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Peter sat in the car, watching the city go by. He had seen all these buildings before while on patrol and on his way home from school, but it was still nice. It gave him time to think. He would have to find some way around Tony Stark's AI so he could sneak out to be Spiderman. He would also have to deal with the spies of the household, who would definitely try to find every single secret he was hiding. He turned away from the window when he heard Steve speak,

"So Peter, how are you feeling?"

"I'm alright. Still not really sure if this is a dream or not."

"I can assure you, this is not a dream."

Steve chuckled and smiled fondly, already knowing the team was going to love Peter. Tony started a conversation with Peter about school, and Peter happily chatted all the way to the tower. When the pulled up front of the tower, Peter hopped out of the car and grabbed his bag from the trunk, his backpack already on his shoulders. He looked up at the tower, just staring for a moment. He used to like resting on top of the tower when he was on patrol, but he couldn't anymore since the Avengers were after him. He sighed and followed his new parents into the tower. A lady at the front desk gave him a badge, which was gold colored and said Peter Stark with a picture of him. He tucked it in his pocket and went with Steve and Tony into the private elevator, still making mindlessly conversation. They went up to the top level and walked out into the hallway where they saw Vision waiting for them.

"Hello Peter, I am Vision. Tony had me come out here so I could greet you first. I believe he fears the team with scare you off."

Peter chuckled and Tony mumbled that he should've picked Bruce. Steve waved off Vision and the AI with a body floated off to the common room to inform everyone else that the new member of the family had arrived.

"Okay, we'll introduce you to everyone, then you can go see your room and put your stuff away. You have a week you have to return to school, so you'll have plenty of time to explore the tower."

Peter nodded and glanced around, taking in everything. It seemed so surreal, moving in with the Avengers when they didn't know his identity. He crept into the common room to see the team spread around a multitude of couches and chairs. Tony cleared his throat and everyone turned around, eyes darting between him and Peter.

"Okay guys, meet Peter! He is the newest member of Steve and I's family!"

The team all nodded, some looking excited to have a new person around, some looking annoyed that they would have a kid around now.

"Hey everyone!"

Peter said bubbly, though he was pretty nervous. These were the people that had been chasing him for a long time. They were the reason he had gone back to the orphanage with large wounds that he had to take care of for himself. He had already come to a decision, they would never know about him being Spiderman. He waved, moving his bag from one shoulder to the other as he shoulder it had been on still had a healing wound from his patrol last night. Steve took it as a sign the bag was too heavy and decided it was time to head to Peter's room.

"Okay Pete, let's go see your room so you can set that bag down."

Steve and Tony started walking in and with one last wave, Peter followed them to where his new room would be. 

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