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Jongdae needed a few good weeks (months) to get used to his work again,still under the influence of the most beautiful vacation he experienced and Minseok's adorable and polite niece.He was practically glowing.Glowing with his new earrings and necklace that his boyfriend bought for him on one of the most romantic locations in the world.Still too good to be true.

Days at the office were tiring and boring while Sehun was on his vacation with Jongin,the cute dancer and trainee that Sehun was crazy for.Jongdae thought they were cute: by Sehun's constant blabbering and stories older got a feeling that Sehun is happy.

Jongdae was just now talking with him,showing off the present he had received for a hundredth time constantly smiling.Sehun saw that his colleague was quite happy.Much happier that before and he actually felt really glad.

"I'm really shocked that you're still working here...Your boyfriend is a fucking millionaire and he's still holding you here",Sehun snorts and stirs his too hot coffee, "Must be disappointing"

Jongdae shook his head lightly while affixing a seal to random documents, "I decided to stay here.He told me that I could work from home if I wanted to because of the thing we have",he whispers and looks around to check if someone was listening: their bank is full of eavesdroppers and gossips, "But I said that I won't go to his office or let him drive me home,so that people wouldn't think something that we wouldn't want"

Sehun raises his eyebrows and enthusiastically types something into his computer before completely leaning into Jongdae's direction, "What about Jihee?Has she seen something?"

Jongdae looks at Sehun and nods, "Probably,she's not dumb",he comments and shivers at the thought of the Minseok's deputy.The woman is terrifying.

"Aren't you like...afraid of her?",younger asks and sips his coffee.

"Kinda,but I'm pretty sure Minseok knows how to deal with her",he says nonchalantly and looks at his watch with a pout, "I have to go soon"

Sehun looks outside the window, "Are you going to take the metro?Because the weather outside is really fucked up"

"Baek will come pick me up,don't worry",Jongdae smiles at the caring question he didn't expect from his colleague,but also friend by now.

Sehun gives him a confused look, "I'm not worrying about you,i'm worrying about those pants I borrowed you.They weren't cheap"

Jongdae rolls his eyes and stacks the documents neatly, "Thank you for making me think you give a shit about me,it was nice two seconds of my life",he smiles and takes out his phone.

Sehun just laughs at the comment and lets Jongdae call his best friend who was probably stuck in traffic.It's the 'ending of shift' time in Seoul so everyone was rushing home probably.


"Hey,is everything alright?My shift is over so i'm calling to see where you're at",Jongdae says and puts the rest of the documents he has to work on in his bag while holding a phone between his shoulder and ear, "The weather is awful"

"Yeah,yeah i'll be there quickly!Traffic is that one annoying hoe that likes to appear when no one asks you know?Don't worry",Baekhyun says cheerfully but Jongdae could hear him beep his car's siren and swear under his breath.

Jongdae laughs at that, "K,i'll believe you.See ya"

He chuckles to himself again and puts his phone into his pocket just when Momo arrived with a serious face that Jongdae didn't like at all.He raises his eyebrows at her like asking what happened and the polite woman bows to the young men before whispering to Jongdae's ear.

"Mrs. Jihee wants to see you...She said she has to talk with you about something",she sighs and looks back at Jongdae's unamused face.

He rolls his eyes, "Is this because I used my phone?? It's the end of my shift for god's sake.What will she do?Fire me?"

Momo shook her head in response, "I don't know,Jongdae.Better go to her now so you could get out of her office fast and go home"

And he took the advice.Momo was right,as soon as he listens to Jihee's bullshit he can go home.So he entered the elevator with heavy head and forgot to breathe until he reached the sixth floor.He hated going to what white and too bright office.

He dithered whether or not to go to Minseok's office first and whine,but he just decided to get this over with.After a quick knock he was called into the office and spotted an annoyingly blonde hair tied in a bun and a red lipstick pointing out full lips of a woman that just knew how to bring people down and destroy them.Must be awful living like that.

But Jongdae,all in all,couldn't deny that the woman was pretty.Maybe too pretty for her personality.And he somehow started thinking if she and Minseok were anything before,completely forgetting who Minseok is.Jongdae's possessiveness jumps out occasionally like that.

"Good afternoon,Mr. Kim",she smiles still looking at her computer and Jongdae isn't sure if he should sit or stand or approach...he just decides to stand in place as far from her as possible.

"Hello,Mrs. Lee"

She shoots a questioning look at him over her monitor when realizing that he has no intention in getting close to her, "Please approach and sit,I don't bite"


He sighs inaudibly and sits down hoping that the woman will speak up soon so he could go.She then stands up after clicking something on her computer, slamming the door from the printer and Jongdae can't help but to wince at that.

She sighs,that type of sigh when you almost sing a melody at the end and pulls out some papers from he drawer, "Listen,I know we weren't in good terms for these past few months...but now I feel bad for you,you know?"

Jongdae frowns.Who the hell was she to feel bad for him after mentally fucking him up for the past year of working in the bank and not doing anything bad except his well payed job?

"I don't understand"

"Oh well you know...",she starts and quickly walks over to lean on her work table but right in front of Jongdae,"I know that you and mister CEO are having an affair...For quite some time now",she stops and raises an eyebrow at him,but Jongdae decides to stay silent, "Must be awful being with that man"

Jongdae can't deny the pounding of his heart.He knew that Jihee wasn't stupid and that she assumes things but he never imagined to be put in this situation.

"You have nothing to say,eh?Fair enough-"

"What should I say?"

She arches a brow again and smirks, "Defend yourself?Deny everything?"

Jongdae frowns at her, "Who said that I have to justify myself to you?Even if it was true or even if it isn't true,it's not your business.I'm here to work not to tell you my life stories",he almost spits the last few words but the woman stays perfectly calm for some reason.And it annoys Jongdae.

"Oh see Jongdae,it is my business.Oh it's so my business",she laughs and Jongdae wishes he could tape her mouth or something.

"The company should've been mine,Jongdae.All this should've been under my power.Without that stupid jet black hearted man ruining it all for me",her face gets painted in disgust and Jongdae is amused at this point.

She turns her head to Jongdae and crosses her arms under her chest, "I have some exclusive photos of you and your beloved Minseok on an airport,holding hands and kissing",she grins and Jongdae's heart falls into his stomach,not being able to breathe, "Imagine if those photos somehow appeared everywhere...News,social media,newspapers,ads in the metro...Anywhere you can imagine.What do you think would happen to your boyfriend's reputation?To the whole company?"

"Where are those pictures then?",Jongdae's poker face somehow stays still,even though he felt a mix of anxiety,fear,anger and sadness all together twirl inside of him.He wants to scream and fight the woman in front of him but he's at a loss of words.He could just sit and wait for the next slide in Jihee's endless evil presentation.

"Don't you worry about that,i have my sources.But Jongdae,I actually feel bad for you,as I said",Jihee sighs and takes the papers from behind her and looks at them with a pout, "This makes me actually sad,I almost tear up whenever I look at it"

Jongdae looks confused and exhausted.His face practically changing colors in frustration and fear, "What are you gaining from keeping me in this uncertainty?Don't you have a life or something?What is this whole performance for?"

She laughs at the comment and Jongdae wishes it was as funny to him as it apparently was for her, "Oh I am so sorry for not showing this to you earlier,or to be precise,almost a year ago",she says and practically throws the papers into Jongdae's hands and the latter is too curious not to look at them immediately.

But soon an extremely painful feeling fills his chest and he feels like he's at a loss of breath again.The hands that are holding the white papers start to change the color slowly and Jongdae feels tears of confusion filling his eyes.

"What is this?",he asks with a voice as low as never before,tight from the disgust he felt by the document.

"Oh that?",she points at the papers, "That is a some kind of a contract,if you will,about you being Minseok's therapy toy"


Patient name: Kim Minseok
Age: 32
Past: Mentally and physically abused/bullied
Diagnosis: Emotionally unstable/Unable to have trust in others/Doesn't know how to describe what he's feeling/Tendency to hurt others/Chromophobia(replace 'fear' with 'anger')
Experiment: Using a young boy Kim Jongdae for a test of Kim Minseok's potential mental development
Contract deal: If the experiment succeeds Kim Minseok's company stays in his hands,otherwise the company will be in the hands of Lee Jihee and Lee Dongyup (Kim Jongdae will be given to a Mental Health Clinic for testing after being involved with Kim Minseok)
Contract/Bet worth: 1 155 710 000 (KRW)
Doctor: Lee Dongyup

"So sad isn't it?Your boyfriend using you for his experiments...But it's all just because he wants to save his company! No big deal right? That's what is the most important to him anyway...",she smirks and points at the paper again, "There's his stamp,signature,your name and everything...Woooh! So awkward"

She says and leans onto the armchair where Jongdae was sitting, "Now that you're really disappointed and sad",she coos, "I guess the experiment didn't work huh?Guess I will just take the company then..."

And the worst things was that Jongdae really didn't give a single damn about the stupid company bank or whatever this landfill is.He just wants explanations.

Jongdae's tears start falling one by one.He didn't want to show Jihee his emotional side but this is something he couldn't hold in in this situation. His heart was getting hurt more each time he read the document again not believing his eyes and wishing it was just a dumb nightmare.He wipes his tears and jumps off his chair in quick motion.

Getting hurt by Minseok,again.Jongdae feels dumb.Dumb,betrayed,played and humiliated.Just how he tried to actually help Minseok fall in love,to feel love at all and to become a caring human being.Just how many nights Jongdae had spent talking with Minseok about the problems older had,how many times Minseok hurt Jongdae but younger didn't give up - being determined to save the one he loves.And the huge problem was that Jongdae actually loves Minseok, or at least he loved him.So much.At first he was just going crazy about the older and wanted to help Minseok understand life,emotions,people and relationships...but then he tried to think of losing Minseok,or Minseok disappearing from his life forever and he would break down not being able to accept the fact to not be next to Minseok for the rest of his life.He then knew he loved Minseok,truly gave his all to the latter.All his energy,time and love.But Minseok never gave it back.Maybe Jongdae thought he did,but after seeing the filthy documents Jongdae understands that all this was just a huge performance, an experiment involving money and a stupid game.Game that Jongdae was involved in as a 'therapy toy' and a figure of a bet.

Disgust fills his chest,and indescribable desire to erase Minseok and everything involving him from his life.But he can't just leave and never come back,before he tells Minseok what's laying on his chest of course.Then he will go and never turn back,never forgive Minseok because now it was just pointless,he thinks.

Coward Jongdae,always forgiving toxic people because he was too scared cutting them out of his life.But now he had no choice.

Head dizzy and with body that he could not feel anymore,Jongdae barges into Minseok's office slamming the door shut behind him with an unknown strength while practically crumpling the papers he was still holding tightly in his fist.

"Jongdae?",Minseok quickly stands up and almost runs towards Jongdae but the red eyed man takes a step back when Minseok comes too close.

"Jongdae what-"

"Do you really don't give a shit about me this much?! Am I really just a 'nobody' to you?"

Minseok gives him a scared look, "Jongdae stop what are you-"

"Oh no sorry let me correct myself", Jongdae sobs through a laugh and Minseok's shivers at the action not understanding what is going on, "I'm your therapy toy.That's what I am"

Therapy toy?Minseok frowns at that and tries to reach for Jongdae's hands, "Jongdae, what are you talking about?!"

"Don't touch me",Jongdae pushes the latter's hands and instead hits Minseok's chest with a small pile of papers.

"I tried so fucking hard-", Jongdae sobs harder, "To help you and-", he then sinks his face into his palms, "And give you REAL love that you never had because I...loved you.So much that I forgot to take care of my own self,goddamnit!"

At this point he's screaming and Minseok doesn't know how to act.His own eyes fill with tears of frustration because Jongdae won't let him take even a step closer or touch him,Minseok just wants to know what's going on.So he takes the papers and looks at them,letters blurry but soon very clear.

Jongdae sobs and the air gets stuck in his lungs from all the words he wanted to say at once, "Money and power.That's all that matters to you!I should've known...I should've known that you can't get help! I should've known that a person like you can't be changed!Who am I to change you anyway?"

Minseok's mind is filled with confusion as he reads the document,his body freezes at the words and feels his heart sinking into his stomach.

Jongdae wipes his tears but new ones come and he feels like he will never stop crying.Maybe someone else wouldn't get so hurt by the situation,but when Jongdae just thinks about all the time he had lost helping Minseok get his life together,completely forgetting his own.He could've been happy for all these months,he could've found someone that would know how to love and appreciate him.Someone that wouldn't use him how Minseok did.Using him to bet for money and company.

"Jongdae this...This-"

"I quit.I am so tired.I just want to get away from you.Don't call me,don't get near me please",Jongdae says and rips off his thunder necklace just to throw it on the floor, "That's all I'm asking",he says and picks up his jacket that he subconsciously threw away and runs out of the office.

Minseok's yelling was just a white noise as he entered the elevator and waited to reach the ground floor,trying not to cry more since there were people everywhere after all.

His gaze doesn't leave the floor even after he hears a 'ding' as a sign that he reached the ground floor and he covers his face with his small palm despite the weird stares and he runs out of the company to Baekhyun's car that he spotted.

"Jongdae are you crazy???Why were you not picking up?! I lost my mind! All these cars around me an-"

"Can you please not yell at me right now?",he asks desperately and finally looks at his best friend after successfully hiding his face.His head was hurting and he just wanted to disappear away from the intimidating bank.

Baekhyun becomes speechless and his face gets pale from the unpleasant surprise by Jongdae's awful state.How could've he not notice this?

"J-Jongdae? Jongdae,what happened?",he asks as he hugs the latter that just sobs into his shoulder quietly, "Oh my god.Will you tell me what happened?You're scaring me"

"Please just take me home"


"Please,Baekhyun.Please just take me home and don't ask me anything.I don't want to talk about it now.I want to be alone".Baekhyun has no choice but to obey his best friend's request.He will find out eventually,he thinks.Jongdae certainly will not talk if he doesn't want to.

Jongdae never felt as offended as he does now.Never as disappointed and unpleasantly surprised like now and he just hopes that he will be able to recover fast after what happened.He quickly decides to accept this as a life lesson, crawl into his bed and think what to do next since the things will never be the same.

Minseok was left speechless kneeling on the floor as he was taking Jongdae's necklace into his hand.He never felt so weak in his body and mind,so powerless and not knowing what to do next.Just when he thought that his life was slowly reaching its peak,ready to achieve the plan he had for a long time an unexpected scenario caused his world to start crumbling again.Reaching the lowest level at which he was more than a year ago before meeting Jongdae.

The younger doesn't want to be near Minseok anymore.Doesn't want Minseok to get close and he truly meant it leaving the older desperate and broken on his office floor.Minseok felt it.Felt his throat tightening,lungs getting dry,hands shaking and head pulsing.He wanted answers.Answers from no one other than Lee Jihee.So he puts the small necklace into his pocket carefully and slowly stands up on his shaky legs making his way to the deputy's office.

At a sound of an angry man breaking into her office than slamming the door,Jihee turns around on her heels previously looking at the busy streets of Seoul, "Oh! Good afternoon,boss!",she smiles.That fake smile that Minseok wanted to tear off her face.

"You stupid whore",Minseok growls and gets so close to her face just to grab her neck with one hand and show her the papers with the other, "You did this,didn't you?!", he shouts and shakes her by the neck slightly, the woman getting red in the face but the fake smile not leaving her face.

"Seeing you so mad because of your little slut makes me so excited",she laughs despite Minseok practically taking the air from her lungs, "You are really crazy for him that much huh?! So much that you wouldn't care if I shared with the world what he is to you?!"

Minseok's tears start falling and he gets taking aback by that.He doesn't remember the last time he cried so freely.Feeling the true sadness in his chest.He closes his eyes and tightens the grip around Jihee's neck, "Shut up,Jihee.Shut your mouth if you want to live"

"You can't kill me",Jihee laughs, "Company will be mine.I will show the evidence that I have about what you did to everyone and you will get everything taken away from you.Every single thing.Now you even lost your poor Jongdae.You 'therapy toy'", she laughs hysterically at the last part and Minseok pushes her against her desk,not having even a smallest bit of patience for her.

"You are nothing but a desperate whore,Jihee",Minseok spat through his teeth, "Desperate because you could never be with me,because I never liked you back.So dumb and desperate for me",he said with now his hysterical laugh.

Jihee wasn't smiling anymore,face red not just from Minseok's tight grip but also because of the embarrassment.

"What is wrong now?Cat ate your filthy tongue?",Minseok teased and pushed her more against the table, "I warned you so many times not to play with me,Jihee.You didn't listen and now you will have to pay for it"

"The only person I care about is Jongdae.And everything that matters to me is getting him and his trust back.Do whatever you want,I don't give a fuck",he says and let's go of her neck before turning around and walking out of her office for the last time.

The anger he felt was unbearable.Minseok felt like passing out and never waking up,not wanting to unintentionally hurt Jongdae nor live like a cold hard rock he was.But he felt it for the first time after almost twenty years.Tears of sadness and pain.He cried.Cried after Jongdae and after what Jihee had done - just because she was jealous and angry.

Minseok knows that Jongdae doesn't want to see him anymore or even hear about him,but the millionaire won't accept the fact to not talk to Jongdae and clear things out.Ready to risk his all for the sake of Jongdae's love.

Jongdae felt exhausted.He could do nothing but lean on his window frame and just stare at the storm that took over the whole Seoul.Detonations,roars and booming of the thunder was like a visual representation of what Jongdae felt inside and he was strangely calm.Despite the endless tears and pain he felt,he agreed to the fact that he had to go through it all so he could feel calm and happy soon.From pain comes strength,that's what he was constantly saying to himself.

But Jongdae on one side wasn't even that surprised because of the whole thing.Very awful to confess but he really wasn't surprised at one point.He knew who Minseok is and he should've seen it coming,he at least thinks that way.

Minseok is a damaged and hurt person.Nobody not even an ordinary person like Jongdae could help him.Maybe Jongdae watched too many dramas and movies where everything is too good to be true and thought he could do it in real life as well.He was wrong,he thinks.

As he walked under the hot stream of his shower,he suddenly remembered the first night at Thailand when Minseok and him were laying down on the sand under the moonlight and when the older held him so tightly to his chest. The look Minseok had given him was a special look that Jongdae hadn't seen before.The look that Jongdae thought held a thousand emotions that Minseok's couldn't express but younger knew he was feeling.Confusion: that's what Jongdae felt now.Is Minseok really that good of an actor?Well,Jongdae doesn't want to know and doesn't really care now.He just tries to forget that look that made confusion and lust wash over him and lets the water wash all that off instead.

Though peaceful state was really not what Jongdae could get today,he thinks as he pulls on his t-shirt and hears someone knocking on the door annoyingly.He silently sneaks to the door to peak through the spy hole and the moment he lays his eyes upon Minseok's panting face, he slams his back against the door a bit too harshly and flops to the floor. Minseok yells desperately, "Jongdae,I know you're there please let me talk to you"

"Minseok,I told you that I don't want to talk to you.Leave me alone",Jongdae's voice shakes even though he tried hard to keep his shit together and show Minseok that he's strong and determined not to let Minseok in.

"Jongdae the papers are fake,everything is fake Jihee-"

"Why are you still talking to me?!I don't want to hear anything from you and especially not her"

"Jongdae this is unfair! You didn't let me speak! You can't just run away before hearing my side of the story! Don't be childish",Minseok yells and knocks on the door harder,Jongdae's neighbors probably getting amused by now.

"There's nothing I want to hear from you! Your stamp and your signature was on that goddamn paper! You can't fool m- Stop hitting the door for fuck's sake!"

"The document is fake Jongdae! Jihee planned all this,she wanted a revenge-"

He gulps and shuts his eyes, "I can't believe this ,Minseok.I just don't"

"Jongdae please believe me",Minseok yells, "I love you,Jongdae please...",Minseok sobs out and Jongdae freezes in his spot.Eyes wide and mouth agape,he tries to let those words sink in as well as hearing Minseok cry.Never in his life has he ever been so confused and overwhelmed.

"I am going to tell the whole world I love you,Jongdae.That's the only way I can prove this to you.I can't lose you.You're the only person I care about and that I will ever love I can't lose you.I will go insane Jongdae",Minseok says with a lower voice but Jongdae can hear every single thing as well as shifting of Minseok's clothes like he is about to stand up.

Jongdae can't move nor speak.

Telling the whole world?

That he 'loves' Jongdae?

The young man needed a few seconds to get back to his senses before jumping onto his feet and running out to catch Minseok despite wearing a loose t-shirt and shorts while the storm was practically killing people outside.

"Fuck the elevator", he mumbles and runs down the stairs praying that Minseok already hadn't gone too far and did whatever he said he would a few minutes ago.Jongdae's tears got back really quickly and he was just confused as hell.

"Minseok!",Jongdae yells and runs to the man and millionaire turns around instantly.

"Whatever that you want to do,don't do it",Jongdae pants and barely sees Minseok's figure in front of him because of the hard stream of rain.

"I already did Jongdae", Minseok looks at him fighting the urge to hug and kiss him until they both run out of breath but stays perfectly still, "The news about us dating will be everywhere,and look at me I don't care.Even if I lose everything in one second,I don't give a damn.I just can't afford to lose you.You don't believe me,you're sure that I don't care about you...",he laughs like it's even funny, "But I have to prove you wrong.I'm ready for a whole world to know that I love Kim Jongdae.I don't have a reason to hide anymore,to be honest"

Jongdae's ears flitch again at the four letter word coming out Minseok's strawberry mouth and he watches as the older man drops to his knees, "Please,believe me"

Jongdae looks down at the his man.He has waited for the moment when Minseok could love,could feel and express his emotions - even though at some point Jongdae thought he should just give up.But the man prayed,not just for their relationship but also for Minseok's well-being.Jongdae couldn't watch an amazing man like Minseok rotting in his own sadness and confusion with everyone around him being afraid or being cold towards him without wanting to actually help the poor soul.Jongdae knew it wasn't fair so he tried: gave his all and showed Minseok how a relationship could be mutual and full of understanding,wanting to bring back Minseok's trust in people,in friendships in general.

After the long pep talk with his own self in his head Jongdae surrenders and just drops to his knees as well,hugging Minseok's wet tuxedo and sobbing into the crook of older's neck.The whole world will know,and at the thought anxiety takes over Jongdae.He was not ready for this but what Minseok did is absolutely enough for Jongdae to believe him.

Minseok squeezes the smaller body and then pulls him back slightly to look at younger's face and kiss the sweet lips.The relief he felt was like a big stone falling from his heart and warmth washing over him.Jongdae looks back at the man,shaking his head slightly and closing his eyes in disbelief, "I...I am so sorry...I feel so dumb I- I'm sorry I didn't believe you"

Minseok nods quickly like trying to shut Jongdae up and places his palm on Jongdae's cheek stroking his cheekbones softly, "You are not dumb,Jongdae.Document was awfully good made,but we won.I will take care of her just,please, let's forget about it"

"Minseok...the whole world will fucking know...",he whispers weakly and older man nonchalantly shrugs at the thought.

"Jongdae,you saved me",Minseok looks at him again, "If it wasn't for you I'd probably end up dead a long time ago.I was a horrible person Jongdae",Minseok shook his head, "Horrible.But then you came with your bright mind,too big heart and OH that patience...God that patience I admire you so much for that Jongdae"

Jongdae cries again,silently though.What is he?A crybaby?

Yes absolutely.

And in the moment, they felt the physical warmth which was not made just by their pressed bodies but the sun itself that came out of nowhere to make them warm.Couple not even being aware that the rain has stopped,takes a look at the sky and sees the beautiful rainbow painting the sky with her seven glorious colors.Jongdae smiles,his cattish lips curling up,face stained from the mix of rain and tears.

Jongdae looks away,like avoiding Minseok's gaze and the millionaire gives him a questioning look.

"Can you...",Jongdae clears his throat "... tell me that again...?"


"What you said...In front of my door and...earlier"

Minseok nods strongly, "The document is FAKE! 100% fake. All I h-"

"Not that you fool",Jongdae says and pokes Minseok's forehead,expression painted in disbelief, "The confession thing..."

Minseok makes an 'o' shape with his mouth and chuckles at how silly his old brain can be sometimes.Jongdae just couldn't stop being adorable for even one second,well except when he was furious at Minseok earlier (not knowing the truth though).He kisses Jongdae's mouth again before whispering against them,

"I love you.I love you so much,my cute little love"

Jongdae smiles back and kisses Minseok's cheeks softly , "I love you too.So much more"

Was Jongdae scared of what Minseok did? Absolutely. Will he regret it soon? Pretty much. Is the world ready for their love? Hell no. But does he reeeally care now when he finally feels Minseok's love? Kinda no?

And he let's the upcoming day deliver whatever it has for him,knowing that he's safe as long as he has Minseok by his side.

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