thoughts of an anorexic

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"That looks so good but I can't eat It !!!"

"Just 10 more pounds"

"There looking at you because your fat"

"They try to make you eat because yhere jealouse of how much weight you have lost"

"Don't eat .. don't fucking eat"

"The hunger reminds me that I'm not failing"

"We cant let them know "

"Nothing above 100 nothing above 100"

"Bones bones bones"

"I see no difference "

"I am such a faliure "

"Yes my goal weight ... maybe just a little more "

"Just 3 pounds what the hell "

"Don't look at me I'm fat "

"Don't touch me"

"I'm to fat to be anorexic"

"I wanna tell them but they will just stop me "

"Starve For perfection starve starve starve "

"Maybe just one bite...."

"No you can't eat that It has calories"

"I can't eat that Its poison "

"I rather die than keep being fat"

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