841 36 5

Kelly green: safety,harmony,stability,reliability,balance
Lime green: growth,harmony,kindness,dependability

"Jongdae,I know you're mad but please give me a chance to explain everything to you",Minseok said.

"There's no need for that mr. Kim.You obviously said that there's nothing to talk about that night and I respect that",Jongdae said and tried to look away from his best friend who was clearly not satisfied with Jongdae's decisions.

"Jongdae stop saying nonsense please let me explain everything.Don't be stubborn,please give me another chance",his boss said and Jongdae got surprised because of the miserable pleading.The last thing he expected was 38 missed calls from Minseok and begging for a forgiveness.

A moment of silence,Jongdae glanced at Baekhyun carefully and raised his shoulders in 'What should I do?' motion.His best friend was actually convinced that Jongdae has nothing to lose so he gesticulated 'Give him a chance!'.

Younger didn't have any choice because of his indecisiveness so he accepted Baekhyun's request."Jongdae?",Minseok called out at the other end of the line to make sure Jongdae didn't hang up.

"I'm here",younger said and bit his lip thinking about all possible consequences one last time, "Fine.If you insist so much"

"Thank you",Minseok said, "I will come to pick you up tomorrow night at eight"

Jongdae frowned like his boss could see him, "Who said that I'm willing to go anywhere with you?",Baekhyun now hit his own head against the wall not believing his friend's teasing.It would be a lot more easier if Jongdae was more focused on an actual explanation rather than just meeting up with his boss.

"And where should we talk?In the bank where everyone is hearing everything?Or maybe at your door step so you could slam the door into my face whenever you want?",Minseok asked and Jongdae was left speechless, "Jongdae please,just let me tell you what I have and believe me this time"


"Fine",Jongdae sighed and sat down onto his sofa with Baekhyun having his eyes on him the whole time, "Bye"

"Bye, Jongdae"

Quick tap on the screen and Jongdae's phone was flying across the sofa seconds after.Younger dived his head into his palms and mumbled some random things that Baekhyun probably couldn't hear.

"I can't say that i'm proud of you yet but this was surely a good start.You need to be more accepting,Jongdae.You always run away without people giving you clear reasons for their mistakes in the first place", Baekhyun fussed.

"Oh, so I was supposed to say 'thank you' to him when he pretended that he didn't almost fuck me the night before?Am I supposed to have a kink on people rejecting me?",Jongdae argued.

"I didn't say that",Baekhyun shook his head, "I just think that you should ask for explanations first.You ignored the guy 38 times and what did you get from that?Three days of staying home sick and stubbornly crying over the guy who did a stupid thing but he has a reason that you didn't want to hear!"

"Okay,fuck it.I'm going to talk to him are you happy now?",Jongdae asked and laid back on the sofa.

Baekhyun smiled, "I am happy that you will finally be happy",he said and went on a sofa to hug his friend.

Jongdae hummed sarcastically. "Is his dick nice at least?",Baekhyun asked.

"Baekhyun...",Jongdae sighed in disbelief.

"Alright,alright.I'll take that as an 'of course' ",older chirped, "Let's do something fun now.Being sad over guys is boring"


"You're leaving already?",Sehun asked while watching Jongdae packing his bag.They work in different shifts this week so they almost never have time to talk and spend time together.

"Yeah.I was sick so Momo managed to arrange an early exit from work for me so that I wouldn't get sick again",Jongdae said while wrapping a scarf around his neck, "Also,I have some business tonight so I need to prepare mentally for that"

Sehun raised his eyebrows, "Oh?What kind of business if I can ask?",he was now curiously leaning against their work table.

Jongdae looked at his watch, "I don't have the time to chat about it now but,I'll just tell you that i'm meeting up with our boss"


"Shhhush!I shouldn't have even told you in the first place",Jongdae said, "If you tell anyone I will strangle you with my own weak hands"

"I won't!I won't",Sehun said and pretended to zip his mouth, "Have fun I guess?"

Jongdae snorted, "Thanks"

He soon left the huge bank and headed to the train station where he would usually have a lunch after work but today was different.He didn't have an appetite even after sensing the hotdogs and fried chicken,in fact, he felt nauseous from all the smells that were suddenly unpleasant.The last time he ate was around seven in the morning actually but his stomach was not complaining.

Instead of thinking what to do with his strange appetite,Jongdae shoved earphones into his ears and let his muscles relax when he made himself comfortable in the train.It started raining out of nowhere but he liked it.He liked the cold weather and a pleasant air after the rain.

What he didn't like was the fact that he won't be able to stay at home tonight and that he has to talk with Minseok about all that happened and that he wanted to forget.Jongdae could just assume how unpleasant it will be so he decided that the first thing he should do is take a warm bath for relaxation and forget about all that for a bit.

Just when he made himself comfortable in all the bubbles and hot water he took his phone and texted Baekhyun.His best friend was the only person who could make him less nervous in any situation,regardless of how often they would fake-insult and tease each other.

Jongwae: I'm nervous

Baekhyunee: Why?He won't bite

Jongwae: I know,it's not that.I just hate unpleasant or embarrassing subjects.Plus he's my fucking boss.Can't get any better than that

Baekhyunee: I know it's fucked up but you know that communication is the key.You need to talk things out

Jongwae: Wow,thank you my wiseman.But I guess you're right.Any other advice?

Baekhyunee: Put some good perfume on and dress up into something that will challenge him to risk it all with you( ˊ̱˂˃ˋ̱ )

Jongwae: Nope.Ain't doing that shit again.Thanks for trying tho.I'll text you if I survive xx

Baekhyunee: WHY am I still trying(o_o)

Jongdae still considered doing the things Baekhyun told him,looking attractive is not a crime.Though,he wouldn't want Minseok to think he got all dressed up for him.

Oh,just learn how to live your life Jongdae.

He thought and wrapped himself into a towel before running to his room to find something decent to wear.He searched through his closet hurriedly,trying to find the green section of his clothes because for some reason he felt like wearing exactly that color today.

So many different shades but Jongdae's eye loved sacramento green sweater the most.Plain but cozy and a great color for the currently wanted state.Calmness.Jongdae needed to calm down and understand that all that happened happened for a reason and that he has to take the consequences now.

Talking with his boss is not as terrifying as the subject they need to talk about,and that is their emotions and the 'thing' they had.Jongdae didn't have a problem with saying how he feels,but he knows that Minseok won't be really good at that.At least as everyone are saying.

But younger really had hope.What if he will be able to change mr. Kim's point of view on life and people in general?He thought about that a lot while he was putting on makeup,not to impress Minseok but to just feel more powerful.Okay,maybe to challenge the older a bit ,but just for fun.

And he didn't forget to put on his favorite perfume all over his neck and wrists while waiting for Minseok's car to arrive in front of his building.His heart was pounding and he really thought that he is not mentally ready for the conversation at all.

But there's no turning back now.Misunderstandings need to be solved regardless of how hard it will be.That's why Jongdae grabbed his jacket and phone as fast as possible when he saw Minseok's car entering his street.He needs to face his problem and he needs to do it fast,and his main problem is mr. Kim.


The last few alone moments that Jongdae had in the elevator of his building he spent on fixing his hair and eyeshadow.He wanted to look lazy and bored but instead he looked stunning and so ready for Minseok.He didn't even dare to look at his boss until he got into that rich looking and smelling Lamborghini Veneno.

"Hi Jongdae",Minseok said with that cold but soft voice of his and Jongdae wanted to cry from an unknown reason.He missed Minseok's company but at the same time he didn't want to see him tonight at all.

He considered not showing up on purpose tonight but he would've missed this beautiful view which would be tragic.Minseok apparently dyed his hair slightly gray,put discreet silver eye-contacts and dressed up into a casual suit but now it was unbuttoned a bit and Jongdae just had to gulp.How could he pretend to not see this piece of art next to him?

"Good evening mister Kim",Jongdae said.

"I told you not to call me mister Kim while we're alone",Minseok reminded but younger didn't care.

"As I obviously remember,the last time you said that I should call you like that and i'm just doing what you told me to.Is that bad?Should I be rude?",Jongdae teased,already starting to get annoyed.

"Jongdae,I didn't want to say it at all"

"But you did.So?"

Minseok looked at Jongdae more serious now, "I have an explanation and you need to hear me out"

"I'm waiting",Jongdae said.

"I will tell you after you go on a dinner with me",Minseok required and younger was speechless how a guy could be so stubborn and persistent at the same time.

"Oh,now I should even go on a dinner with you?So I could what?Suck you off once again so you could forget about me the day after?",Jongdae asked with arms crossed over his stomach.

"Jongdae please.Forget about everything that happened and just hear me out and let me take you to a dinner",Minseok pleaded.

"I actually don't know how to forget things,mister Kim",Jongdae looked back at Minseok and instantly felt the good old crazy chills running through his spine, "You could teach me though?You're good at forgetting"

Minseok massaged his forehead and closed his eyes, "Listen Jongdae,this is the last time i'm BEGGING you for your time and understanding.I wanted to try and apologize in the right way but you're obviously not interested in any kind of diplomacy here.If you don't want to have anything else with me ever again,you can leave the car right now.Just remember that I have an important thing to tell you that you're probably never going to hear because your pride doesn't let you"

Jongdae blinked a few times thinking about everything that Minseok said and that he wasn't wrong about,as always.He slowly unfolded his hands and fastened the confusing seatbelt, "Fine,take me wherever"

Minseok didn't need to say anything,he just smiled and Jongdae then realized how blushed and breathless he was until now.This will be a long night for him.


And Jongdae wished for this night to be long because where he was at this moment was something he would like to enjoy for as long as he could.Minseok,not primarily letting Jongdae know,brought them to his huge apartment on 12th floor with a view on the half of Seoul.

Younger looked around with a jaw almost touching the floor from everything his eyes were seeing.Minseok's whole apartment was black and white with high ceilings,more stairs that probably lead to more rooms on upper floors and many rich ornaments that Jongdae was afraid to even look at.

"Kyungsoo! We are here",Minseok yelled and Jongdae suddenly moved his concentration from looking around the mansion and instead he tried to look for the guy that Minseok called.Not many seconds passed before a man with glasses called Kyungsoo walked into the room,bowing a few times politely with a cute apron around his waist.

"Good evening mr. Kim.Good evening mr. Jongdae",Kyungsoo shook Jongdae's hand tightly, "It's a pleasure to meet you"

"The pleasure is all mine", Jongdae smiled sweetly.

"Jongdae,this is my main chef.He is a doctor for all kinds of foods", Minseok said and looked at Kyungsoo, "He is also someone like a manager for me but just home edition"

Kyungsoo smiled, "You could say so.Please make yourselves comfortable on the terrace,your food will be done in a minute",man bowed again and Jongdae was speechless.Such a big amount of formality is what he wasn't used to but it was fine for him now probably.

Minseok motioned with a hand to Jongdae so that the younger would go out on a terrace.Outside was cold but little fireplaces and heaters were doing a great job at keeping the two men warm and comfortable.Jongdae still couldn't get over the mesmerizing view of busy Seoul streets and buildings.It was all so amazing.

Jongdae suddenly asked and Minseok looked at him confusingly, "Is a dinner really necessary?I don't really want to bother you and Kyungsoo..."

"Yes,it is",Minseok said, "It is a great way to apologize to someone and get back things to where they were used to be.And you are never bothering me,and especially not Kyungsoo.This is his job and after all,he is the happiest when he cooks for new people.

Younger made himself comfortable in his seat, "Okay if you say so",he said and took his glass of wine that came in the meantime, "What are we supposed to talk about?"

"That day at the airport when I told you all those stupid things",Jongdae looked away not wanting to show Minseok how hurt he still was from that, "I didn't mean any of it.Actually I said all that because of Jihee"

Jongdae frowned, "I..don't understand"

His boss cleared his throat,"When we were at the elevator that night",Minseok started again, "There were security cameras that were filming the whole time"

Right after those words Jongdae felt his cheeks heat up and stomach turn.He wished to feel as nice as he did that night.Too bad that he had to hear about the security cameras now.

"Yes?A-And...?",Jongdae asked now leaving his glass on the table in front of them.

"You see...",Minseok said, "Jihee saw everything,and she has the video in her hands"

Now Jongdae felt something more than shivers going through his body.An unpleasant feeling of unexpected 'surprise',uncertainty about what should he say about it,an uncertainty what will actually happen with Jihee having those videos now.


"What?",Jongdae gulped and felt his throat tightening, "How did she see...?Where did she get-"

"She wants the whole Elyxion for herself,Jongdae",Minseok said and sat next to his worried looking worker, "I told her many times that i want to fire her.She is using her every chance to manipulate and threaten me,therefore,she said that she will give the pictures to some newspapers and that she will leak the video of us on the social media if..."

Jongdae was speechless.He didn't know that a person could be so ready to ruin someone's privacy like that.With a stupid video of the two kissing...


"If I don't stay away from you and if I ever even think about firing her",Minseok said, "Do you understand why I did what I did on the airport that day in front of her?", Minseok asked, "I'm sure you wouldn't want your reputation to be damaged now"

Jongdae looked at Minseok,trying to find right words but he couldn't find any.What should he say to all that?

"I...understand now.I'm sorry...",Jongdae said and looked down at his cold trembling fingers before Minseok took them into his warm hands, "Are you mad?"

"I am not mad.I was just worried that you would run away from me without even hearing me out",Minseok said and kissed the boy's hands.

"Why would you be so worried about me running away so much?",Jongdae asked with tears forming in his eyes.

Minseok then got serious but not letting go of Jongdae's hands yet.He looked down and played with Jongdae'a gentle fingers, "Because...You are...someone"

Jongdae raised his eyebrows, "I'm 'someone'?"

"Someone...unique?Someone really unique in my life currently",Minseok said and grabbed his glass with wine to make himself drunk as soon as possible.He wasn't good with deep conversations,neither in explaining emotions.

Kyungsoo soon came to deliver food they wanted and Jongdae politely waited for a young man to go back to the apartment before turning to Minseok again, "What does this all mean Minseok?",Jongdae asked and looked around, "You called me for a dinner,you're saying all these weird stuff and begging me for a forgiveness,flirting with me...What do you want to achieve with all this?"

Minseok blinked, "I want...I mean",Minseok growled and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Listen,Minseok or mr. Kim or sir I don't even know anymore", Jongdae said calmly, "I heard so many stories about you, and I have to say that i'm afraid of you in some way.You're unpredictable and honestly I don't even know why am I so interesting to you but...I think that all this needs to stop because you obv-"

"I want you, Jongdae",Minseok said in a sigh and left his glass back to the table again, "I...fancy you"

"See",Jongdae snorted, "The way you say all that...So fake.Don't lie to yourself Minseok,and do not waste your time on me in any way.We already have a problem with Jihee now so it's better to end all this before we....before I fall too deep into all this and break my own heart",Jongdae said and stood up, "I will go now"

"Jongdae,listen to me",Minseok said after grabbing Jongdae's arm and pulling the boy back to his chair, holding his cheeks with his strong hands, "I am a fucked up person.I have problems Jongdae,and I think you could help me"

Help him.He needs my help?That sounds familiar.

"I promise I...I want you so fucking much Jongdae.I am sorry for not being able to find the words now but...Give me a chance",Minseok said,holding Jongdae's head firmly,their faces being 2cm away with Jongdae being close to crying like a baby.Jongdae felt a strong scent of alcohol which Minseok probably drank before their meeting.

He was speechless.A man like Minseok,a cold hearted and 'creepy' guy wants him.Thinks Jongdae could help him with whatever he has a problem with.Minseok asked Jongdae for a chance and younger's heart couldn't be more happy about it.But was his mind happy too?

After a long,but not unpleasant silence Jongdae spoke up, "I like you so much,Minseok.I like and adore you so much you will never be aware of that",Jongdae said and a tear rolled down his cheek, "I want you too,and I want to help you.But I am so scared Minseok"

"Scared of what?"

"Scared of Jihee,scared of everything that we have between us or that we will have and mainly you scare me the most",Jongdae said, "The thing that scares me about you is your mysterious persona and the thought of you throwing me into the trash three days later just because you got bored of a cheap fool that I am"

"Jongdae what are you talking about?You...are the first person that I allowed to step into my private life like this.You are not just another worker in my company anymore.You...did something to me.I don't know what but, you did it",Minseok said and got back to holding Jongdae's hands.

Jongdae nodded, "Yeah.I sucked you off and boom you fell under my spell,huh?", he chuckled and bent his head slightly to the right, "That's funny"

Minseok snorted and looked down at Jongdae's delicate fingers again, "No...You really did something to me,you are so not aware of that"

Jongdae looked around,unsure how to respond to all of that and unsure if doing 'something' to Minseok was good or bad, "What are we going to do with Jihee?Now that she...knows some stuff.."

"We need to be careful.She is a brat and she will do anything to destroy me in any way she possibly can",Minseok said, "But let's forget about her now and enjoy tonight"


And they really did enjoy it.Endless and hopeless flirting,drinking a lot of alcohol,eating and chatting.Jongdae asking a lot of questions about everything and especially about Kyungsoo because the younger was amazed at how good and funny a cook was.

Younger asked a lot of questions about Minseok's apartment and his cute cat Tan too who seemed to like Jongdae quite much,like his owner did.

"He is so cute",Jongdae said while petting the cat beside him on the sofa.They moved inside after the meal and were just now in front of a huge fireplace that was the only source of light in the huge apartment.Kyungsoo left them around two hours ago and promised to make a delicious lunch for Minseok tomorrow too.

"He really is unique",Minseok said and just kept watching Jongdae being amazed by Tan.Older leaned on his arm and watched Jongdae's lips curl into a cute smile that he could never resist whenever a cat would do something funny.

"Like owner like pet",Jongdae laughed and gave back his attention to Minseok, "It's late.I should go home",he said but the older didn't like the thought.

Instead he grabbed Jongdae by the arm and pulled him down onto his own lap, "It's not late", almost fully drunk Minseok stated and went over Jongdae's flawless skin with his thumb, "We did not finish yet",he said while carefully observing younger's face and exploring his sparkly eyes.

"What do we have to do more?",Jongdae teased with a low voice,alcohol getting to his head too without a doubt.He played with Minseok's tie and looked at the dark eyes.

"So many things",Minseok exhaled,grabbed Jongdae's chin and pressed their lips together in sweet motions that he missed oh so very much.Tongues got involved and a totally innocent kiss became a sloppy and more hungrier kiss,with Jongdae pressing his legs against the both sides of Minseok's hips and setting his ass over Minseok's half hard member stuck inside the pants.

"Are you sure that you still want me and...all this?",Jongdae asked when he stopped the kiss with their noses still touching.

"I've never been more sure in anything",Minseok said and got back to the kissing with Jongdae's hands sneaking around his neck and grabbing his hair like they did the last time.That was a thing that turned Minseok on in a special way.

"I feel that I will come back home late tonight then",Jongdae sighed into the kiss,rolled his eyes in pleasure and moved his ass against Minseok's groin.

"You're not going home tonight",Minseok growled and threw his head aback not expecting Jongdae to attack his neck and abuse it with sweet bites and kisses.

Jongdae smirked, "Who told you that I want to stay here tonight ,mister Kim?"

"Your body",Minseok said and panted, "Your ass that has been begging me to fuck it"

"So hungry for me,aren't you?",Jongdae purred and let Minseok abuse his neck, "...Satisfy me then"

And Minseok didn't hesitate for even a second.He waited for this moment subconsciously ever since Jongdae walked into his damn office so shyly but looking so gorgeous,captivating and alluring.Minseok knew that it was his territory.

So he took Jongdae by the hand and walked him to his room on the upper floor of the apartment,the big,dark, black and white room with huge windows that had a view on the half of Seoul.

"Oh my god",Jongdae said,breathless.

"You like it?",Minseok teased and laid Jongdae down onto his kingsized bed with baldachins and soft pillows.

"I do...",Jongdae nodded and played with Minseok's tie, "But I'd like something else more",Jongdae licked his lips and looked down at Minseok's crotch.He couldn't even imagine how the older struggled with already painfully hard and leaking member pulsing and begging to be satisfied inside his tight pants.

"Are you aware of what you're doing to me?",Minseok growled and took off his tie just to throw it on the ground next to the bed before unbuttoning his shirt.Jongdae found that as a huge turn on and not being aware,moaned just from the sight of Minseok undressing himself.

"So we're not going to discuss about what YOU are doing to me right now?",Jongdae asked and bit his lip while going over Minseok's perfectly shaped torso with shaky hands.He knew that there are really handsome men in this world,but he didn't know that he would be in a bed with one.

"No", Minseok said and took off all Jongdae's clothes carefully while leaving butterfly kisses all over the naked body under him.

Jongdae was speechless from all the tenderness and enjoyment that he forgot the fact that he haven't slept with anyone for a long time and that he's actually about to get fucked by his own boss.

"Take off your underwear",Minseok demanded while reaching out for the lube and condoms from his nightstand while Jongdae needed a few seconds to do what he was said to.His brain was shutting down and alcohol made his body temperature almost feel unpleasant.

Minseok noticed Jongdae's heavy breathing and tensed body so he hovered over the boy and looked him in the eyes, "Relax", he whispered and started coaxing Jongdae's entrance with a sticky liquid that smelled like strawberries.

"You need to be gentle with me",Jongdae panted, "I'm sensitive", he said and licked his lips after watching Minseok roll a condom over his big throbbing member.

"I noticed", Minseok said and kissed Jongdae's lips hungrily, "Spread your pretty legs for me,won't you?"

Jongdae closed his eyes and nodded dumbly,lost in the too good scenario that he imagined for months now.Wanting that beautiful cock in his ass and those strong arms holding him while receiving dark marks all over his body.

Minseok was gentle.Too gentle to be precise.First he slowly brushed the head of his cock against Jongdae's hole and then he carefully pushed in until the end,waiting for the younger to adjust and relax around his excitedly pulsing member.

Jongdae arched his back a bit,wanting to scream from the insane feeling of closeness and connection with such a breathtaking man, "Move"

"Did you ad-"

"I said move.Fuck me with that beautiful cock of yours right now", Jongdae said and a tear fell down his cheeks that he didn't even notice.He felt the well known pain,but he couldn't resist anything in this moment, "Please"

And Minseok couldn't say no to that now.Having such an angelic man under him and fucking him was a chance that he couldn't miss.So he placed his warm hands on Jongdae's hips and started moving as younger wished,angling himself to try and hit the right spot to send Jongdae over the edge.Which wasn't too hard for him.

Thrust after thrust,slow ones that Jongdae loved,younger's prostate was becoming swollen and he was aroused to the point where he couldn't form a decent sentence.All he could manage was moaning older's name,meeting Minseok's thrusts and scratching older's back with his oh so delicate fingers.

Minseok couldn't get tired of kissing Jongdae's neck and collarbones,admiring the beautiful body and the sight of satisfaction on younger's beautiful face.Jongdae's shining eyes full of tears,his natural beautiful smell that made Minseok even more whipped and soft moaning voice turning older on even more...It was all so unreal and both men,getting so close and intimate like this,couldn't get enough of each other.

"You're so good for me",Minseok said and kissed Jongdae's swollen lips, "So good,tight and beautiful"

Younger frowned and bit his hand,restraining himself from moaning even louder, "M-Mhh...M-Minseok...", he panted silently and older slowed down the pace,hitting Jongdae's prostate with every slow and careful thrust he managed.

It was hard for Minseok not to slam into that beautiful perky ass but something about Jongdae right now made him so speechless and amazed that he didn't dare to do anything more than this.

Jongdae threw his hands around Minseok's neck and hugged the well built man while getting close to his end with that good feeling in his stomach, "I'm...close"

And not many thrusts were necessary after that until both men felt their orgasms.Minseok buried his face in younger's neck and kept kissing him until he rode his climax completely out of Jongdae who scratched Minseok's back one last time and looked up at the ceiling.

What did just happen?

Younger's drunken state disappeared for a moment when a realization hit him.Realization of where he is,what he did and with who.Laying under the sheets with Minseok's body now next to him,breathless and with a pleasant pain in his low area.

His brain started to cool down and eyelids got heavier for him.All he was aware of was Minseok cleaning him up and dressing him like a baby into one of his big shirts that had an insanely good scent that Jongdae adored.

He mumbled a few words,that even he himself couldn't understand,and finally drifted off to sleep next to a man he loves.


But Minseok couldn't sleep for long.He woke up already around 5am with a terrible headache that was probably caused by the insane amount of alcohol he consumed the previous night.

He slowly got out of bed and started dressing up while watching Jongdae's cute sleeping state.Minseok still admired boy's beauty with his every breath,even though he was already freaking out because of everything that happened.

So,trying to run away from everything he decided to go to a place he knew that will make him feel at least a bit less like a terrible person or maybe more.He wrote a short note to Jongdae and ran out of his huge building to his garage.

"Minseok?",Yixing's voice hit Minseok's brain like a hammer so older had to turn down the volume of his annoying phone.

"Are you still at the Black Pearl?"

"I am...Why?",was a question on which Minseok didn't answer.Instead,he hung up and hurried with his fast vehicle to his best friend,thinking about how he left Jongdae unfairly in the huge apartment,alone.

It was hard to focus on holding a steering wheel in a half conscious state while thinking about all possible consequences that could happen after everything Minseok did.It may be nothing for someone,but he had real problems that he didn't know how to solve.

It was almost 6am when Minseok broke into the Black Pearl only to see Yixing and Junmyeon...kissing.

"That's gay",Minseok said and sat next to the couple in love.

"Shut up",Junmyeon said, fixed his messy hair and let Yixing go back behind the bar.Both men were surprised by Minseok's crazy behavior,so they exchanged a few weird looks.

"Don't look at each other like that,I'm fine",Minseok growled and massaged his temples.

"Yeah sure.That's why you came at 6am when i'm closing the club,to help me clean up maybe?That'd be so sweet of you",Yixing smiled,showing off his charming dimple while rubbing the bar.

Minseok sighed and looked at Yixing,then at his 'brother' with soulless eyes, "I fucked Jongdae"

With a loud squeaky sound Yixing stopped with the polishing his work surface and stared at his friend, "Oh"

"You what?",Junmyeon's mouth went agape in disbelief,not because he's surprised that it was Jongdae but surprised that Minseok did •that• with someone that's not from brothel or a gay stripper club, "When?Where?How?"

"A few hours ago.At my place after dinner.It just ...happened",Minseok said and looked around, "Please give me a whiskey"

"I don't think that it's a great idea",Junmyeon shook his head, "Minseok,talk.How did you feel?Jongdae is your worker you didn't...have anything intimate with someone you knew well for a long time"

Minseok dived his head into his hands and closed his eyes, "I don't know what to feel,Junmyeon.I will hurt him"

"Don't you dare,Kim Minseok",Yixing said and put his both hands on the bar, "How don't you know how to feel?How was it?Was it like all other times when you did it with whores and strippers?I don't think so"

"Yixing shut up.Jongdae is not a whore"

"So you felt something this time didn't you?Say something!",Junmyeon raised his voice and Minseok looked at the couple.

"You two know me well.You KNOW that I have problems and that I can hurt Jongdae.I don't want to have anything with him if I know that i'll hurt him afterwards",Minseok raised his voice back but Junmyeon didn't give up there.

"But you can't say that you feel nothing!You care about not hurting him! Those are emotions!",Junmyeon said, "When will you be aware of how much you care about that boy?Huh?When will you see how whipped you are and how he changed your behavior at least a little bit?"

"Minseok...Where is Jongdae now?Does he know that you're here?",Yixing asked with a low voice.

"No.He's sleeping.I will go to Elyxion after so he will hopefully go home after he realizes i'm not there",Minseok said and pushed his hair aback.

Junmyeon shook his head, "Do you hear yourself?When will you stop acting like that,Minseok?You left Jongdae ALONE after he let you invade his physical privacy,that boy deserves better than that"

"Junmyeon you're not my parent stop telling me what is bad and what isn't.Many people hurt me through life and I won't let anyone hurt me again"

"So you're going to hurt others?",Junmyeon frowned.

"Okay,I see.You two are against me and have always been.And I see that I won't get my whiskey so I'm going to go now",Minseok said and stood up.

"Wait,Minseok",Junmyeon said and stood up to follow his hyung, "I'm going to tell you this now and never again.We were never against you,actually we're trying to help you to get your life together.Jongdae is not just a doll with whom you can play with and call a 'one night stand' and you know it.So stop acting childish and either explain everything to the poor boy,or fire him from the company and forget about him completely if you're that heartless"

Minseok bit the inside of his lip and walked out of the bar,not having any arguments or defending systems.It was too early and all he had in his head was Jongdae,he didn't have room for anything else at the moment.He drove himself to his company,to rethink everything and make a final decision.Jongdae was something really special to Minseok.But was Minseok still not aware of that?

"Maybe you were too harsh,Jun",Yixing said and sat next to his boyfriend.

"But was I wrong?Jongdae changed Minseok and that dickhead knows that but he's always running away from everything just because of his past life", Junmyeon said and looked up at Yixing, "He needs to get his shit together.And Jongdae will help him"

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