Chapter 2

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Rhianna left almost at exactly 11 which suprised Ayana. Nothing was ever this easy with her. Everything was always difficult with Rhianna.

Compelled to Rhianna's motives, Ayana sat and watched from her window until Rhianna was in her friends' car and was out of sight. Then she put her plan into action. Her mum decided to go shopping and decided to take her middle daughter, Lacy with her. Dad was at work. This meant that Ayana was home alone. Ayana swiftly sprinted across the corridor and pulled a hairpin out of her hair. She rammed it into the lock and jiggled it about until it sprang open with a satisfying 'click!'

Ayana methodically searched the room, starting from the wardrobe, to the bed and finally, to Rhianna's desk. Despair  filled her heart as Ayana searched with no luck of finding the mysterious letter. Maybe Rhianna had taken it with her, or worse, burnt it? Upon reaching the last cupboard, Ayana let out a relieved gasp as lots of identical mysterious letters fell out of it.

A car door slam made Ayana turn her head around worriedly. How could they be back so soon? Ayana piled all the letters back into the cupboard and carefully closed it. Then she raced into the hallway just in time to see Rhianna about to open the front door!

Horrified, Ayana realised that she hadn't locked Rhianna's door! She sped upstairs and locked the just as Rhianna came upstairs. 

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