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Peter groaned and slammed his fist into his alarm clock. He slowly peeled his eyes open to peek at the clock he had smashed into pieces.

"Well...guess I'll die."

Peter dragged himself out of bed, groaning to himself about how he is never staying up till 2 AM again. (Spoiler alert: Peter stayed up till 3 AM the next night) He threw on an old T-shirt and shorts and messily brushed his curly hairy, rushing to get ready before 5. He grabbed a granola bar and ate on the way down to the gym, using FRIDAY to figure out where it was. He rushed in to see Natasha on a mat, warming up with a punching bag.

"Umm, I hope I'm not too late?"

She whipped around to face him, a small smirk appearing on her face when she saw Peter clumsily try to find a spot to put down his water bottle.   

"You are fine. You finish doing that then come over here and show me how you punch."

Peter ran over, weaving between the work out equipment and not holding back on his superspeed.

"Not gonna lie, you are pretty agile. Your age helps with that."

Peter nods and walks right up to Natasha, standing just a few feet away. 

"Soooooo, where do we start?"

All of a sudden, Natasha attacked. Peter quickly dodged.

"So, I guess we're starting there."

Peter managed to dodge multiple attacks from Natasha before she grabbed him and slammed into the ground, the hit pushing all the air from his lungs. He gasped and sputtered for a moment before regaining normality and struggling against Natasha. He put up a good fight, throwing punches and kicks, but eventually, Nat got him in a chokehold and he tapped out.  Natasha released him and he stood up wearily, his eyes never once landing on a certain point. Finally, Nat waved a hand in front of his face impatiently, which seemed to bring him out of his dazed state. 

"You need more work on your offense. You can't just dodge your enemy. You have to attack."

"I only didn't attack you cuz I was scared to hurt you! That's not fair!"

Natasha seemed very annoyed and off-put by Peter's childish behavior. She quickly ordered him over to the punching bags where they spent the next two hours working on correcting Peter's punching style. It took him a while, but when you caught on he got really good.  

"You did good today young spiderling. You can be dismissed. You will meet me back here tomorrow, same time."

Natasha walked out before Peter could say a word, leaving him to stare at the spot she had stood only a second ago. He slowly moved to collect his water and go back up to his room, where he showered and got dressed in silence. Suddenly, he let out a soft whisper to himself.

"Natasha Romanov just said that I did good."

He was clearly internally fanboying, but he kept it inside and quickly went into the kitchen and made breakfast as quickly as possible to avoid potentially running into Nat. He practically ran to school, so ready to tell Ned everything.  


A/N: IM SO SORRY GUYS! I just realized I hadn't updated this story in more than a month! I swear I'm gonna be more active with updating now and once again I'm really sorry!

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