A little piece of me

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Hey everyone,
So there's so much I need to say, I thought I'd rather just make an extra note of it. So people who doesn't want to read this can skip it anyway.

This is about the story first. So maybe you should read it. I just want to explain a few things.

You guys must be weirded out by all the fluff going on the last chapter.
I get it. I was sceptical writting it as well. I know it was kinda too much.
But I thought why not?
It was necessary to show how they actually felt inside.
And I'm a sucker for Larry fluff anyways.

Louis and Harry are definitely straight. Like at least this far in their life.
But they are starting to develop feelings for each other.
They consciously think about those feelings , they know it's there, and even act upon it.
Hence all the touching and thristy thoughts.

But the only thing is, they are in deNiall. ( Catlovr2412😉)
They can't seem to understand it. They've never felt any such thing before. So they brush it all away.

It's just not someting they want to think about.
They end up saying it's just some sort of" mutual respect" or a bromance.

Nothing else.
Because it's easier that way.

Harry is the one who's getting it the most, because he was fully conscious when Louis got drunk and started grinding down on him. He remembers and knows how much he liked it.

On the other hand like you must have realised by now, they have a big crush on Ally.
And yes they are falling in love with her AND each other, it's like a love triangle.

The only thing is that Ally doesn't return the feeling. She likes them but not in a romantic way.
Just to be clear.

Also some of you might be thinking I'm dragging this story.
Because things aren't happening as fast as you would like them to.

Usually in fanfics , they are already deeply in love the minute they met.
And a couple by the end of the week.
That's not happening in this one.

This book is going to focus on 4 character's life.
They each have their own stories and issues going on in life.
And believe me it's going to get interesting from this chapter.
I have a surprise for you ;)

Plus I really want to make this as real as I can.
I know I'm not an amazing writer. I will try my best to convey the story as best as I can.

Thing is relationships don't just magically happen.
Like you meet someone and instantly fall in love with them. I know this is a fiction. But like I said I will try to be as real as possible without ruinning the fun.
You have instant infatuation yes, but you can't fall in love with a stranger.

Because what's there to fall in love with?

You don't know them.
You don't know their past, don't know what made them who they are today.
You don't know what they like. Their darkness, their sadness , their insecurities, their secrets , their dreams...
Haven't shared moments that made you fall in love with them...
You don't know what they hope and wish for in the future.

So how can you love that person?

It takes time.
And it's all about how it happened, what triggered those feelings. How they realised they were in love. And in the end, if that relashionship is going to work out or not?

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