The Lab

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Peter wandered through the hallways, still holding the science book open and reading through the experiment again, going over how he could use it to make the webs stronger. He looked up to see himself a few feet away from a giant glass door showing a huge lab. He smiled widely and ran over to the door, struggling to get it open.

"FRIDAY, how do I open the door?"

"Only I can open it for people with access."

"Well can you open it for me?"

"Okay Peter, but be careful not to mess with any of Boss's experiments."

The door slides open with a whoosh and Peter runs in, rushing around in awe of everything. He finally settles down and finds the chemicals he needs for his experiment. He looks around for a place to sit but ultimately decides to just sit on the ceiling.

"FRIDAY, warn me if anyone comes in, okay?"

"Alright, Peter."

Peter begins mixing the chemicals with the web fluid, being careful not to explode it. He did not need a repeat of last time. He carefully put the webs into a small vile and tucked them into his pocket so he could load them into his suit later. 

"Peter, it appears Dr. Banner is entering the lab."


Peter jumps off the ceiling and begins frantically trying to clean up all the materials.

"Peter? What are you doing?"

Peter whips around, jumping backward.

"Sorry, Dr. Banner sir! I was just doing an experiment! I'll get out now!"

"No no it's alright Peter, what experiment were you doing?"

"This one. I just wanted to try something easy."

Peter pointed to the open book on the table.

"Easy? That's a pretty advanced experiment."

Peter hums in response and starts looking around the lab, curious to see what all the different tools did.

"Okay Peter, I can see you eyeing the equipment. Go, have fun and don't break anything."

Bruce ruffled Peter's hair and walked out. Peter waits till he is gone before taking off, not bothering to hold back on using his superspeed. He went and touched all the equipment before sitting down at one piece and starting letting his ideas flow. Oh, he was so going to enjoy this place. 

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