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Time to go

The impatient girl stood on her feet and rushed out. She had been counting down the minutes till she had to leave and now she was finally out. She didn't mind the house, but their future was at stake. (Y/n) held on tightly to the backpack she as carrying.

Upon arriving, she wandered the campus searching for the girl. If she searched for Jaime would she find her quicker? Last time she came, Jaime came out of the math building, therefore she must get out of a class nearby. She rushed to the math building. No sight of her anywhere.

(Y/n) took a deep breath. She couldn't afford to lose her now.

"Fuck." She whispered to herself.

She was about to give up when she heard a voice pass by her.

"Yeah, he came back. It's unbelievable how clingy he can be." They said with a laugh.

(Y/n) turned around and watched the girl she was so desperately looking for pass by her. She felt relieved as soon as she saw her and then watched her walk more towards the neighborhoods near the school.

"Text me when you get home Delilah!" Her friend yelled to her.

Delilah. That's her name?

"Yeah, of course!" She yelled back, waving at her friend with a smile.

She watched as Delilah crossed the street. The minute she hit the sidewalk, (Y/n) started following. She didn't know if it was on purpose, but the way to her house had many turns. Has she realized someone has been following her? No, that's impossible. (Y/n) was so far away, not to mention that she was a chick. (Y/n) had never felt intimidated while walking alone with a female nearby. She actually would feel safer with another female nearby than being alone. With her backpack she looked like she was walking home. It's also 3 o'clock. Who would pull something in broad daylight?

When Delilah arrived to her house, (Y/n) realized how nearby she was to her actual house. It was on the opposite side of the neighborhood, and that terrified her. What if her father were to pass by and find her? Would she have to go home? She didn't leave Jaime a note to  her whereabouts, therefore if her father did find her and take her back home, he will never know. He will just think she got tired of him and left. She didn't want to abandon him. She didn't want to be away from him for more than a second. Killing Delilah will pave the path for their future together. Nothing was going to get in the way of it.

(Y/n) checked out the house. No cars were pulled in, but they had a garage. She couldn't see any cameras but who knows. She knew she was going to have to take a huge leap of faith. She didn't do any research on Delilah.

Here goes for nothing.

(Y/n) walked to the door of Delilah's house. She was nervous, but she couldn't reveal that. She rang her doorbell. The girl heard footsteps approach the door, and Delilah swung the door open. She cracked it open, only showing her face.

"Can I help you?"

"This might sound a little creepy, but I saw you enter your house so you're my only hope. I'll explain everything, but I need to be inside. Please." She pleaded.

"Uhm." Delilah looked back in her house. "Alright I guess."

She opened the door for (Y/n) to get inside, and shut it the minute she entered.


"I'm being followed. A car has been following me since I left campus and I'm terrified about going home. I don't have a phone so I couldn't call the police, but can I please use yours? I'm begging you." She lied.

𝕴 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚 (Yandere!Male! x Yandere!Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now