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Emotion: excitement,energy,passion,courage,attention

Used to: stimulate,draw attention,caution,encourage,turn on

Every relationship has its ups and downs and so does Jongdae's and Minseok's.They are officially in a relationship ever since Minseok asked Jongdae to be his boyfriend on their two months anniversary four months ago.He wasn't sure if he wanted them to officially call that a relationship or just go out to dinners often,be at each other's apartments occasionally,have sex and call that 'hanging out'. Jongdae of course wanted to call Minseok his boyfriend, to proudly hold his hand for the whole world to see and finally change Minseok's contact name into 'Babe'  or 'My boyfriend' but he wanted to respect Minseok's tastes.Even though Jongdae occasionally felt really sad and empty living like that and not knowing how to act with Minseok,he knew with whom he's dealing with and if he wanted to keep their relations in a good state he needed to respect Minseok and his personality.Minseok was unreachable at the beginning,not sharing everything with Jongdae,suffering by himself and holding everything in instead of talking with the younger about his everyday problems which he said he would do.Jongdae again couldn't blame him.Minseok basically retired from trying to have normal relationships long before Jongdae came into his life and he practically forgot how to have a normal healthy relationship at all.Gifts as signs of affection didn't exist and it was again fine for younger man.Even though he would watch other couples exchange gifts at New Year's Eve or Valentine's day and secretly tear up - he understood.He was fine with being close and helping Minseok find himself so it was enough for him.

Now Minseok learned to open up to Jongdae whenever he had the need to.Their sex wasn't as kinky and harsh as Minseok made it to be when they first started their relationship and Jongdae could now say that their sex is somehow affectionate and more enjoyable; not that younger didn't enjoy all the kinks Minseok had, it's just that it could get very exhausting after awhile and he needed some relaxation after work that he couldn't get when they officially started dating.He could say they were close to making love but Minseok never mentioned that word so Jongdae didn't either.But now it was turning out to be more like other relationships and Jongdae felt a bit of hope.He still didn't hear the four letter word every other couple hears but he was happy.He noticed how Minseok softened and got more comfortable when they are together and that was all that mattered.

But despite all good novelties and progress(?), Jongdae and Minseok both being too occupied by their jobs and separated business trips didn't have time for each other at all.In the meantime,Minseok got in a few public fights with competitive companies so paparazzis were practically living in front of his house to catch him whenever they could and get the information they needed.Jongdae felt like Minseok was distancing himself again and felt like he was just a big burden for Minseok at that time.Minseok on the other hand felt jealous of the fact that Jongdae is going on business trips with others from the company without him so he was constantly in fear that Jongdae would meet someone else and forget about him completely.Their phone calls were short and cold,without much conversation just heavy breathing and stupid comments about the weather or business which they both hated.

But luckily on their 6 months anniversary which is today,they got to reunite and clear their schedules completely since it was finally the beginning of summer vacation.They both agreed to sorting things out because the reasons for the lack of communication and not seeing each other were just ridiculous.

The pleasing feeling of worn out naked bodies pressed against each other was what the couple missed,so finally after a few weeks of not being able to properly see each other Minseok and Jongdae were laying in older's bed together and satisfied with so many things to talk about.

Jongdae's head was pressed against Minseok's chest,humming in pleasure as Minseok caressed his bare back with one hand and brushed through his hair with the other.

"I missed you so much"

"I missed you too",Minseok closed his eyes,feeling content that Jongdae was with him, "I'm sorry we got so distant during those weeks apart.I was just...afraid that you met someone...Someone that might've drew your attention more than me"

Jongdae quickly raised his head with chin on latter's chest,watching his boyfriend directly in the eyes in disbelief, "Tell me that you're joking.Please just tell me that you're not serious"

Minseok blinked in complete seriousness, "I'm not joking"

Jongdae then sat up and looked down at his boyfriend, "Minseok I thought we went through this already"

"We did",Minseok said, "But-"

"I know who you are Minseok",Jongdae interrupted and the latter could just look up at him with curious eyes, "You are insecure,you don't believe people,you get easily hurt and mad.I know.But don't question my emotions like this",younger raised his index finger in the air like a sign of threatening then pointed at himself, "You see me,i'm here with you and i'm giving myself to you completely.Do you really think other men can buy me just like that?Oh no mister.I wanted you for so long what kind of a person would I be to just give up on you now?",Jongdae let his kitty lips curve into a smile and Minseok's chest relaxed as he didn't know what to expect from the end of the short rant.

Older smiled back sweetly and let Jongdae sit on his crotch even though it was a really dangerous territory at the moment, "I know you told me that but I can't ignore that feeling I have inside..That weird feeling that I don't want to give you to anyone else and I don't want anyone else to have you like I do"

"People call that jealousy or possessiveness.You need to let go of that feeling and i'm going to help you get over it"

"Why should I get over it?"

Jongdae thought about it.He thought about the toxic jealousy and the reasonable one (if you can even call it reasonable); the one that is somehow small and acceptable because that means that you actually care about the person you're with.That it's not 'whatever' to you.So Jongdae thought about it even more.Is Minseok's jealousy a hint of more serious emotions that he never talks about?Jongdae hoped.

"Because people say it's a toxic feeling and it makes you feel awful and anxious all the time",Jongdae said and softly kissed Minseok's lips that he missed so much.

"Look at me",younger said and softly brushed their crotches together to grab older's attention, earning weak but satisfied groans from Minseok, "I'm here with you,I'm here to make you feel good,for you to make me feel good there's no one that I want more than you"

At the moment for Minseok it was a bit harder to breathe and focus because of the too good feeling but complaining was the last thing he wanted to do.He threw a quick glance at the mirror behind Jongdae and saw younger's beautifully shaped back muscles and ass moving sensually as he was brushing against Minseok's hardness slowly.The whole view got older sighing deeply and making his insides tingle with each move Jongdae would make, "J-Jongdae...Ah...I believe you...H-Have mercy"

Jongdae ignored the comment and kissed Minseok's neck and chest,admiring the man he has the luck to be with and leave marks as a sign of belonging.Younger felt unbearably hot,he almost thought he caught on fire.His body basically begged for a contact with Minseok's again even though it was already bruised he just needed to feel Minseok making him feel good again never getting mentally nor physically tired of it.

"S-Shower...Jongdae",Minseok breathed out between kisses and carried the latter to the said destination with trembling legs and pounding head but a happy heart.

"I've been hesitant to tell you something during these previous weeks we spent apart",Minseok swallowed his food and took a hold of his glass filled with fresh orange juice Kyungsoo made for their late breakfast.

Jongdae glanced at half naked Minseok quickly then brought his gaze back at the pancakes he was devouring, "Hm?",he hummed with full mouth, "What is it?"

Older sipping at his juice,thought about what he wanted to say or exactly how should he put that into simple sentences, "I told you about my sister Yoomi and her kid Yui?"

Jongdae nodded and quickly chewed on his food so he could talk, "Of course,what about them?Am I finally going to meet them?",he asked with a wide smile that quickly disappeared when he remembered Minseok didn't like to talk about his family so much.

"Well yes actually...",Minseok straightened his posture and looked at Jongdae, "Yoomi has a really important business trip this July and she can't bring Yui with her because the trip is in Europe and she thinks it would be really tiring for the little girl..."

Jongdae hummed and nodded understandingly, "And?"

"So she asked me to take care of her...She wants to leave Yui to me until she comes back",Minseok said and carefully watched Jongdae's face to see the possibly positive reaction, "So um-"

Jongdae blushed almost as much as he did on their first date and cleared his throat, "So?"

"I thought: how could I take care of a six year old when we decided to go to Thailand this July...", Minseok played with his fork and blueberry in the plate, "I can't take her with us"

Jongdae frowned and got closer to Minseok, "Minseok I wouldn't mind if she came along with us to Thailand at all.I mean...I know that you probably wouldn't like the idea and that it's weird for you and me to be with a kid because that triggers a lot of thinking for you and you don't want us to rush things and even think about a future with children but...For me it's totally fine.I can help you take care of her and she would be totally fine!Of course if she...I mean knows about us and...Wants to accept me"

Minseok looked back at Jongdae and finally left the cutlery alone, "Yoomi knows about you and I'm sure she explained to Yui as well...I just don't know how to behave around kids.I saw Yui once in my life Jongdae"

Latter's excited shoulders dropped quickly and he looked around his plate like the object had an answer to Minseok's comment, "You can get closer to her if she stays with you?",Jongdae suggested as he leaned his elbows on the table and turned to Minseok, "I said I will help.It will be fine,hm?",he asked and carefully caressed older's hand.

Minseok watched Jongdae carefully then sighed (Jongdae wasn't sure if it was from relief), "Fine.I guess it won't be bad for me and you to take care of Yui"

Jongdae smiled tiredly but inside he wanted to scream and jump.He now got a chance to spend a vacation with Minseok AND bring a child,a being that wakes up parenting instincts in people and brings them together?That's what he always wanted to experience.

Jongdae wiggled in his chair happily, "I'm really excited to meet your sister and niece",Jongdae kissed Minseok's cheek and the latter sighed contently, "Everything will be great I know it"

"Don't you dare laugh at me or mock me if I accidentally put diapers on her head instead of a hat or something because I really know nothing about kids",Minseok warned his boyfriend and sipped on his juice.

"A six year old doesn't wear diapers",Jongdae laughed and Minseok looked at him with half-lidded judging eyes, "You really know nothing about kids Min,i'll teach you",he said in between his cute chuckles.

Minseok nodded and got back to finishing his pancakes, "Eat your breakfast quickly, I ,have something to teach you later",he said that with a small smirk and Jongdae felt his body heating up...again.

Younger's mouth made an 'o' shape as he carefully giggled, "Is that a round three I see,Kim Minseok?"

"You'll see a fourth one if you keep mocking me",he said and pecked speechless Jongdae sweetly, "Now eat"

"I'm so excited Baekhyun",Jongdae jumped cutely while folding the clothes he wanted to bring to Thailand.Ever since Minseok told Jongdae about babysitting Yui for awhile and going to Thailand together, he imagined them spending time,playing and taking care of her like real parents do.Since he knew what Minseok's opinion was on kids and even marriage it was clear to younger man not to expect anything more from their relationship (at least for a really long time) which of course makes him sad but he decided to put that aside and enjoy in the upcoming trip as much as he can.
It will be Minseok's and Jongdae's first vacation together (almost) alone and the thought of just relaxing and swimming in the crystal blue sea and visiting different locations around Bangkok for almost two weeks really made the blonde the happiest he could be.

"You don't mind Yui going with you two?I thought you wanted some alone time with Minseok..",Baekhyun asked as he helped his best friend pack the cosmetics.

Jongdae shook his head, "Of course not.I'm really excited to meet Yoomi and Yui,they are the only family Minseok has so I appreciate them very much.Also I think spending time with Yui will help wake up a caring side in Minseok or just other emotions in general.Also they need some bonding time...Minseok hasn't been the most caring uncle if you understand me...I'm really curious to see how all that will turn out",Jongdae said with a small smile.

"Cute",Baekhyun pouted and closed Jongdae's second small suitcase, "But what if you and Minseok want some alone time?...You know..."

At that question Jongdae could just roll his eyes and chuckle, "We'll have the time for us while she's sleeping..How do you think other parents get time for each other while having kids?I hope it won't be as hard as you're telling me",he joked and threw himself on the comfy bed, "Like it even matters..."

"Promise me you'll keep me updated,I want to know what's happening",Baekhyun said then flopped down next Jongdae, "And if Minseok does anything that makes you uncomfortable or hurt don't hesitate to tell me I will literally swim to your location,understood?"

"Yes mom",Jongdae laughed,trying not to think of bas scenarios and covered his face, "I'm so excited"

Jongdae didn't know why he felt nervous but his whole body was slightly shaking when Minseok's sister and niece walked into older's apartment.He wanted to leave the best impression possible because the richest and most attractive man in Korea has to have a loyal,trustworthy and almost equally attractive person beside him: and that was exactly what Jongdae wanted to prove to Yoomi,Minseok's sister.

Jongdae bowed politely,his subtle smile spread on his face while older carefully watched his small but cute family meet his official boyfriend.Latter immediately kneeled in front of the smallest and cutest girl he has ever seen and offered his equally small hand, "Hi Yui,i'm Jongdae"

Small girl showed her cute dimple in return that surprised Jongdae and accepted his hand with a small polite bow.Jongdae was speechless at how much she resembled Minseok: he knew she is his niece but he didn't even expect that the girl would have almost the same eyes and cute cheeks like her uncle,he completely melted. "Nice to meet you",she said and glanced at Minseok to whisper, "Your boyfriend is really pretty,uncle Seok"

Minseok smiled with a nod and Jongdae heard Yoomi chuckle sweetly so he hid his face behind his small palms blushing furiously, "You are much prettier,Yui-ssi.Are you excited to travel with us?"

Little girl nodded and looked into Jongdae's sparkling eyes that shone either from tears or adoration, "Mom asked me if I would be scared but I am actually really excited to travel with uncle and you.You look like a person that knows how to play with toys,can we play together?"

Jongdae was taken aback by how relaxed and chill little girl is with him even though she knows who he is,nonetheless he appreciates the insane politeness and friendliness because that was all he wanted, "Of course we can.It will be my pleasure"

On the other side Minseok felt all kinds of stuff while seeing his niece accepting Jongdae so well.He is entirely grateful but completely in awe because of how his boyfriend looks around kids.Such a perfect figure that radiates friendliness and warmness which children obviously love.Wherever they went: restaurants,shopping malls,super would basically glue themselves to Jongdae instinctively.The younger had something special in him,something that would attract not even kids but people too.

"Minseok can I talk to you for a second outside.Yui you stay with uncle Jongdae, I see you already like him more than anyone",her mom smiled but Yui didn't pay attention as she had already been blabbering about all kinds of toys she has to show Jongdae and the guy enjoyed it with his whole being.

Yoomi followed Minseok to the terrace,pulling out all the documents Yui needed, "When you go to the boarding counter at the airport just give them this,everything you need is here.Please don't skip meals,don't give her strawberries she's allergic,do not go into the water before you put a kilo of sunscreen on her and please teach her how to swim",Yoomi grinned and pressed her palms together in a pleading manner.

"Do you want me to teach her how to fly a damn plane and maybe bungee jump?",Minseok said and looked at the documents, "I now know why I was hesitant to accept this"

Yoomi rolled her eyes and let out a tired shaky breath, "Come on Minseok those are just basic information that you need to know for looking after my daughter.She's your niece for god's sake!Spend some time with her it won't hurt"

"Well thank god that Jongdae is optimistic about this",Minseok said and put the documents into his bag on the terrace table.

Yoomi got closer to him and looked at Jongdae and Yui inside talking enthusiastically, like she tried to check if they can hear her, "Is this thing with Jongdae serious?",she asked and arched a brow at her brother after looking back at him.

Minseok frowned and looked around like the terrace had an answer, "When you say 'serious' what are we exactly talking about?"

His sister massaged her head,her loose hair bun hanging on the last string of the rubber band as well as her patience with her brother,but Minseok didn't react to it, "Serious as in: I want us to mary one day and have kids together,and not just fuck him and dump him"

Minseok almost got completely offended at the last sentence because deep down he knew Jongdae obviously wasn't just a transient phase in his life and that Minseok has been behaving differently since Jongdae has impact on him.Not like anyone could've done what Jongdae did to him.

"We agreed to not talk about marriage or kids,it's just ridiculous",Minseok said and felt uneasy but of course acted like everything was normal as usual.

"Don't you feel bad for him?I see how the boy is trying to help you and how much he loves you.Don't you love him back?Is it that hard for you to understand?",Yoomi asked not as salty as she sounded,just very curious.

"Don't you need to go to your business trip?",Minseok asked trying to avoid the subject, "We have a flight soon too"

Yoomi sighed,her hands resting on her hips, "You are lucky that I have to go,but that doesn't mean we won't talk about this again",she said and walked inside with Minseok following her right behind.

"Yu-yu,I'm sorry to interrupt your important talk with Jongdae",Yoomi smiled and kneeled in front of her daughter, "I have to leave now",she said and kissed her daughter's small forehead, "Please listen to Minseok and Jongdae.Just because i won't be there doesn't mean i won't find out if you did something you shouldn't have,okay?"

Girl nodded strongly and hugged her mother, "I promise I will be good! They will beg you to not take me back after we return",she said and all three laughed sweetly at the comment,Jongdae once again being mesmerized by how adorable the girl is.

"Uncle Seok can I get this box of popsicles please?",Yui asked with a pout and held out a box to his face after they entered the huge duty free shop at the airport where they wanted to buy snacks to have in a plane.

"Those popsicles will melt,we don't have a fridge for them",Minseok said and looked around the shop then reached for a small chest on the shelf, "You can have this chest with all kinds of sweets in it,doesn't it look better?"

Yui nodded and showed it to Jongdae, "Look uncle Dae,it has little gummy sweets that look like you"

Jongdae lowered himself down and laughed at the small fingers pointing to the cute gummy cats, "You think I look like a cat?"

"Cute,fluffy and soft!", she said and patted his indeed soft hair to what Minseok smiled secretly.The two were just adorable to take care of.

Both Minseok and Jongdae had to wear masks and hats since they didn't want the media to recognize them.The two succeeded in hiding their relationship for almost seven months now and it would be really bad to get caught now especially since Minseok is who he is.

And just because of all they had to do to hide themselves from the world, Jongdae got surprised when Minseok took his hand, intertwined their fingers and guided him and Yui to the special plane they had to take.Jongdae doesn't know why he blushed but he did and he also felt his heart jumping happily as well.Yui sang while taking her seat next to the window with Jongdae beside her and Minseok next to the passage.

Then Jongdae's fright of flying started kicking in again,and even though he tried to relax to Yui's cute talking he just couldn't ignore the pain in his head and sweat that started taking over his neck and back when he heard the plane's engine.This was the worst thing for him to go through especially because of how often he travels by plane with the company around Asia.

Minseok quickly noticed the heavy breathing followed by fidgeting and instantly remembered the first time they flew together when Jongdae was equally afraid and terrified.He gently placed his palm on Jongdae's cheek and
took latter's lips with his own to kiss them sweetly and try to comfort his scared boyfriend.

Jongdae relaxed into the kiss and sighed with content when Minseok whispered consoling words and kissed Jongdae's cheekbones and nose which he knew would calm Jongdae down, "Try to sleep,we'll arrive fast"

As every kid notices a change in one's mood Yui opened a package with gummy sweets and guided one gummy cat to Jongdae's lips, "Uncle Dae,take one gummy cat it will help you",Yui offered and Jongdae took it with a wide smile.

"Thank you Yui,it does help",he nodded in approval and relaxed more into his seat,realizing that he has two incredible people to look after him and that he shouldn't worry.

In the meantime Yui probably got exhausted from her enthusiastic and energetic behavior so she fell asleep comfortably on Jongdae's lap,while Jongdae fell asleep on Minseok's always comfortable shoulder.Looking at the two sleeping figures older couldn't stop thinking about the incoming trip that he has to witness.

Seeing Yui and Jongdae getting along and the young man taking care of her so well got Minseok feeling all warm and excited for some reason.Jongdae was so patient and caring: treating everyone around him with warmth and love that Minseok really admired him for that.The older also regrets not spending time with Yui in the past and not paying attention to her,but at that time long ago he didn't feel like he had to.Now he saw how many things he missed and how already mentally developed she has become and he felt sorry to not witness her growth in the past.

Now he was determined to try and get closer to Yui and equally spend time with his oh so patient and understanding boyfriend that he admired endlessly.Minseok couldn't wait for them to just arrive safely and enjoy in what they will have.

Jongdae's breath got caught in his throat once Minseok opened the door to their cute house on the beach.He wasn't sure if it was from the exhaustion and the six hour flight but Jongdae couldn't utter a single word as he dragged his luggage and looked around the place with heart eyes.


"Uncle Seok is this your house? It's so pretty!",Yui squealed and showed her stuffed toy dog called 'Hachiko' the view from the living room window, "Look Hachiko how pretty the beach is! Are you excited to learn how to swim?"

She brought the dog's snout to her ear as he was supposed to whisper something to her and she nodded, "Me too!"

Minseok let out a tired breath remembering how Yoomi practically begged him to teach Yui how to swim.He then noticed the cute innocent Jongdae looking around in awe,not believing how pretty the house is.There isn't any daylight to see the house in full glow (since they arrived later than expected) but Jongdae doesn't mind.

The whole construction was white as well as the inside of it with rich and new furniture so Jongdae guessed that Minseok built this one recently.As soon as you enter the house you practically walk in the huge living room with black and white couches,inhumanly big TV,piano,high shelves filled with books and glass snowballs,a huge fireplace that Jongdae guessed it's just for the aesthetic because who else needs a fireplace in Thailand?

From the entrance right is a huge kitchen with a big nice wooden dining table and of course a terrace to go outside and be greeted with palm trees,a pool and a private beach.

"Yui,you have your room upstairs do you want to see it?",Minseok smiled and kneeled to look at his tired but endlessly adorable niece.

A strong nod followed her happy clapping as she grabbed her two backpacks (and Hachiko) in her hands, "Yes uncle Seok,yah!!!",she yelled happily and ran up the stairs ignoring her uncle's worried warnings about her 'slowing down' and 'looking where she's going'.

Older then averted his gaze back at the still shocked Jongdae that was staring at the beach in the distance and Minseok slowly walked to his amazed boyfriend to sneak hands around the slim body and place a chin on the soft shoulder.

"Do you like it?",Minseok asked and left a few kisses on Jongdae's neck.

Latter closed his eyes leaning in slightly, enjoying the feeling and snorted at the question, "Do I like it? I am completely in love with this place,Minseok.So beautiful",Jongdae said and turned himself to look at the latter.

"Let's go upstairs",Minseok invited with a wide smile and grabbed the rest of the luggage with Jongdae helping him with every step.

There is also a small bathroom that Minseok liked to call a 'guest bathroom' downstairs next to the kitchen,but the main and a REALLY larger one is upstairs where the rooms are,completely equipped with: a shower cabin,a bath tub,small jacuzzi,two toilets,huge cabinet filled with towels and bathrobes as well as some skin products,shampoos,bath bombs and soaps.Jongdae spotted a box with different colored flower petals with candles next to them and his stomach turned imagining how he could put those in good use.

'Yui's room' is actually a guest room but the girl was quick to decorate it with her toys and stickers she brought with her so the room  really looked more like her own place.

At one moment Minseok grabbed Jongdae's hand surprising him as he did so because the younger was in the middle of staring at cute Yui rearranging now •her• room.They walked to the room down the hallway next to which was a small balcony that looked down at the piano at the ground floor.

Jongdae's eyes slightly widened at the sight of clearly Minseok's room because it was enormously big and all white as well.Jongdae knows Minseok doesn't like colors but since everything was so white and black it was kind of intimidatingly plain to Jongdae,but somehow hot because it's Minseok after all.

The room that caused him to lose breath again had a big king sized bed with baldachins and big pillows on one side and on the other was a big 'makeup table' with lights around the square mirror and at least 20 drawers.Jongdae noticed how much Minseok loves skin care and he admits to himself that he could start taking care of his own skin as well (not that it was bad at all).Jongdae also couldn't ignore the huge cabins and wardrobe that almost touched the high ceiling all the way up.

Minseok stepped closer to Jongdae looking in the way the latter was looking and it was a wide terrace that had a view of the beach.Even though the sun was nowhere to be seen,the water looked magnificent under the moonlight and Jongdae felt like crying from all these perfect and heartwarming sceneries.

"Uncle Seok?Uncle Dae?",Yui whispered almost inaudibly while walking into,now Jongdae's and Minseok's room, holding Hachiko pressed to her chest, "I'm really tired.Can I go to bed?"

"First you have to take a bath",Jongdae pouted and caressed her cheek then looked up at Minseok, "You go make her a bubbly bath and help her clean up, I will change her sheets and unpack her clothes"

Minseok nodded, "I think you have clean sheets in the drawer next to her bed.Yui let's go get your cosmetic bag and pajamas", he said and offered a hand which his niece took with a tired smile and led him to the room and then to the big bathroom.

Jongdae smiled to himself seeing that Minseok learned what Jongdae told him to and looking at him and the cute girl that happened to accept them both very nicely despite seeing Minseok once and Jongdae...never before?The complete warmth that he is feeling hasn't appeared in a really long time and the bigger hope for his future starts to bloom.

Jongdae catches himself staring at the beach once again,mind completely absent - also forgetting what he has to do.But he's sure that Minseok will need some more time to help Yui get ready for bed so he quickly snaps out of his daydreams and jumps onto changing the cute sheets for the little girl.While doing so he looks at the walls that were surprisingly well decorated (even though they will stay for just two weeks Yui obviously wanted to make them most unforgettable two weeks),making the plain white walls interesting and room child like which makes Jongdae smile to himself and girl's creative mind.

"Which one would you like to hear?I'm bad at this",Minseok asked sitting on the bed next to his niece that was being tucked comfortably by Jongdae,leaned on its frame.He was holding at least four fairytales that Yui brought with her and sighed tiredly, but did not complain.

"The story about Gyeonu and Jikneyo!Please",she pouted and Minseok looked at the books he had searching for Yui's wish.

"The story of Chilseok?"

A nod.

Minseok cleared his throat feeling a bit dumb , "A heavenly king had a daughter called Jiknyeo who was a talented weaver. One day, when she looked out of the window while weaving, she saw a young man, a herder called Gyeonu just across the Milky way, and fell in love with him.The father allowed the two to bear marriage"

Jongdae was at this point excited to hear the story as well and took a seat on the other side of the bed looking at Minseok with his full attention, "Afterwards,Jiknyeo refused to weave clothes, and Gyeonu did not take good care of the cows and sheep. The king grew furious, and ordered the couple to live separate ways, allowing them to meet only once a year. On the seventh day of the seventh month of each year, they were excited to meet each other, but could not cross the Milky Way",a frown from Minseok, "However, crows and magpies worked together to form a bridge across the Milky Way for the couple. After awhile, their sadness returned, for they were forced to wait another year before meeting again. If it rains on the 7th July, it is believed to be the couple's tears"

Minseok's frown did not leave his face because the story wasn't amusing at all (and quite sad) and Jongdae couldn't stop staring at him - but at least Yui fell asleep: they thought.After carefully leaving the book on her night table and turning the lights out,the couple decided to go downstairs to the living room completely forgetting about unpacking.

"I'm so tired",Minseok sighed and flopped to the couch just when Jongdae wanted to suggest an unpacking night: a virgo in him jumps out like that occasionally.Minseok stretched his arms in invitation for Jongdae to come and lay down next to him and the younger couldn't decline the offer.

"I want to go swimming so badly",Jongdae whispered and closed his eyes enjoying Minseok's embrace.

"I saw that you really couldn't look away from the beach",Minseok smiled slightly, "Do you want to go swim now?"

Older suggested and Jongdae was quick to raise his head to look at his boyfriend in confusion, "It's 11pm"

"So?We could just go fresh up and go to bed?",older offered.

"Ugh your mind!",Jongdae said and jumped to his feet quickly extending an arm to Minseok who grabbed it without hesitation before they ran (quietly) upstairs to get their swimsuits (underpants to be precise) and a big red towel.

"Red?",Jongdae raised his eyebrows as he was spreading the towel on the soft sand.

Minseok nodded and smiled, "A development...I know"

"I love it",Jongdae laughed and started running to the water not minding the cold temperature and Minseok's yelling.

"Oh god Minseok!The water is so beautiful!",Jongdae smiled and raised his hands into the air while trying to walk deeper into the water and adjust to the cold temperature.

Older was actually quick to join him,going by the saying 'as soon as you go in,you get used to it faster' (even though there wasn't a saying like that Minseok had to have some kind of reassurance while the cold water froze everything he had in his body).

They didn't go far from the shallow of the sea because it was dark (and Jongdae was afraid) but mainly because it was dark and they wouldn't really know where they would swim to.

Jongdae wrapped his legs around Minseok's hips and arms around his shoulders then looked up breathing in the pleasant air and thanking the God that a shark hasn't bitten his ass yet.

"You're so beautiful",Minseok's comment snaps him out of the scary thoughts and he looked at Minseok their faces being not even an inch apart.

"I,yo-",Jongdae blurted out and Minseok was quick to catch and kiss younger's lips before he stuttered out anything else.Older smiled into the kisses and that was the most favorite thing ever for Jongdae.He felt his stomach tightening when Minseok gently caressed it under the refreshing water and honestly Jongdae wanted Minseok in exactly 3 minutes.

He slowly licks Minseok's lips,asking for a permission to taste his mouth deeper,letting the older know that Jongdae was interested into more than just swimming and that Minseok should take it into consideration- as the latter of course did because what was he supposed to do?Say no? Silly.

"Do you want it here or on the annoyingly big red towel?",Minseok asks between kisses and Jongdae giggles like he wasn't about to get fucked by Minseok for the fourth time that day.But did he complain? Hell no.

"I really don't want to get eaten by sharks while i'm having sex",Jongdae almost complains.

"You're impossible",Minseok laughs and kisses Jongdae's cheeks while carrying him out of the water and placing him on the surprisingly soft towel, "How would you like me to please you now,mister?"

Jongdae rolls his eyes but smiles sweetly at the caring question, "Please me however you'd like just try not to kill me with that ridiculously hot body- Oh my god the moonlight looks so good on you",Jongdae whined and covers his flushed face with his small palms that Minseok quickly removes.

"Stop complimenting me and making me laugh i'm trying to fuck you",Minseok laughs and then finally lowers down to the hem of Jongdae's swim shorts,kissing the hip bones that were exposed.

Jongdae's blabbering stops soon and he lets his body take the pleasure he wanted as Minseok kisses his stomach and the happy trail where Jongdae was most sensitive.His whole body was shaken up by the goosebumps and Minseok's gentle lips,then he once again looks up at the sky to check if this all was even real.

For these almost 7 months of dating,exploring and  sleeping together, Minseok remembered all the sensitive parts of Jongdae's body that would turn him on: all the parts that would make him fall asleep after being kissed there,all the parts where he was ticklish,the parts where he would flush in embarrassment...It was all so precious to Minseok.So amusing how he could somehow control Jongdae's body into reacting however Minseok wanted.

Older then removes their annoyingly tight swim shorts and kisses Jongdae's inner things as well as the sensitive crotch with an already throbbing cock in the middle, "A-Ah please... there more",Jongdae pleads miserably and Minseok's cheeks flush not knowing exactly why.

Jongdae of course couldn't notice the shyness as Minseok drags his tongue from the bottom of Jongdae's crotch,over the happy trail and navel,then kisses all the way over Jongdae's well built abs and finally throat - Minseok's favorite spot.He kissed,sucked and marked the sweet spot like his life depended on it while taking his own throbbing cock into his hands to spread the precum all over it due to the lack of lubrication.But Jongdae's hole for the past months got really loose and perfect for Minseok's size so he didn't really have to worry,nonetheless he felt the need to be careful.

Younger instinctively spreads his legs allowing Minseok to brush his hardness up and down against his hole,causing it to flinch because of how sensitive it still was.

Jongdae whimpers and moans into the kisses louder each second and Minseok feels his cock hurting at this point,latter could turn him on so quickly that Minseok thought he could cum just by looking at the flustered Jongdae singing his moans out in pleasure.

"Can you stop...sounding and looking so beautiful like that i can't...function...",Minseok sighs,eyes closed,their foreheads touching and he was not sure if he heard Jongdae giggle in response.

"Can you stop worshipping me and fuck me then???Sharks literally learned how to walk to us at this point",Jongdae jokes and looks at his nonexistent watch.

Minseok rolls his eyes at the endlessly adorable boyfriend and hovers over him again to place his budging crotch against Jongdae's twitching hole.

Kissing younger's forehead Minseok slowly pushes in,breathing heavily and feeling like he was already close to his end but tries to gather his shit together because he wants to enjoy in this view of blushing Jongdae biting his lips and moaning softly.

Minseok just wants to see the latter breaking under him again,never getting tired of how his name slips out of Jongdae's mouth in the sweet pleasure.He accepts Jongdae's legs around his hips,while setting up a pace that makes them both feel good and takes younger's lips as well.Swallowing every loud moan that escaped Jongdae's throat.

"Oh-....M-Minseok,please more...",Jongdae sighs in a whiny manner as his hands find their way into Minseok's damp dark hair,grabbing it strongly.

Minseok caresses his cheekbones in response and continues to thrust into his lovers body whispering praises that make Jongdae blush furiously, "You are so beautiful.So perfect"

Jongdae frowns,pleasure so good it almost makes him mad and he pushes himself against Minseok's thrusts wanting more even though it was basically impossible.Minseok bites his lips and throws his head back,feeling Jongdae touch him all over his perfectly worked abdomen and biceps.

"Harder,Minseok",Jongdae almost growls and Minseok's ears and cheeks turn at least nine shades of red,but he obeys and gives Jongdae what he wants.

Sleeping with Jongdae was completely a different feeling and experience than any other that Minseok had before.With Jongdae, Minseok felt like he could reach the clouds by just extending his arm in the air but he catches the stars instead.Being with Jongdae was like swimming in the open warm sea that had no obstacles,no danger and just enjoyment and freedom.Touching Jongdae's body was like playing the most delicate and well built piano that made the most beautiful sounds that only Minseok had the honor to hear.For Minseok Jongdae is a medicine - a cure to his damaged heart and brain,a safety vest to save him from drowning.

And for Jongdae Minseok was a huge puzzle: a riddle that he has been trying to solve while finding logical clues and hints while never actually knowing if he's on the right path or close to the solution.Jongdae was aware of Minseok's imperfection.But as much as Minseok was imperfect to others,he was perfect for Jongdae.Maybe he never told Jongdae that he loves him,maybe he doesn't even love him in that very serious way but Jongdae is entirely grateful to have Minseok's trust to help Minseok love one day and to grow.Jongdae was thankful that Minseok accepted Jongdae's attempts and will to help him and younger entering Minseok's life was like receiving a first aid to bring him back to life.

At one moment Minseok speeds up and takes Jongdae's throbbing cock into his hand and starts stroking it gently (which he almost never does),causing Jongdae to cry out his moans,tears sliding down his cheeks and body overwhelmed, "Look at me while you come,Jongdae",Minseok raises younger's chin with his delicate fingers and Jongdae complies,opening his teary eyes to look at his boyfriend tiredly but in a pure bliss.Younger breaking under Minseok was enough to make older reach his climax as well and they were both moaning each other's names,Jongdae grinding against Minseok's crotch to ride out his climax.

In another moment Jongdae looks up at Minseok who was already staring down at him,both panting with sweat running down their cheeks as well as revealed chest: and Jongdae notices.Minseok staring at him was usual but now something was different.Older refuses to look anywhere else except Jongdae's shiny eyes still filled with tears and he stares at them with a mystery in his own.

Jongdae couldn't look away at this point,wanting to try and find the explanation and a meaning behind Minseok's undefined stare and he raises his eyebrows slightly,like subtly asking Minseok what is wrong or has he done anything wrong.

"I-...",Minseok starts and Jongdae feels like he's waiting for his boyfriend to tell him something that younger has been waiting a long time to hear.

Jongdae breathes deeply, "You what?"

Silence falls upon them again and Minseok now goes with his gaze over Jongdae's whole face and body,admiring the masterpiece that he created, "I think we should go wash up and go to bed",Minseok says almost in a whisper.

Younger feels devastated,even if he didn't really need to feel that way.What was he expecting?Exactly, nothing.

So he tiredly nods and follows Minseok to their house to wash up and snuggle in each other's embrace,Jongdae not being able to fall asleep despite the beautiful feeling of Minseok's chest pressed against his back.

If I could only know what was on your mind....

And with that thought he surrendered to his exhaustion.

Jongdae never had a chance to travel to exotic places like this,especially not for vacation - he thinks while applying sunscreen on Yui's small back and face as Yoomi insisted.The little girl spent half of the night with them actually; after having a nightmare or moonwalking (Jongdae wasn't sure) she came to their room crying and begged to sleep with them.Couple didn't even hesitate to accept her,making a room in between each other and tucking her comfortably so she could calm down.

"Baekhyun and Chanyeol are planning to adopt a baby",Jongdae blabbers out absentmindedly while putting a cute pink cap on Yui's head (that matched her bikini) to protect her from the sun while being in the water.

Minseok who was just finishing with applying sunscreen on Jongdae's back raises a brow at the comment, "How did they agree to that?"

Jongdae shrugs and takes Yui into his arms as they approach the water, "They always wanted to be parents,and they both are sure in their relationship so I guess they have trust in each other",Jongdae says and places Yui down into the water, "How is the water Yu-yu?"

"It's a little cold",she said holding her second favorite toy ( a red mermaid) to her chest and adjusting to the cold temperature, "But nice"

"Do Baekhyun and Chanyeol know how hard it is to adopt a kid when they're LGBT and how expensive that is?",Minseok averts to the first topic and bends to take a bit of water into his palms before splashing it onto his hot skin- trying to adjust to the temperature as well.

Jongdae checks Yui and then looks up at Minseok, "When you love someone and when you want to do something that you know would make the both of you happy,I think there are no obstacles.Also the money is the smallest problem for them",Jongdae said and Minseok blinked at him, "Love is just enough for everything to work"

Minseok wants to say something,or precisely to defend himself but surrenders as he knows that everything Jongdae said was true.He tries to forget everything that happened and continues helping Yui swim as they've been teaching her from the early morning.The girl wasn't bad,she was really skillful and docile which helped the couple take care of her.

"Uncle Jongdae how do you know if two people love each other?",Yui asks and Jongdae gets taken aback by the question but of course understands the girl's curiosity as every small child has.

Jongdae clears his throat and helps Yui get on a unicorn plushie they bought, "If the two people can't stand to be apart for long,if they feel safe in each other's embrace,if they are ready to do anything for each other,if one of them sometimes goes out of their comfort zone to help the other person establish something that they need help with,if they occasionally buy each other presents or just small things to show affection,if one person tries to think about not having the other person in their life and if it becomes impossible for them to think in that way then at least I think it's love",Jongdae nods and fixes Yui's cap.

Minseok was silent the whole time,watching the girl attentively listening to Jongdae and the young man explaining everything so well.Minseok felt a weird feeling in his chest,like he was embarrassed but he really didn't know why he should feel that way.

In one moment Jongdae looks at Minseok and goes through older's wet hair with his hand,admiring how good his boyfriend looked in the water and how his biceps were practically glowing because of the sun.

"Uncle Dae,uncle Seok look I can swim",Yui says as she leaves the mermaid to Jongdae and jumps into the water from the plushie, balancing herself in the water with her arms and legs waving everywhere,but not actually swimming.

Jongdae chuckles and takes the girl by the hips,helping her maintain herself in the water, "We started learning this morning Yu,you can't swim alone just yet"

Minseok could just stare back at Jongdae and his sun kissed skin as well as his wet blonde hair and can't decide if Jongdae looks better under the moonlight naked and breaking under Minseok,or half naked and wet like this under the sun with his well shaped abs and hands flexing under the pressure while being caressed by the sun.

You are so wonderful he thinks and remains silent as he listens to Jongdae's instructions and Yui's sweet laughs and fake naughty behavior.

The days were passing quickly but Minseok's happiness didn't even dare.Their every day routine was waking up early to make breakfast then head to the beach and teach Yui how to swim and when they finally taught the little girl how to swim then they swam together,Minseok occasionally pretending to be a dolphin so that Yui could attach herself onto his back and swim with him to the deeper part of the ocean.

They would make a big shade from the parasols and put a lot of towels to make a big space where they could have their naps before lunch,they would make big sandcastles and let Yui do their hair and they would also play with toys because Yui would make them do it,but they didn't complain.

Both Jongdae and Minseok felt warm and happy: not really saying it out loud but they felt satisfied.If they couldn't nap in the afternoon they would kiss,swim and laugh quietly trying not to wake Yui up.Despite the time and responsibility of taking care of Yui the couple had time for themselves as well.Getting to know each other more,exchange affection and fall deeper for each other (in spite of not confessing it out loud).

In the night they would watch movies with Yui and play board games that would end with either Jongdae whining in disappointment after he would lose or Minseok making a fake fuss and giving up.

After their dinner the two of them would read fairytales to Yui and go to the late night swimming or fill a tub with rose petals and light up candles all over the bathroom.Those nights were the most beautiful to Jongdae: having sex while his favorite songs would play in the background was the most relaxing thing Jongdae ever experienced and he almost cries at the thought that he has to go back to work in about 5 days.

There were also nights when the three of them would go outside of their private place and walk around the city by the shore,visiting different restaurants and trying different food.That was Yui's favorite part since the girl would end up exhausted from all the swimming over the day.

Exactly that was what the three of them did in the moment: walking around the city looking at stores and finding souvenirs to buy and bring home.

"I see a very good restaurant",Jongdae says and Yui is interested right away, "Wait for me here I will go and see if there's free spot for us"

Minseok and Yui nod in sync but still continue to look around for more stores since Minseok's niece was shopping-holic apparently.

"Uncle Minseok,when is uncle Dae's birthday?",Yui asks.

"In september"

"What kind of gifts does he like?Is he into jewelry?",she asks while looking at the jewelry store,probably getting an inspiration for the question because of it.

Minseok gets taken aback by that question,realizing that he never really bought anything for Jongdae.Except maybe paying a bill in the restaurants they would go to but that doesn't really count,does it?

"I don't know",Minseok feels something weird again.Probably guilt but he can't out his finger on it, "I never thought of buying him anything",he says and becomes aware of every single word.

And it suddenly bugs him,makes him furious at himself.He never in these 7 months bought anything for Jongdae.A present for New Year's Eve,a present for his birthday,for their anniversaries ...not even for Valentine's day.And Jongdae never said anything about it.Not complaining,not asking,not being greedy.And it hits him.

"How did you never think of buying him a gift?Isn't that what couples do?"

Isn't that what couples do...It is,but Minseok is a careless idiot,that's the first insult he remembers of and he's not wrong.

"I don't know"

Yui looks up at him with confused eyes,almost with a bit of sympathy and takes his hands into her small ones.

"I have an idea",Minseok looks at her with a questioning look and she drags him to the jewelry's shop window.

She points with her little pink painted nail to the little earrings and necklace, "You can get him something now.It's never too late to fix a mistake"

Even Yui understands how dumb it was from Minseok to never show Jongdae a sign of a affection with a little gift like that.Not that the spending money and gifts were a sign of love,but buying something for your lover occasionally means that you think about them and that you want to make them happy.But Minseok never did something like that and he feels his heart dropping.Was it embarrassment and disappointment at himself?Probably.

In that moment Jongdae yells across the street and waves to them with a satisfied smile,meaning that he found a free spot for them next to the water.Yui looks up at Minseok and the elder looks down at her,thinking what to do.

"Go to uncle Jongdae and order the food.Don't tell him where I am okay?"

"What should I say?"

"That I saw my old friend and stopped to talk with him"

"Lying is bad,uncle Minseok",Yui whispers,amazed.

"I know I'm bad.Just please do this for me once",Minseok almost pleaded and Yui nodded strongly.

"You're not bad uncle I understand.I won't say anything",she gestures zipping her mouth and runs to the restaurant where Jongdae waited for them.

With a sigh and heavy chest Minseok enters the jewelry shop and swears that he won't make the same mistake he was making in the past 7 months.



Jongdae puts his cutlery down,finishing his dish and looks up at Minseok, "What took you so long?Was it really a friend?You can tell me"

Minseok stops with a spoon in his mouth and looks back at Jongdae's soft expression and crossed hands on the table.Yui went to play with other kids on the restaurant's playground so she wasn't there to save Minseok with her wise witticisms.

Minseok then swallows his food and puts his cutlery down as well, "It wasn't a friend",he says and wipes his face with a napkin.

Jongdae gulps,realizing that Minseok (along with Yui) lied to him and he fidgets into his chair subtly, "...Is it something serious?Is everything fine?"

Minseok nods and reaches his man-purse (what he liked to call it) to take out a big red box with a pretty bow on the top of it, "I have something for you"

He offers it to very confused and speechless Jongdae that takes it with raised eyebrows,pointing at himself.

Minseok nods,a small unnoticeable smile on his face,seeing Jongdae so flustered and embarrassed.

"...This is for me?",Jongdae asks and feels his heart hitting his ribcage with an inhuman speed but tried to collect himself.

"Yes",Minseok says and takes Jongdae's hand into his, " extremely sorry,Jongdae-"

"For what"

Older closes his eyes,sighing.Jongdae is either extremely dumb or too understanding and humble.Minseok chose second option and he feels even more embarrassed.

"For not thinking about you.For not behaving like a normal boyfriend should",Minseok says and pushes the box more into Jongdae's hands.

Jongdae feels tears coming up but he refuses to cry.He's such a baby,he thinks.Who even cries over normal presents?No one except Jongdae since he never got any from Minseok.

His hands are shaken up by the unexpected gift and he opens the box gently,laying his eyes upon two diamond thunder shaped earrings as well as a diamond thunder shaped necklace and swallows his tears bravely.He takes a short shaky breath and looks at Minseok that already came to sit next to him, "I don't know what to say...This is beautiful Minseok,thank you so much...You didn't h-"

"I had to,Jongdae.Please forgive me",Minseok says and younger looks at him with red,teary and very tired eyes but completely grateful and happy.

Jongdae knows what this apologizing is all about and he feels a huge part of the stone falling from his heart in relief.Also Minseok's taste in jewelry was the biggest surprise.

"It's okay.Don't worry",he whispers,his voice abandoning him already and he kisses Minseok sweetly before pulling him in a tight hug.

Minseok feels Jongdae's tears and he squeezes the younger tighter,promising himself that Jongdae isn't a person that deserves a small box with diamonds,but a lot more than that and Minseok was ready to give it all to him.

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