My dream

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This was a super awesome dream I had early this year. It's not a story or anything, but I think it has a real potential to be one. I don't plan on continuing with it, nor do I want to, but if this is an inspiration to anyone else I'd be really pleased. There's lots of little elements in there, and sometime the the greatest stories begin from little snippets of inspiration. So if you read this and are inspired to write a story from this, I would be rilly happy. And please let me know so i can read it too. If you tell me it's inspired by this I promise I will read it. tigerLily_x

Written on the 12/01/2010

Last night I had a weird but cool dream. I was in an olden day French town with buildings that were cobblestone and yellow, and very pretty, like that town in "Beauty and the Beast" the Disney version.

I was a rich girl living in a very large, house. I say house but it was more like a mansion, it had that sort of feel. It was evening and I was in my bedroom about to go to sleep when my Dad and my uncle came in (in olden day clothes) with two dogs, a black poodle and it's sandy-coloured twin (can poodles be that colour?).

For some reason the sandy coloured was allowed to sleep beside me on the bed and I fell asleep (in the dream) and when I woke, there was a girl where the dog had been with hair the exact same colour as the dog had been. She had pale skin and was wearing a pretty white dress with a blue ribbon around the waist and a bow at the back.

In my dream-like state I knew and accepted this girl was the dog and she told me she was cursed to turn into a human at midnight and return to being a dog again at dawn.

I decided (for some reason or other) I wanted to take her into the town even though it was midnight. So we left the house without anyone knowing and went in search of a cafe that was open. But then we accidently wandered into the brothel district of the town .

Pretty soon two men spotted us and mistook us for prostitutes and began to chase us. Panicked, the dog-girl ran up a ladder (that was just sitting there for no apparent reason) while I ran below on the ground. But I soon got trapped in a alley with my back to a wall while the man chasing me cornered me. I made a break for a ladder (yes another ladder) nearby, but didn't get far when the man grabbed my upper arm. I hit him and kept hitting him until he was unconscious (go me!) and then I ran away from that place and soon met up with dog-girl who had also escaped her chaser.

we walked to a quieter area of where there weren't any shops - just houses. There were funny men and women walking around in medieval - servant outfits in purple and gold and huge purple hats (like the kind of French hats artists supposedly wear only much bigger).

I knew all their faces would resemble celebrities without even looking at all of them when I saw Whoopee Goldberg in a purple hat talking to Usher who looked like he did in that Pinocchio movie.

Dog-girl was tensing beside me, ready to run but I held out a hand to calm her and I said "no, no they're sweepers." I have no idea where that term came from let alone how I had known it , but I did know, just like I knew that "sweepers" was a term for an elite cult of thieves that only the best thieves could join.

While we watched, Usher stopped talking to Whoopee and held up a hand to get the attention of everyone in purple and gold and said : "hey, let's go sweep this 'hood" (I'm not joking) and Whoopee Goldberg invited us to join them but I declined saying we had to get back at dawn.

As we walked home, I thought of the mysterious leader of the sweepers. Apparently I knew him, but when I tried to picture him, all I could see was the lower part of his face and down. From what I could see from the image, he was reclining on large red cushions, he was tanned and tank and he was wearing an open vest like the one Aladdin wears in the Disney movie, but of some shiny purple-blue material and similar white gypsy pants, too. His hair is shaggy looking and on the longish side and it was some sort of silvery grey, but he wasn't old, and around his upper arm was a gold arm band. In other words he was hot!

Suddenly I spotted some men coming in our direction. We decided to take a detour to avoid them and we both turned the other way when suddenly one called out to us "are you girls sweepers?" in a not-so-nice tone.

We didn't turn around and were wondering what to do when Whoopee Goldberg suddenly jumped out in front of us, her purple outfit gone. She was wearing brown tights, a matching button up vest, a large white billowing shirt (like what pirates wear), and a lighter brown sash around her hips.

"hey guys" she said getting the attention of the men as she spoke to us. She turned around and I noticed her hair was tied back with a small purple hair tie. "have you seen my er ... er ..." she was gesturing with her hands as though trying to summon up the words. Then seeming to give up trying to make excuses for us, she said coolly over her shoulder (and ours) "hit 'em Jackson.

There were some thuds and we assumed 'Jackson' had knocked the men unconscious.

We headed home after that without anymore distractions and dog-girl explained why she was cursed.

She had been very little when she found a little person in her yard. He was dressed in green tights and a leprechaun hat. Dog-girl had picked him up and threw him across the yard. She'd meant it playfully but the little man had gotten angry and with a lot of arm- waving and words the puppy did not understand he cursed her and thereafter she had always turned into a human after midnight up till dawn.

A/N : After that I woke up.

(yes I was thinking about Disney movies when i wrote this. what can i do? they were airing them on tv. same with the pinocchio movie. look it up, he had a small part in it, but he sang a song, so it was worth it)

anyway's of all the books in this story group, this one was my favourite. if  you liked it too, please vote and comment

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