You are so beautiful

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"You are so beautiful"
Four little words danced their way right into her heart.
A badly-scarred heart, with millions of bruises and cuts.
She smiled.
She smiled widely like she's the Queen of Smiles.
The Queen of Smiles is a title she gave to the poor woman whose smile is brighter than the xylobands at Coldplay's concert at midnight.

Her mind clutched those words and locked them in a safe.
For they have to be protected away from the negative thoughts that flow inside.
They have to be remembered when the destructive voices win and convince her she's not.
Those words are now her sword,
The sword that will murder insults and criticism.
Th sword that will block judgments and keep them from entering her mind.

"You are so beautiful"
The words are being repeated in her head, echoing in her heart.
Her whole body is imbibing those words;
Her eyes glimmer, finally feeling victorious after the wars that ended up by too many dead tears.
Her skin at last feels like home,
A home for her long-lost soul that has been revived by the magic of the words.

Her glowing eyes caught a cry for help from a 14-year-old-boy;
Eyes wide-awake as vampires at night that crave for blood,
Lips with fake smiles masking true feelings,
Face as pale as a moon that moves alone through lonely space,
Soul that has been drained of life leaving nothing but emptiness.
She unravels his secrets by following the map in his eyes,
And right into his heart,
"You are so beautiful," she said.

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