Chapter 3

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"What are you doing?" asked Rhianna.

"Oh, nothing!" replied Ayana, "Just admiring the wonderful craftsmanship on your door handle! Just look!"

"Ugh, no. You're such a nerd, Ayana, I can't believe that I'm even related to you!" Rhianna scoffed as she strutted past Ayana, unlocking the key to her room.

That mean comment stung, but Ayana got used to it. After all, after being overshadowed by your two elder sisters all your life, you seemed to just get used to being in the shadows. Ayana wondered whether she would be able to come out of them.

At midnight Ayana crawled out of bed and over to her desk. She rummaged through the bottom until she found what she was looking for. The mysterious letter that she stole from Rhianna earlier that day.Once she found it she grabbed her phone and used it as a makeshift torch. The front of the letter was exactly the same, with its waxy texture and Ayana's adress inked in in the same bottle green colour.

She looked at the other side and saw a blood red seal with a snake, a lion, a badger and an eagle on it, with a H in the middle.Mystified she opened the lgetter. It read;

Dear Miss Banks,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Term starts on September 1st. Please send an owl by no later than July 31st to inform us of your presence.First year students shall require;

A wand,

This was all too much for Ayana. She stormed into her parents' room and demanded to know what on earth was going on.

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