Case Closed

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On a stormy night, a murder occurred in the Planeptune basilicom, one of the guards was killed, unnoticed. Luckily, both Grey and Roxy were around the basilicom while the 4 CPUS were not around due to the fact they are on a break on the mountains, leaving the two friends behind, and they heard what happened and they began their investigation. They asked questions around the area where the murder occurred and none has witnessed what happened.

Grey: This is weird.

Roxy: I know right? The guy who got killed has a grin his face.

Grey: Not that you idiot. I mean, a murder inside the basilicom, well that's new.

Roxy: Indeed. Son of a bitch must be laughing at us by now.

And all of a sudden, an old couple comes in the murder scene along with a guard with them.

Guard: You two, this old couple has witnessed what happened when they were here.

Grey: Remind me again, what they were doing here? No civilians are allowed here.

Roxy: Oh I get it. They must be the killers!

Guard: No. Just ask them.

And with that, the guard left the place, leaving the two friends dumbfounded. Grey and Roxy approached the old couple for them to ask a question.

Roxy: All right, tell us what happened.

Old woman: *speaking Chinese* (My husband and I were here not too long ago, and suddenly, a man with a knife on his hand, killed a guard and took off. My husband and I were fazed and we escaped the building.)

The two friends are dumbfounded for not understanding what the old woman was saying.

Grey: What? She's speaking in Chinese goddamnit!

Roxy: Now what will we do?

Grey: Maybe.....we find an interpreter? But that will be a waste of time.

Roxy: On it!

And with that, Roxy left the building for her to find an interpreter so they can crack the case on who killed the basilicom guard. Several hours have passed and it's now midnight. Grey fell asleep on a chair and Roxy barged inside the room with an interpreter, waking up Grey from his deep slumber. Grey is shocked to see that Roxy brought Dave in.

Roxy: All right! Dave here knows Chinese!c I'm pretty sure he can communicate the old couple and translate it to us.

Grey: Whatever, do your thing, Dave.

Dave nods in response and he approached the old couple. Dave and the old woman are finally able to communicate with each other, and the two friends are waiting patiently for them to finish. And after that, Dave goes back to Grey.

Dave: *speaking spanish* (The old couple were here not too long ago, and suddenly, a man with a knife on his hand, killed a guard and took off. The old couple were fazed and we escaped the building.)

Grey: God fucking damnit! Now he's speaking in Spanish! 

Dave: *speaking in Spanish* (I forgot how to speak English damnit!)

Roxy: Fine! Calm down, I'll find someone who can speak both Spanish and English.

And with that, Roxy took off and left the building to find another interpreter. As the clock hits at 3am, Roxy arrives back and this time, Vic is with her.

Grey: I take that you can speak English Vic? Unlike Dave over here who suddenly can't speak English.

Vic: Don't worry. I can speak and translate what Dave is going to say.

With Vic, full of confidence, he approaches Dave and they began conversing, and suddenly, the old woman intervenes the two and now it's all over the place, making Grey very irritated.

Grey: Shut up! All of you! I can't understand what's going on anymore! All of you aren't helpful! Now get the fuck out of here!

And with that, Dave, Vic and the old couple leave the place leaving the 2 friends behind.

Grey: Now, then. I guess it's time to close this case for a while. We lack the evidence we need to construct a scenario.

Roxy: Or, we can use this pc that is connected with the CCTV!

As Roxy is feddling with the computer to check the CCTV, Grey gives up and slams his head on to the table out of defeat.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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