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(Y/n) was busy thinking about ways to make up with Russel when someone new walked in. The new school year had started a while ago, by now she knew all of her peers, therefore it must be a new student.

He was very attractive to her. He had jet black, curly hair, and appeared to be taller than Russel, but definitely stronger and far more intimidating. 

Just then the bell rang.

"Class, this is Jaime. Be nice and make him feel welcomed." The teacher announced to the class. "Jaime, you can sit anywhere you'd like."

The new kid didn't glance at the teacher, and quietly went to take his seat. He was a couple rows in front of (y/n), far enough to not see her but close enough for her to stare. The minute he sat down he was bombarded with questions by the girls near him, asking him anything from how he liked his new school to if he was single. Annoyed by the unwanted attention, the man bluntly answered each one being careful to not say more than was necessary, leaving the girls unsatisfied. 

(Y/n) went about her normal program; do anything but pay attention.

"(Y/n)? How come every time I glance over at you, you're doing anything and everything but taking notes?"

"This class is very boring. The material is both simple and straightforward, so I don't feel the need to take notes," she answered truthfully.

She wasn't afriad of confrontation, even if it meant clashing with authority figures. She had become a regular in the administration office due to her constant visits for disciplinary action. They would try and always fail to get her father to do anything about it. He didn't care about involving himself with her apart from knowing her location at all times. In his strange way, keeping up with the whereabouts of his daughter was his way of justifying he was present in her life.

"Then come solve this while I write you up for being defiant." He responded as he wrote an equation on the board.

"What a bother." (Y/n) whispered.

She went up to the board and solved it with ease, managing to finish before the teacher was done writing her up. She stood there patiently waiting. As she did, she took the opportunity to take a better look at the new kid. The first thing she noticed was his piercing eyes, it was as if they were a void, and she was being sucked in. At that moment, their eyes locked. 

When class had begun, Jaime did as he was told and started taking notes. It was his first day at a new school, and it was too much of a hassle to be anything but obedient so he just cooperated. He quietly watched as the girl talked back to her teacher, slightly impressed but more amused than anything. He looked up from his desk to the girl in front of him, locking eyes with her. His breath slightly hitched at the sight of her, and he couldn't help but think about how beautiful she was. She was almost perfect.

Both silently peered in the others eyes. Jaime looked away first, fixating his eyes back on his desk. The girl snapped out of her trance, grabbing her slip and things before heading to administration.

After receiving her punishment, she was let out after rotting in that barren room for hours. Now being lunch, she decided to just call it a day and head home. On her way, she noticed a familiar figure, stopping dead in her tracks to contemplate her next action. From afar, she watched as he walked toward a motorcycle and riding off. She felt the need to follow after him, but brushed it off. She really wanted to go home. She didn't care what the school would do to her, she wanted to leave. 

She bolted straight home, ignoring her fathers car in the garage, and throwing herself on her bed. Her room was very spacey and had a dark color theme. Ever since she had found her mother dead, she were repulsed by bright colors. She hated the color yellow especially. Everything was dark. Her clothes, walls, bed sheets, bathroom, phone, everything. She jumped onto her bed, sighing as she wrapped herself around her blankets. She now started feeling all the tiredness and stress from the day, and decided to take a nap. Falling asleep was a hard task for her ever since her mother had passed, but she always managed to do it one way or another. There, in the depths of her mind was her happiness; her paradise.

𝕴 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚 (Yandere!Male! x Yandere!Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now