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Sasha paced around her apartment as she waited for Tony to arrive

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Sasha paced around her apartment as she waited for Tony to arrive. She'd cleaned it thoroughly while she waited, and she hoped it was fit for her boyfriend to see. Larry was chirping, no doubt her anxiety had rubbed off on him.

"Don't mess this up for us," she told the chinchilla. 

As she was double checking to make sure everything was as cleaned as she liked, the buzzer went off, and she went to answer it.

"Who is it?" she asked, just wanting to make sure it was Tony.

"Only the most charming guy in the world," Tony's voice came back. "Probably the luckiest too, but that remains to be seen yet."

At that response, Sasha giggled. "Hm...I'll allow you to come in." She buzzed Tony in, praying this would go well.

After just a couple more minutes, there was a knocking at the door. "It's me, I promise," Tony called.

Sasha looked through the peephole before grinning and unlocking the door to let him in. "Hey." She smiled at him.

"Hey," he said, leaning in and pressing a kiss to her lips. "I believe there was someone rather important to you that you wanted me to meet?"

"Oh, yeah." Sasha took his hand and led him over to the chinchilla cage. "This is Larry."

Larry sniffed at the air, putting his little paws on the bars of the cage.

Tony put his hand out for the chinchilla to smell. "Hey there, boy," he whispered. "Aren't you absolutely adorable?"

The white-grey chinchilla sniffed a little before moving away.

"I think he's satisfied," Sasha chuckled. "Do you wanna feed him?"

"Would he be okay with that?" Tony asked. "I don't want to make him super uncomfortable."

"He loves food, of course he'd be okay with it. I've been holding back his treat today so you could give it to him. Then he'll definitely like you."

"Alright," Tony said, chuckling. "I'll do it then." He smiled at her.

She blushed and went to get some lettuce out of the fridge. "He gets this once a week. He shouldn't have it all the time, but he loves it." She opened the cage and took him out, handing the lettuce to Tony. "Here, hold it out to him."

He did as she told him to do. "Why shouldn't he have it all the time?" he asked. "Isn't lettuce good for him?"

"I've read that they shouldn't have it all the time since it can give them tummy aches," Sasha explained.

Larry sniffed at Tony's hands before he took the lettuce from him, chirping happily as he ate it. He looked up at Tony for a moment and made a sort of purring noise before going back to his treat.

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