My ghost story

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This is a true story that happened to me about a year ago, when i came back from vacation.

if this story is an inspiration to u to write a story please tell me and i promise i will read it. It is not copyrighted.

My Ghost Story

This is my personal ghost story. I like to think it’s real but it’s up to you to decide. Personally I don’t believe in ghosts, but there’s no way else I can explain what happened that night.

That night was a week or so after I had gotten home from a trip to Tasmania, Australia. It was an autumn night, not too cold, but it was windy. I had left my window open slightly because I had forgotten to air my room out earlier, and was too tired to do it properly now. So I just left the window open, and went to bed. My bed was situated on the side of the room opposite to the window, with my desk propped up in front of the window. No curtains – we’d only moved in recently and hadn’t had time to buy new ones.

That night I went to sleep, and was sleeping pretty soundly, until in the middle of the night for no reason I could think of, I woke up. Maybe I was dreaming that night and woke because of that, or maybe I had heard a noise. I don’t remember. But what I do remember was what had happened afterwards.

I was listening to the wind, which had died down quite a bit, till it was almost soothing, and I was lying down in a slightly curled up position with my back to the window. I was just about to drift back to sleep when I heard another noise that couldn’t possibly have been the wind.


Outside my window.

The footsteps sounded like a person was crunching on leaves, very slowly and very close. It scared me. Soon the sound changed. Still footsteps, but followed by a squelching noise that sort reminded me of stepping in mud. Like someone was stepping on dry, dead leaves, crushing, and underneath the leaves was wet mud. Now I know a noise like that isn’t possible, because the act of someone stepping on leaves on mud would only push the leaves into the mud and not crush them, but the noise still scared me.

Remember the position I was lying in? Curled position, back to the window. Well in response to the noise my body was automatically curling up even more, so most of my face was buried beneath the edge of my doona. But the top part of my back, between my shoulders was also being exposed above the doona, in full view of the window.

Suddenly I felt something touch my back. It felt like fingers, just stroking my back, casually. Naturally after hearing the noise, and it being the middle of the night, I freaked, but I didn’t dare move. The fingers started stroking harder, not gaining any speed, just stroking harder and harder until it almost hurt. All the while I was silently begging the stroking to stop, begging whatever was touching me to go away.

After a while, the stroking gradually softened till it felt – almost – comforting and then eventually stopped.

It didn’t some back again, nor did the footsteps, and I fell asleep soon after that.

The next morning I overheard my older sister talking to my dad. She was telling him she’d heard footsteps outside the house during the night. He hadn’t heard them and nor did my mum or younger brother, but I told them I had, and she and I went to go check outside for footprints when I mentioned the mud-like squelches. But there were no footprints, nor was there any mud, since it was early autumn and hadn’t rained yet. There were fallen leaves, but no evidence of anyone stepping on them.

We gave up and went inside and my dad concluded that there couldn’t have been anyone there that night, but to keep our windows closed at night, just in case.

I’m not too sure what happened that night. It was midnight and I was very tired. The stroking feeling could have been the muscles in my body contracting or something along those lines. But my mind was clear enough that I could be sure that whoever owned those footsteps was very large, wore heavy shoes and was most likely a man. I can say the footsteps was part of a dream I was having, but that doesn’t explain my sister hearing them too. I can say someone really was out there, a human, but that doesn’t explain the lack of evidence. I don’t know what that was, but you can be sure as anything it had me totally freaked out.

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