Sinking Deep

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Slowly my mind sinks deep,
Like the sun dissolving into the sea.
Every time my head meets the
Exotic touch of the cotton-stuffed
Pillow, a peaceful breeze takes over.
Instantly, thoughts disappear into the
Silence flowing throughout the place.
My soul is finally at peace, no longer
Yelling hysterically like an angry teen.
Flipping into my favorite version of me
And feeling my heart shatter for
Vampires who fight sleeping at night
Or those who Insomnia friended them.
Under the sheets, I feel protected,
Ready to enter my desired world.
In it, I am everything I am not.
The problems are solved as
Easy as a four-piece puzzle.
Each line shares its initial to help me
Speak what every piece inside me is
Calling loudly, hoping I would see that
Actually, nothing ever helps but the
Peace that comes as my eyes shut
Every time my mind slowly sinks deep.

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