My Shelved story

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ok, so I'm one of those writers who, if there's no motivation, shelves a story pretty quickly after starting it. that's why I joined this website, so I wouldn't - not that I'm getting much motivation here anyways (please vote for my other story "River, Sun, Freedom"!). But this was a story that i shelved, not for lack of motivation, but because there were too many elements, and i decided it would be too confusing a story. But this is a story group I started for the purpose of inspiring other writers here, in the hope that the stories I couldn't be bothered writing would be taken up by some one else.

if you're inspired by one or more elements of this story, and have decided to write about it, please inform me and I promise to read it, even vote if i like it.

Now this was  a story idea I had gotten soon after the final Harry Potter book came out, so you could say I was inspired by them to write a story about magic.


It's called Magic Mira

(notice the pun?:P)


The story goes somewhat like this (and I have a bad feeling my natural instinct to go on and on will kick in and this will be longer than it needs to be):


You have your main character: Mira (hence the title) whom I made of Indian origin since I've noticed there aren't enough Asian or non-Caucasian main characters anymore.

She's a part of the Harlem family (yeah I know, Harlem, like the lamest surname ever, but the best I could think of, sue me) which has a special tradition. Each generation of the family elects an "awakener" (ooooh), usually the youngest daughter who learns the traditions that have made this family well renowned.


Ok so now I'm babbling (I warned you), maybe I should start from the beginning.


When Mira turns fourteen, she  is called into her grandmother's room, who is a sweet, old woman, if a little fanatical. Now her grandmother's bedroom has another room connecting it, which neither she nor anyone else in her family has been allowed in, except her sister when she turned thirteen.

The room looks like a witches house, books everywhere, wooden furniture - picture a teeny-tiny, slightly spooky witches room- details aren't that important.

This woman is the awakener that I was talking about before. She's the youngest daughter in the family, (as is Mira, but more on that later).

*note: you don't have to have "magic" to be an awakener. Remember that as we go along.

They have a ritual (pick and choose one, it doesn't really matter) and her grandmother announces to her that she is a "magician" (name isn't important, but I liked this one). Now naturally, Mira is confused, while her grandmother goes on about how she's the first one since forever (three generation ) how not even her sister was one.


Now comes the part that makes this story different from others: the magicians.

Grandma pulls out a book - your average fairytale book. In it she points out the fairy godmother from the Cinderella story, the genie from Aladdin, etc. She explains (listen well) how any character from the stories that expresses the ability to practise magic was in fact a real person (albeit an exaggerated version) who was a magician. Magicians were originally humans (debatable) that hold the power over an element  (just to be clear, by element I mean water, air, fire, earth and lightning). Later on, other powers cropped up including mind reading, telepathy, ability to speak to ghosts, animals, you name it.

Most magicians have a single power usually over an element, others can have two; one elemental power, one other, but rarely, and the Harlems were famous for this, some magicians had three powers. These powers were called your mages. She explains how these powers must be awakened in the ritual by an "awakener" which are very rare nowadays, after a person turns 14, but not everyone who is "awakened" has magic in them.


Mira later on, during her birthday through a variety of events which I can't be bothered explaining here, discover her three powers; power over fire, water and mind-reading (' note, all magicians have the ability to telepathise with other magicians, but unless you have the specific power, you can't with normal humans.


Now grandma informs her that there is an academy, which she will be required to enter when she turns seventeen (cos you're aloud to leave high school after you turn sixteen). The academy is just a place where magicians go to for 2 years to perfect their powers and learn about themselves.


Cue three years later, mira is collected up by a super cute guy. This guy hates humans (I shelved the story before I could work out why) but he has been appointed as Mira's tutor/mentor, call it what you like. He's already in his second year at the academy and will graduate soon, meaning he's 18.


Now after spending a few weeks at the academy and perfecting her mages, she is introduced to a new concept - parallel worlds. Now I say Parallel, but really they're nothing like each other. If you've ever read the Faraway Tree series by Enid Blyton, you might get it when I say there are hundreds maybe thousands of other worlds out there, which only the magicians in each world knows of. These worlds are as different as different can be, but for the sake of giving them a name, let's call them parallel worlds.


Now Magicians are given missions in each of these worlds. Sometimes, it's as small as to deliver products into other worlds to magicians, other times it's something as big as fight threatening evil magicians who want to rule over all the worlds (mwa ha ha).





That was about as far as I had got. You can see what I mean about too many elements (no pun intended :D), but I couldn't help but think some one else could write this story better than me. If you like the idea of the "parallel" worlds or the magicians please write about them (and don't forget to tell me!).

If you are curious about anything in these stories please comment - maybe you want to know the history of the magicians, why no one knows about them, about the mentor guy. Ask me, after all I made it up.



p.s sorry about the rambling, i did warn you. still.

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