My First Book Review (Fallen, by Lauren Kate)

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Okay, so I'm not really a review kind of person, but I think there aren't very many on this website and I think reviewing is an important part of book-writing. And so when I read this book, I decided I wanted to write a review about it, and maybe start a discussion with readers. Please comment.


Fallen, by Lauren Kate

WARNING: this review may contain spoilers, if you haven't read Fallen before please skip over this chapter

Book summary:

Fallen is the story of seventeen year old Lucinda (or Luce as she is known). She falls in love with the good-looking and highly intelligent Daniel at their reform school but soon discovers that he is a fallen angel, cursed, destined neither to ascend to Heaven nor descend to Hell. The two realise that they have spent their lifetimes finding and losing one another, and face the final challenge to keep evil forces at bay and seek redemption for all.


And now for the review (cue drum roll)

Ever seen a book that has the great potential to be really enjoyable, and then you read the book and it has been nothing but disappointing?

   "Fallen" by Lauren Kate was like that for me.

I remember reading it on the train. What happened was that the woman  whom I was standing just behind was reading the book, so I managed to read a few pages. You won't believe how much it pissed me off when she turned the page too fast. I bet my friends standing opposite me were silently laughing their butts off at little old me staring over the shoulder of this clueless  woman and blowing up my cheeks in anger every time she turned the page too fast.

   When I read the book then I thought "wow, this book sounds really good" and I noted down the title and author for future reference.

   I mean, from what I read the book sounded great.

Like if you were making a recipe for a great book it would sound like this one:

Add two sexy love interests to a basic heroine and shape a [love] triangle out of the mixture.

Pour in a bit of essence of supernatural, two tables spoons of awesome supporting characters, a dash of suspense and just a pinch (or two) of omnipresent danger.

Don't forget to pre-heat the oven to some great writing techniques

Doesn't that make for a yummy sounding book or what?

But then I actually read the book and it was disappointment after disappointment.

Let start off with why this book would be worth reading.

If you want a slightly confusing love triangle, and love the idea two completely opposite love interests, then read this book. Because I have to admit these guys are hot! They have my tick of approval. Especially Cameron-yeah I know, more nice-neighbour-sounding name rather than sexy man, but that's the part he plays anyways for most of the book - The nice guy who's definitely crushing real bad.

Then there's Daniel. Now this guy confuses me. Although he explains it later on the first thing he does when we meet this dashing handsome prince is that he smiles at our clueless heroine, and then scowls at her. Does he have mood swings or what? He may sound super hot, but I get the feeling he's too dramatic. That's why he's not my favourite. He's waaaay too dramatic.

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