Chapter 5: About Angie and Annie

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Knock knock knock

"Don't come in."

Misty blinked. She knocked on the door of her daughters' bedroom. "It's me!"

"Come on in!"

Misty opened the door and peeked. "Hi ladies."

"Hi mom." Angie was on her bed reading a novel while Annie emptied their closet to fold the clothes all over again. The girls did that often; maybe to be more organized, or maybe because they didn't trust their grandmother's clothes sorting skills.

Misty got inside and closed the door, locking it. She had a special mission tonight. Ash was convinced he wasn't 'very good with girls', so he asked Misty to talk to the twins about their moving plans. Who's better placed than their mother to do this?

"I've got cooling facemasks." Misty put the three sachets on Annie's desk. "I got them from Viridian."

"Actually, I'll pass." Angie flipped a page.

"She stole one of grandma's homemade yogurt and put it on her face early in the morning!" Annie exclaimed.

"You betrayed your twin!" Angie let a dramatic gasp. "You will be cursed for life!"

"Grandma counts those yogurt pots every morning, sweetheart. You've got to be careful." Misty laughed. She sat on the chair desk. "She doesn't like them wasted on beauty masks."

"If she ever asks, I can tell her Ryan ate it." 

"What if she asks Ryan and he says no?" Misty was amused.

"Ryan never remembers what he eats." Annie nodded. "It's a win-win."

"He's like a grasshopper. He eats whatever he finds on the way." Angie and Annie both nodded. "God help the woman he'll be with."

"Oh well." Misty giggled. "Might as well be careful. Grandma has eagle eyes."

"Yeah. Grandma has her eyes set on us all the time." Annie was folding the pants. "I feel like she's watching every move I make."

"Me too." Angie frowned. "Why does she ask me where I'm going every time I want to leave the house?" She looked at her mom. "Does dad ask her to watch me?"

"What? No! Of course not." Ash wasn't the type to have his mother involved in this kind of matters. Actually, he often said he was lucky he didn't have to worry all the time about the girls since Pallet town was safe, so she doubted he had his mother in charge of this. "Grandma is just worried, I guess."

"Last week, she asked me to remove the pink lip balm." Annie looked at her mom. "The one you bought me."

"Ooh..." Misty licked her lips.

"It's pretty. I like it." Angie giggled. "We just put it after we leave!"

"Of course!" Annie giggled as well.

"Nice tactic." Misty chuckled. "Grandma just worries about you two. She loves you very much—more than she loves the boys, apparently."

"Just imagine, as we grow up, she keeps asking us to get off make-up and wear pants instead of skirts!" Angie sat on her bed and looked at her twin sister. "I don't know about you but I want to have a boyfriend in the future."

"I want a boyfriend too!" Annie nodded quickly.

"Oh, of course you can date when you grow up! It's fine." Misty reassured. "Grandma would never stand in the way."

"Why doesn't she watch over Ryan?" Annie complained. "He kisses Millie in the storeroom!"

Misty gulped. They should definitely change the lock of that storeroom. "Maybe she's never paid attention."

"No, she's just sexist." Angie snapped. "She doesn't care about him because he's a boy. She thinks he can do whatever he wants."

"Sweetie, I don't think that." Misty shook her head. "None of the boys are allowed to do whatever they want just because they're boys."

Angie shrugged. "Grandma never asks him where he's going or when he'll be back. That means she trusts him and not us."

The conversation was taking a turn Misty wasn't expecting, but she thought she's gotten the answer to her question.

"Well, grandma is a very old-fashioned lady." Misty got up. "She worries about you because you're two beautiful girls, that's all."

"Yeah, Ryan's average." The two giggled. "He's so boring!"

"She's old, going crazy." Misty waved her hand. "Let's ignore her." She pointed to the sachets on the desk. "Use it. I'll wait for the feedback."

"Okay mom. Good night!"


- - -

Misty sat beside Ash on the bed and pulled up the covers. She said nothing.

"So?" Ash looked at her. "What did they say?"

Misty nodded.

"They definitely want to leave."

"Yes!" Ash cheered. "I'm heading to the bank tomorrow. It's decided."

"But did you talk to Elliot and Tyler?" Misty raised her eyebrows. "Elliot? Who will have to leave his great grandmother and go live in Viridian?"



"Remind me why we had five children again?"

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