Todoroki whispered to himself

"How'd you like to become hero's?"

"WHA-" they all yelled at once

"It's true! Think of it as a free trial, a rehabilitation program if you will, by the end of the semester if you'd like to transfer out we could set you up at a different facility, a less abusive one" nezu explained with a chipper voice

The three boys sat in their chairs, shocked

Todoroki even started crying

Shinso had his jaw dropped

And deku stayed emotionless, but everyone could see the tears welling up in his eyes clear as day

"So boys-" he started again with a smile "would you like to become UA students?"

Todoroki nodded up and down excitedly and Shinso let out a small noise of surprise

"You really mean it?!" He asked, smile growing

Aizawa nodded "we do, I'd like to take you three in as my students to personally make sure this turns out well"

Shinso blushed softly, flattered at what his idol was telling them

"We'll do it" deku said suddenly
"On one condition-"

The entrance exams

The day of the exams the three boys were let out of the facility

They said their goodbyes to the few people that they had connected with
And deku May or May not have bitch slapped his least favorite guard-

Despite the excitement they were all buzzing with they kept a straight and monotone expression the entire time

"Do you think the zero pointer will be super OP?" Todoroki whispered

"This is UA, everything is probably going to be OP in some way" deku responded

Shinso nodded in agreement as a stiff looking blue haired boy shot up to ask a question

"And you three-!" He pointed at them

"You've been talking this whole time, if you're not going to take this seriously you should leave!"

Shinso and Todoroki shrunk into themselves
Deku noticed this and was not pleased

He stood up and cleared his throat
"I will have you know, sir, we were discussing the same things you were asking questions about, we had figured it out on our own without disrupting the instructions we were being given, now would you kindly sit the fuck down and leave me and my friends alone?" He smiled 'sweetly' and used his quirk to clog the flow in the boys calves, causing his quirk to loudly sputter and make an even bigger scene

"M-my apologies" he bowed and sat back down while deku smirked at his embarrassment

"That was hot" Todoroki and Shinso whispered at the same time

Deku laughed and ruffled their hair "why thank you ya dorks"

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