4th of July 🎆🎇✨

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(Sorry this is so late everyone things got a little chaotic because of hurricane season in Florida and I was trying to figure out how to write this. I'll be adding more horror movie characters like Jill Tuckman and Gideon Kramer *they're two examples* because why the hell not, Uncle John needs to be happy. Again sorry this is late but I figured I'd let my family on here now that I'm a senior in high school now.)

*night time at Camp Crystal Lake*

Y/N: Michael, are ready to see the fireworks tonight?

Michael: *thumbs up*


Glenn, Glenda, Jamie, Sam and Damien: Sparklers and Fireworks

Y/N: *eyes light up like a child* Sparklers!!!!!

 Me: *hands you a lit sparkler* Here you go, I've gotta watch the kids while the fire works are set up.

Y/N: Time to have fun with the sparkler!!!!!! *runs around with the sparkler drawing different things*

Michael: *laughs and rolls his eyes* I'm going to help with setting up the fireworks

Y/N: *still running around* Ok, have fun sweetie!!!!

*Time Skip brought to you by the kids setting Freddy on fire*

Y/N: I can't wait for the fireworks to start Michael, its going to be awesome!

Michael: *wrapping you in his arms* I can't wait either

Me: Alright everyone, COUNTDOWN

Chucky, Tiffany, Glenn and Glenda: 5

Uncle John, Aunt Jill and Gideon: 4

Sam, Damien, Pyramid Head and I: 3

Uncle Hannibal and Brahms: 2

Michael and Y/N: 1!!!!

Freddy, Jason and Bubba: *lighting off fireworks*

Y/N: *watching the fireworks* So pretty

Michael: Yeah, but your prettier

Y/N: Awwwwwwwwe! *kisses Michael on the cheek*

Me: I'm sorry to ruin your little moment but I thought you'd like to now that Freddy got set on fire again when lighting the fireworks.

Michael and Y/N: How?!

Freddy: *running around on fire while lighting the fireworks* MY @$$ IS ON FIRE! CAN SOMEONE PUT ME OUT?!?!?!

Y/N: *laughing your ass off* That's hilarious!

Michael: *facepalming* Krueger you are a dumbass

Me: *chasing Freddy with a fire extinguisher* GET BACK HERE YOU BURNT SAUSAGE! I'M TRYING TO PUT YOU OUT DEADPOOL REJECT!!!!!!

Michael: *picking you up bridal style as the fireworks finish* Let's get you to bed 

Y/N: *yawning* That was fun, I'm glad I could watch the fireworks with you. I love you Michael. 

Michael: I love you too, Y/N.

Y/N: *falls asleep in Michael's arms as the fireworks finish and everyone goes to bed*

----Bonus Ending----

Freddy: My f*cking ass hurts.

Uncle Hannibal: *bandaging up Freddy* Then you shouldn't have hurt Thomas when you guys were setting off fireworks 

Me: *bandaging up Bubba with help from Sam* It's ok Bubba, that f*cker deserved it.

Sam: *nodding in agreement*

Till next time my little demons

(Little A/N: For those who don't know Sam is from Trick r' Treat and I decided that in the story he's PH and I's adopted child. Later on there will be a surprise for you, Michael and Jamie.)

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