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One day, the three friends; Grey, Dave, and Roxy were suddenly given a task to buy Neptune a new sofa.....which was requested by Neptune herself. Dave drives them to a furniture store by driving a truck where they could store the sofa in. As the staff carries the sofa to the truck, the three friends went back into Planeptower to deliver the sofa to Neptune.
Upon arriving back to Planeptower, Dave, Roxy, and Grey carry the sofa out of the truck and they have to carry it all the way to the top of the staircase.

Dave: Remind me again, why am I doing here doing your work?

Grey: Stop yapping and keep on carrying it.

Roxy: Yeah! Carry the damn sofa already!

Grey: Goddamnit Roxy! Get off the damn sofa and help us carry it!

Dave drops the sofa in order to push Roxy away from the sofa.....but he didn't realize that the sofa is already sliding off to the staircase along with Roxy. Then Dave and Grey chase down the sofa as they witness the sofa crashing along the truck.

Grey: Still alive?

Roxy: Thanks for reminding me! Damn you, Dave! Why the hell did you drop the sofa!!

Dave: It's your fault for laying on the sofa!

Grey: Just admit that the two of you are in fault here.
Dave and Roxy: Shut up Grey!

The three friends kept on arguing over the incident but they gave up arguing and they carry the sofa up to the staircase one again. At halfway through, the three of them, are slowly feeling tired because of the big staircase of Planeptower.

Grey: Could you guys carry the sofa for me for just a minute, I gotta catch my breath.

Roxy and Dave: No!

Grey: Fine! Let's carry the damn sofa.

And so, they continue carrying the sofa, but almost at the top where Nepgear and Neptune is waiting for them, Roxy is losing her momentum into carrying the sofa. She thought that she'll pretend to carry the sofa so she can take a small break. But-

Grey: it me or did the sofa get heavy?

Dave: Beats me.

Roxy: It's just your imagination.

Grey feeling suspicious over Roxy, he takes a peek and finds out that Roxy is not carrying the sofa. Grey got angry and lets go of the sofa to smack Roxy on the head as Dave is struggling to carry the sofa by himself, resulting in to let it go as well as it slides back down.

The three friends look at each other and try to blame each other, but they knew they have no time to do that and they go back at the bottom to carry the sofa again to the top.

Meanwhile, Neptune and Nepgear are still waiting for them at the top.

Neptune: Hey, Nep Jr. When are those 3 will be able to bring that new sofa for the main hall?

Nepgear: I don't know Big Sis. The sofa kept on falling down the stairs.

Neptune: Oh I see. I'm sure they'll be fine.

Nepgear: Hopefully.

And so, the three friends carry the sofa once again from the bottom and with all their efforts, they have finally carried the sofa on the top of the staircase, meeting both Neptune and Nepgear there. The three friends lay down on the ground catching their breath since it was very tiring, because of those specific incidents.

Author: Seriously though, what a bunch of idiots.

Nepgear walks closer to Grey, handing him bottled water.

Nepgear: Good work.

Grey: Thanks.

Grey chugs down the bottled water until Dave and Roxy try to grab it from his hands.

Roxy: Hey no fair! I also need a drink!

Dave: I don't think so! You two can't drive and it's because of me, I brought the sofa here in this place.

Grey: I don't freaking care! Nepgear gave this to me.

The three friends fight over single bottled water. As the three of them grabs it, the bottled water slips from their grasp and the water spilled.

Neptune: I hate to break this to you're still not done yet.

The three friends let out a sigh and they carry the sofa inside the basilicom.

Neptune: Now, I'll let you three decide where to place the sofa.

Dave: Are you kidding me???

Grey: What the heck Nep!

Neptune: Come on....I'll give you pudd- I title!

Roxy: Who wants the title "self proclaim protagonist."

Neptune: Nepuu????

Dave: Whatever, this place looks like a good spot.

Dave pulls the sofa over the spot that he mentions, along on the furthest left.

Grey: No.....this spot looks weird, over there is a good spot.

Grey pushes the sofa on his preferred spot which is at the furthest right.

Roxy: That spot looks stupid, over there is better.

And now, Roxy is pushing the sofa on her preferred spot too which is a little bit close to the entrance.

Dave: This is very dumb, yours and Grey.

Grey: I think yours is dumber Dave.

Roxy: You two look dumb.

Dave and Grey: Shut it Roxy!

The three friends grab on the sofa and they try to move and fight for their preferred spot. Meanwhile, Neptune is in the corner, eating popcorn as she watches the three friends fighting over something stupid. 

Nichijou: Hyperdimension Neptunia edition: Ordinary Life with the CPUs)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora