"You're-You're Bruce's father !" (Bruce Wayne x Reader)

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Originally posted on my Tumblr : https://ellana-ravenwood.tumblr.com/post/163640089113/youreyoure-bruces-father-bruce-wayne-x

As usual, feedbacks are very welcomed :) 


You wake up in a dark alley and your thoughts are a mess.

Everything is blurry and confusing.

You were at the League's Watchtower, talking about...something. And then you heard Bruce screaming your name and...Here you were. Laying on the cold floor in an alleyway that you were pretty sure was in Gotham (you'd recognize your hometown amongst anything).

What the hell happened ? Was that all a dream or...were you sleep walking ?

Bruce said you were talking in your sleep and sometimes kicked or punched him but...to your knowledge, you never actually walked out of your bed.

And definitely not into the night all the way to some place in the city !

Besides, Bruce and your boys always had their eyes on the tracker they put on you (they thought they were being so damn sneaky about this while you knew all along...and never minded. It was pretty cute.) But the fact that they had that tracker on you meant that they'd see you go to Gotham and one of their overly protective ass would be around and...


You're suffocating.

And because your mind is still in some sort of unnatural haze, you don't register right away that what makes you suffocate are a pair of hands around your neck. Squeezing. More and more every seconds.

You already starts to see black spots form in front of you when...The sound of a gun. Three shot. Followed by bodies hitting the ground.

And here he is. Your Bruce. Did he get hurt when whoever was attacking you shot him ? It's the first thought that comes to your mind, as you drift slowly in unconsciousness.

But...why is the Batman logo on his suit red ? He never had a red suit before...

He approaches you and...the way he walks is so unfamiliar. What is going on ? And...is that a gun in his hand ?

He catches you as you finally faint, and the last thing you see is how his eyes widen as you murmur : "Bruce ?"...Everything goes black.


And here we go again. You wake up more confused than you ever been in your life. Why are you tied down ? You're pretty sure you're in one of Bruce's safe place that he scattered all around Gotham...But there's something wrong.

It doesn't take you long before you realize what feels off. The walls are covered with guns of all kind. You're pretty sure there's even a bazooka. And Bruce ? He'd never have such a place. Though it really looks like one of his safe place...Maybe Jason got hold of it ? But Jason doesn't use guns anymore either...

And again, why the fuck are you tied down ?!

A shadow spreads over you and...here he is. The Batman. And by now, you're pretty sure it's not your Batman.

Bruce always said you were a smart one, that your brain worked faster than most people and that you were more intelligent than him sometimes. Of course, you'd always dismiss anything he said, because that man spend his damn time praising you and you could be just too insecure to even listen.

And sure enough, faster than you realize, your brain actually makes all the connections it need to and...You know where you are now. You're still not sure how things happen as you can't properly remember, but you know.

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