~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~depression poem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Its something

Everyone goes through once In there life

Others suffer greatly from depression

Or let's say they suffer from a demon

That slowly gets you

And takes you

And haunts your every thought

With violent words

And every memory is pain

No matter how happy or how sad

Every Time you wake Up

You wish you wouldn't

Your battling yourself

Your mind

Your drowning

Trying to catch a breath

Forced to watch everyone breathing

Unable to scream

You die each Night

Hating your mind


crying yourself to Sleep

During the day Its worse

Because the smile on your face isn't real

But people can't tell

But your sitting there

Wishing you weren't

And Its rare that you even crack a smile

A laugh

A joke

And when you do It quickly goes away cause you think

Why am I like this

And then you

Are alone

Nothing matters

In the end

In this battle

In this war

You either drown your demons and win

Or they pull you down with them and drown you.

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