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Peter was still sitting in the lab hours later, tinkering with different designs for new spider drones and trying to find out how to upgrade Karen. He was just putting the finishing touches on his newest spider drone when FRIDAY made an announcement.

"Peter, boss has asked me to invite you to join him in dinner with the Avengers."

"That doesn't sound too bad. I am pretty hungry. Where is he?"

"He is in the kitchen, would you like me to take you there?"

"Yes please!"

Peter hopped over his stool and followed the lights FRIDAY was using to guide. Eventually, he found himself in a large kitchen where all the Avengers were sitting spread around a giant table. Peter approached slowly, realizing no one had noticed him coming in, well besides Nat. He slowly walked over to Steve and tapped him on the shoulder, trying not to startle him. Steve whipped his head around, clearly in defense mode but his eyes softened when he saw the anxious Peter.

"Hey Peter, go ahead and take a seat! Tony should be back with pizza any minute."

Peter nodded and cautiously took a seat in between Wanda because she didn't look much older than him, and Steve because he was more familiar with him. Peter was quiet well everyone spoke, glancing around nervously every once and awhile. Clint seemed to notice this and spoke up.

"Hey Peter, you don't have to look so nervous, I promise we don't bite. At least not on your first day here!"

Peter cracked a small smile and looked up, letting some of his sassy spider-man side come out.

"It's not the biting I'm worried about, I think it's more fact that you're ancient! I don't want to break the antiques!"

Peter stuck his tongue out and grabbed a slice of pizza from the box in front of him, taking a large bite. He savored the taste, not remembering the last time he had fresh pizza. Wanda was next to speak to Peter.

"Oh come on! I'm not old! I'm only like 4 years older than you!"

"Okay fair, you are the only not ancient one. The rest of you are still old though."

Peter's smirk grew and he quickly finished his slice, looking at Tony to make sure it was okay to have another. When the man nodded and told him to have as much as he would like, he really let loose. He continued to make snarky comments and laugh with the group, eventually eating three whole pizzas. Finally, he stopped, leaning back in his chair.

"Woah kid, I have no idea where you manage to put all that food."

Peter just shrugged and started to clean the dishes.

"You don't have to do that Pete, it's Nat's night to do the dishes."

"It's alright, I'm used to doing dishes."

"At least let Nat help, she shouldn't get to skip her night."

Peter hummed in response and continued to do the dishes, Nat coming over to help while everyone else filed into the living room for a movie.

"So, you're the Spiderman."

"Wait what? Noooooo!"

"Yeah, you are. You can't hide anything from me, Peter."

"How did you even figure it out?"

"The voice, the snarkiness, oh and the excessive eating all gave you away. Don't think anyone else noticed though."

"Please don't tell them! If they find out they might give me back to the orphanage or turn me into SHIELD!"

"Relax, I'm not gonna tell them. I am going to train you though. You can't be getting hurt around here, they'll notice. Meet me tomorrow at 5 AM for training. Come prepared."

And with that Nat walked off, leaving a stunned Peter behind. 

"Well shit. I should probably call Ned."

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