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- Life is like a rainbow. You need both rain and sun to make its colors appear -

If you would've asked Jongdae eight years ago (while he was desperately trying to even find a job) where does he imagine himself to be in the future - he would definitely not describe the life he is living right now.He would probably just shrug lazily with a comment 'I don't imagine,i live and work' or tell you that he would go to his job every day,come back from work,eat,take care of Chanyeol's and Baekhyun's potential kids and then do everything again, every day.But oh boy was his life more interesting than that.

And if you would've asked Minseok the same question eight years ago: he would say probably gambling at the casinos,drowning in alcohol or dealing with a lot of debts.Or all of the above?Maybe even prison at one point.But what he least expected was to wake up one day with baby cries and little legs running through the colorful house by the ocean.If you would've told him that he would one day reveal his passion and secret talent for painting or wake up next to Jongdae and their kid in their bed he would either laugh at you or punch you straight in the face with a question 'Who do you think you're talking to?'.

Both Jongdae and Minseok never even thought about having a life like this - they weren't the types to imagine things they thought they wouldn't be able to have...Although after meeting Minseok,Jongdae started daydreaming and actually wishing something for their future.Both of them didn't really like when the things would happen unplanned but in this case they didn't complain.

Jongdae feels soft kisses all over his face and he frowns,still dreaming, he almost looks grumpy.Then he hears a low chuckle but frowns even harder before opening his eyes to see who was interrupting his beauty sleep.All the grumpiness disappears when he gazes up at Minseok's tired but handsome face staring down at him and shaking his head left and right, "I expected that you would get bored of me eventually...It's okay"

Jongdae shakes his head aggressively and pouts in protest, "I was dreaming!",he closes his eyes,hands over his head spread on the big soft pillow and he raises his cheek to Minseok's face, "Please kiss me more,sir"

Minseok snorts, "Come on,get up you big baby I made breakfast",he says and pats Jongdae's ass covered in sheets slightly earning a whine, "We have a lot of things to do today,come on"

"Where is Mindae?"

"Downstairs eating.She's actually really excited for her first day in kindergart- Will you get up?", Minseok laughs when he sees Jongdae closing his eyes ready to drift off to sleep again.

Younger sighs but sits up with his boyfriend's help and glances at Tan's sleeping form on her little bed.

"Even she's allowed to sleep and I'm not",Jongdae points out at Tan and Minseok can only laugh more at Jongdae's unbearable goofiness.

"Tan is not a music professor that has to get on time for her morning lessons neither is she a dad to take her daughter to her first day in kindergarten",Minseok says and flicks Jongdae's forehead then kisses it apologetically, "Now get up"

Jongdae pouts again and stares at Minseok who was walking towards the door, "Will you go with me please?"

"Of course I will", Minseok says over his shoulder while walking out of the room to check up on Mindae.

Ever since the incident with Lee Jihee,Minseok and Jongdae have made huge changes that developed even more over the years: for an example Jongdae founding his own music school for people of all ages that were in love with music, but he would also sometimes help Minseok with the company that was still,on their big surprise, doing very well.Due to the scandal that people talked about for almost two months about how one of the richest CEOs is gay and in a relationship with his worker,people were in pure shock.But the majority took the news very well and Minseok's company earned more recognition even though some people have quit, he was totally fine and unbothered as long as he had Jongdae by his side.

Jihee was threatened by the court about going to jail for 'falsifying the documents,stamps and signature without a permission'.Minseok isn't sure if she was in jail for 2-3 years because of that but he heard recently that she ended up in China trying to start a modeling career.But,because her dossier is not something to brag about, companies didn't quite trust her.And Minseok doesn't care as long as she is far away from his family and bank.

Jihee was always in love with Minseok,she always wanted to somehow win him over or try to seduce him into falling in love with her one way or another.Over the years of working, Minseok's only wish was to fire her but because of the proof and receipts the woman had about him going to gay brothels or gambling he was afraid she would use that against him.So firing her was definitely not something he could do.

So they worked in hatred towards each other: Minseok hating Jihee's personality and everything she was doing and Jihee being hopelessly in love but again furious at the man for not just being able to love her,but not being able to love or care about anything else.

So after Jongdae got his job at the bank,Jihee noticed Minseok's change in behavior and interest in the younger man.Then Jihee's main plan became sabotaging both Jongdae and Minseok so she could get a revenge: killing two flies with one stone.Little did she know the men would be somehow smarter than her.

Minseok and Jongdae had numerous talks after the incident with Jihee and later over the years about working on their relationship and quality of life in general - Jongdae being enthusiastic about everything again and Minseok willing to listen and try as well.So they found a therapist,a really good one which they would visit often.Sometimes they'd go individually,but it helped a lot.

Therapy helped Jongdae understand Minseok even more but also learn how to take care of himself and his own emotions as well: while Minseok worked on expressing himself better and even grew love for art through therapy with colors (probably having the talent in his genes since forever but secretly suppressing it because of the traumas with his father) but he actually had an incredible talent.So now after many years the house that Jongdae and him had built for them is filled with drawings and color palettes along with buckets scattered all around and SO many brushes and tools for painting that Jongdae would accidentally find everywhere but in their place - nonetheless younger man was happy if his significant other had where and how to express his talent and love,and also to heal and work on his wellbeing.

And Jongdae sometimes jokes how he would like the cold Minseok back because the new one was too emotional sometimes when they would for example watch a sad movie,or be extremely soft for everything Jongdae would do.But of course younger was just joking because Minseok showing actual emotions and being caring and loving was everything younger ever wanted and worked for.

The only thing they still didn't want for them was marriage and the whole wedding ceremony.They consider signing a bunch of unimportant papers and swearing to God about loving and taking care of each other so they could be 'officially married' is pointless.Not like Jongdae can't call Minseok his husband or vice versa even without the rings and papers.

When it comes to kids,the idea came about four years ago.Jongdae always wanted to have a daughter and Minseok needed some time to think about it and mentally prepare,but he soon accepted the idea and didn't regret it at all.When they adopted their daughter Mindae she was a really small baby and Minseok was anxious about taking care of such a small human being but Jongdae's mom helped a lot,and sometimes Yoomi would come to help as well with Yui.Even Baekhyun had some advice since him and Chanyeol adopted two babies as well,a boy and a girl.So everything was fine.Couple had nothing to worry about except the occasional flues or sickness their girl would have,but they would get through it together,going by their saying 'if other parents can survive this so can we'.

And today it is her first day in kindergarten: Jongdae was nervous because he heard numerous stories about kids hating the kindergarten and making a scene the first day - not wanting to socialize or being grumpy and aggressive towards the parents but Mindae was pretty...chill actually.

Jongdae also read somewhere that kids would show their protest as not eating their food (even if it was their favorite) or ignore their mom and dad, so Jongdae was cautious.When he went downstairs to greet her she was all smiley and talkative (which was a huge relief at her age for the parents because they also heard that kids are said to be very quiet and lazy when it comes to talking and learning new words) so Jongdae sighed in relief to that as well.

The next thing he wanted to check was if she'll protest while eating,considering that Minseok made pancakes (Mindae's favorite breakfast food) he watched her carefully and the girl was,it's humble to say, devouring her meal rather happily.

"So Minnie",Jongdae speaks up, "How are you feeling today?"

He hears Minseok snort behind his back before he came to join the two and deliver last few pancakes from the frying pan.He probably noticed Jongdae's detective behavior.

"I'm good appa",she smiles and looks at her dad, "Am I going to the kindergarten today?"

She asks with her sweet little voice and Jongdae really doesn't want to take her to kindergarten.But he comes back to his senses fast,remembering that he once read how kids could know how to be manipulatively cute when they wanted either to get or avoid something.

"Yes...are you sad that you're going to the kindergarten?",he says with an arched brow and he can hear Minseok rolling his eyes.

"Babe,there's no need to make a whole investigation with her about this",Minseok says and caresses his lover's hand, "Minnie and I talked about it this morning and she's totally fine.No need to be anxious about it"

"I know I just don't want her to be mad at us",Jongdae pouts and looks at their daughter playing with her toys,ignoring them for quite some time now, "See?She doesn't want to listen to us"

Minseok laughs, "What do I do with you?She's playing with her toys and enjoying her breakfast and she would appreciate if her dad would stop questioning everything she does",older tries to comfort Jongdae and the latter's shoulders drop in disappointment in himself.

"I'm a weird dad"

"No you're not",Minseok shakes his head, "You're just worried.Which is fine!You want the best for her as I do but we're not sending her away...We will see her in literally three hours it's not a big deal.What will you do when she goes to university one day?"

Jongdae hisses and covers his ears, "I don't want to hear about it! Okay,I'll calm down it's just that stupid mom book I read about kids being aggressive or mad at their parents because of the changes and all...you know?"

Minseok nods and takes a bite of his pancake, "I know,but you see that we're raising her well! We have the best child in the world"

"Why are you talking about me like I'm not here?",she asks and touches her head, "Did I get invisible?"

"No,your dad is just emotional about you going to the kindergarten",Minseok chuckles and gives full attention to his breakfast leaving Jongdae to explain himself.


"I'm not,appa is just playing around you know him",Jongdae shakes his head, "Did you pack the stuff that you want to take with you?"

Mindae nods, "Are Byeol and Haneul going with me?"

"Byeol will be with you in a group but Haneul won't",Jongdae says and removes the strand of hair from her face to put it behind her ear.

"Why won't Haneul oppa go with me and Byeol?"

"Because he's old for kindergarten.He's going to primary school",Minseok says as he sips orange juice into her plastic bottle for kindergarten, "You will go there next year when you turn five"

Byeol, a four year old girl and Haneul a seven year old boy are Baekhyun's and Chanyeol's kids - interesting fact about them is that the meaning behind the little girl's name is 'star' and little boy's name 'sky' since Baekhyun was obsessed with astrology and Chanyeol with astronomy (freaks).They are really hyperactive, sociable and really sweet...a person would think their dads actually birthed them.

Jongdae remembers searching for a good and meaningful name for Minseok's and his daughter.They were at the dinner discussing about possible names they would chose if they ever adopted a kid,and Minseok suggested to make up a name by combining their own.So that's how Mindae was decided but then Jongdae did some research and actually found out that 'Min' stands for 'sharp minded,quick responding person' and 'Dae' means 'a great one' - which was all definitely their little girl.

Mindae isn't very excited about how the whole kinder-thing (as she likes to call it) looks like but she likes making friends part so she found new girls to play with right away and something didn't let Jongdae just turn around and go.

"She can't WAIT to not see us for three hours",Jongdae sighs and Minseok's chuckles at that before kissing latter's temple, "Can you believe this?"

"Honestly I wouldn't want to see us for three hours either",Minseok says.He hardly managed to pull Jongdae out of the building, "We're so annoying and embarrassing"

"Our girl is so cute",Jongdae whines, "Can you imagine the amount of boys that will be in love with her???What will we do with them?"

"Let them live?"

"Hahaha! I don't think so",Jongdae says and Minseok wiggles his eyebrows at him.

"Possessive aren't we?"

"Like you over me?Absolutely",Jongdae says sassily and Minseok could just roll his eyes at him.

"I'm not possessive...",he looks away, "...Anymore"

"Oh really? And what are we going to do about that time when I had to walk with my ass fac-"

"Oh look! Here is our restaurant and Baek and Yeol are waiting for us! Let's go see what they're doing",he points at the huge building with a restaurant 'Eternity' - the one where Minseok almost fought the guys that were hitting on Jongdae 9 years ago and the younger just laughs loudly and clings to Minseok more.

If you would've asked Jongdae right now if he would like to change anything,he wouldn't change a thing.Well,maybe just Mindae's potential wooers.And Minseok's choices of movies because as the man was getting older his taste was getting more boring and Jongdae would want to actually stay awake during their Movie Nights.Some day he would also like to maybe release a solo album with the help of producer!yeol and get eight-packs like the ones Minseok has.But somehow without working out?

And if you would've asked Minseok the same question he would want to change a million things except his life.Well,maybe his possessiveness and over sensitive reactions he has sometimes but except that,he doesn't know what he would change.And he doesn't want to know,he just wants to live now that he's healed, in love and happy.

In the moment,after they reached the last floor of the building where the restaurant was Minseok turns to Jongdae and takes his hands to squeeze them reassuringly which surprises the latter and he arches a brow.

"You know how much I love you,right?"

Jongdae blinks and nods,completely confused and caught off guard.Minseok was a person with random and surprising actions but Jongdae gets taken aback nonetheless.

"Yes I know...Why?",he asks and looks up and around, anywhere but Minseok's face because he felt his cheeks heat up and he wonders how can Minseok make him so flustered like the first time even after almost 9 years of dating?

"When you first came into my life I was a mess.Mess is a weak word actually",Minseok snorts and closes his eyes for a moment, "I've hurt and disappointed you a million times and I needed some time to gather my shit together"

Jongdae listens carefully and follows every word ,trying not to let his thoughts drift off in any second.Somehow he doesn't understand the unexpected rant and he feels his heart pounding,but is he complaining?

"You've waited for me,you wanted to help,you helped me and selflessly fought for me not giving a damn for anything else rather than my wellbeing",Minseok says as he caresses Jongdae's cheekbones and he can swear he heard Jongdae purr in pleasure, "You are the only person that cared,and still cares.You believed that I could get over my shitty past, while I had thought that the best choice was to drown in alcohol and just disappear from the planet"

Minseok says while they are standing under the huge sign (restaurant logo) 'Eternity' that glows in all colors and Jongdae feels his stomach turn.The last thing that he expected was for Minseok to go down on one knee and take the sky blue box out of his pocket.

"Minseok???",Jongdae's voice gets caught low in his throat.

Not answering,Minseok opens the box to reveal a diamond ring shining in rainbow colors, "I know you don't like the whole wedding ceremony but...", Minseok's says oddly calm and collected, "Jongdae will you be my husband?"

And the latter didn't of course ignore the question but he couldn't stutter a single word either.Him and Minseok have been getting along just fine for the past 9 years,loving each other more everyday without thinking about marrying each other: they just didn't think it was important.

But now Jongdae knows it's not quite unimportant to Minseok.

And he couldn't deny that he felt sceptic about marriage - most of the people change or show their real personalities after the wedding ceremony...But other people are other people and Jongdae doesn't want to either live in fear or not experience something just because he heard about other people's bad stories.

He takes a deep shaky breath, "I will be very happy to be your husband,Minseok"

Cloud 9?Minseok was right there.He feels like he could jump and perhaps fly (but he doesn't want to experiment), so instead he slides a ring on Jongdae's finger with his own shaky and nervous hands before embracing Jongdae and spinning them around.

Jongdae screeches,already feeling dizzy from the too good feeling and he catches Minseok's lips,the strawberry mouth that he could kiss and cherish as long as he's alive.He pecks the lips softly,action saying everything that words couldn't in the moment and Minseok is entirely grateful for Jongdae's positive response despite the younger's opinion on everything.

The door of the restaurant smash open suddenly and Jongdae winces almost falling on the floor before a small man in height and much taller one walk out to greet the couple with cheers and whistles.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol scream in unison and the music starts playing on queue,leaving Jongdae speechless still holding onto Minseok that was not at all surprised,he did plan all this after all.

Baekhyun takes Jongdae in a tight hug and kisses his forehead as he always had a habit to do and Jongdae whines before backing out to wipe his head, "Stop drooling on me you puppy"

"I CANT BELIEVE I WILL FINALLY BE A BEST MAN TO MY BEST FRIEND IN LAW!",Baekhyun screams happily and hugs his own husband.

"Is it too late to cancel all this-",Jongdae turns to Minseok and receives a hit on the head from his best friend.

"Rude much",Baekhyun mumbles and shows his tongue.

"Come on let's go inside the lunch is starting! The guests are about to come as well", Chanyeol says and hugs both Minseok and Jongdae with his enormous hands, "Finally you two...Congratulations dads!"

Couple laughs in response and watches as Baekhyun and Chanyeol go into their organizational mode to prepare the celebration.Jongdae spots Haneul and Byeol as well as Mindae and he knows he's ready to scold both Minseok and the couple for not taking kids to where they were supposed to be and practically kidnapping them from school.

Jongdae in all ecstasy turns to Minseok with wide,teary red eyes and looks into his lover's that weren't in any better condition, "Don't think that I'm not ready to be your husband just because i stuttered",he laugs and presses his palm on Minseok's cheek, "I was just shocked,but I will gladly spend the rest of my life with you"

Minseok smiles, closes his eyes and Jongdae could see his flushed cheeks, "I love you"

Jongdae kisses his lips again, "I love you more",Jongdae says but becomes serious very quickly, "There's just one problem-", hearing that Minseok's smile drops and his ears flinch in anticipation,never been more ready to solve a problem in his life.

"If Baekhyun becomes our best man I will divorce you before I even marry you", he laughs not really meaning anything he said, just wanted to get a little revenge on Minseok for almost killing him with all the surprises.

Minseok flicks Jongdae's forehead and laughs, "Fool,you scared me"

Jongdae smiles cheekily and lets Minseok lead him to the restaurant to celebrate,leaving the sign 'Eternity' to glow in all colors in honor of their love.


a/n: thank you for reading:) feel free to leave comments~

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