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Simon and Harry have been together for over a year, they had their petty little arguments here and there but other than that, they were considered the 'perfect couple'. That's what everyone thought anyway.
On the other hand, Josh and Ethan weren't so perfect. They were arguing constantly, it was rare that a day went past without them arguing. Everyone started thinking they were making arguments on purpose because they would always be having makeup sex. Always.
Everyone had come out as gay or bi. Maybe living in a house full of guys made them swing the other way.
Vik had came out as bi, but had more of a female lean. His head didn't turn that easily. He had a controlling relationship with a woman called Lauren. She was always controlling Vik and telling him what he can and can't do. The boys hated it.
JJ and Tobi came out as gay, they both found out they had feelings for eachother when playing 21 dares and they had to kiss the person they fancied the most in the room. We don't talk about what they got up to after that. Surprisingly, they had quite a good relationship even though, JJ was out most of the time because of his boxing and music career. Tobi wasn't as sexual as JJ, but i'm sure JJ has taught him some stuff and made sure that he knew that JJ gets what he wants in bed.
They all still lived together in London, sometimes they hated each other's guts, but most of the time they enjoyed living together and they were always showing support to one another. They've talked about moving out and just living with their partner, but if they're honest. They'd hate to be away from eachother.
The sidemen channel was growing bigger and bigger everyday. Everyone thinks they're just in it for the money and they all pretend to be friends. Well that's a lie. They are closer then close. They are inseparable.

minishaw; lovers to be, part two.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang