1. First impressions

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Y/N's POV:

Summer break was over and we had to go back to school. Fuck school. It was just full of boring ass teachers and little lame kids.

I knew I was already getting late so I finally rolled out of bed and took a shower. I had quite a transformation over the summer. I was now over six feet tall, I had scrapped my glasses and wore contacts instead and had my hair cut shorter. Anyway I got out of the shower and decided to throw on a black t shirt, black skinny jeans and boots.

After getting everything I needed, I threw my backpack on my shoulder, grabbed my skateboard and left the house. I went to Hailee's house as usual and waited outside. Within seconds she came out looking happy as always. 

'Hurry Y/N we're going to be late...again..like last year. I don't want to show some random teacher around again'.

I shrugged and continued walking at my normal pace. Hailee groaned in a joking manner and then punched me in the stomach and ran off knowing I'd chase her. We ran to school but still managed to be late. I managed to drag my feet inside and ended bumping into Principle Martin.

'Oh Y/N...', he was obviously surprised with my new appearance. 'I was wondering if you could show around our new teacher Miss Jenner'. I huffed showing my obvious annoyance but agreed anyway. That's when a woman stepped out from behind him, she was young in her like early 20s, dressed in a figure hugging dress with her hair open. I was still gawking at her not so subtly when I realized Principal Martin had gone, it was just me and the hot new teacher.

'Hi I'm Y/N', I stuck out my hand thinking she might shake it but she ignored it and simply replied with 'Miss Jenner'. I tried to forget what just happened and began showing her around. She was silent the entire time so when it was time for first period I left her in some random corner and raced to Hailee to tell her about the new hot bitchy teacher.

She just laughed and wiggled her eyebrows at me as if I liked the teacher which I definitely did not. It was her first day and she already seemed annoying. Anyway it was finally time for last period, it also happened to be my least favourite - math.

Me and Hailee both ran to class once again because we managed to be late and guess which bitch was at the front of the class scribbling shit I didn't understand on the blackboard. Miss fucking Jenner. Hailee and I rushed to our seats at the back of the class. I tried paying attention but it was pretty impossible and I ended up falling asleep. I only woke up when Hailee threw a scrunched up ball of paper at my head.

Thank God she did because Miss Jenner was walking around the class but hadn't reached me to realize I was asleep. She was meters away from me when the bell rang and then everyone along with me rushed out. I'm pretty sure I heard her calling me back but I pretended not to hear and left as quick as possible.

I was on my way home after dropping off Hailey when someone ran towards me. She was panting with her hands on her knees and when she finally looked up I realized it was Gigi Hadid one of the popular cheerleaders.


'We have that project to do, I was thinking we could do it at your house '.

I said sure and we carried on walking to my house. Her bag was obviously weighing her down so I held it for her and she responded with a sweet smile.


We were like half an hour into trying to do this stupid project when I groaned and layed back on my bed. We both found it hard and agreed on a break before continuing. Gigi went downstairs to get some water, I was sitting up on my bed on my phone and hadn't realized she had walked in until she sat right in front of me.

'Y/N you know I really like you, I've had a crush on you since we were freshmen.'

I was shocked and didn't know what to say. 'Yeah I kind of used to have a crush on you too'.

'Used to?', I gulped as she began stroking my leg. 'What about now?' 

I couldn't handle myself, I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her onto my lap so she was basically straddling me. We crashed our lips together and the fireworks within me were ignited. Our tongues fought for dominance and I eventually l won. We didn't realize this went on for quite some time. My mum called me down for dinner not realizing Gigi was here.

 We fixed ourselves up in the mirror then I took her by the hand and led her downstairs, introducing her as a friend. We all had dinner and my parents seemed very fond of her, I dropped her off home and she invited me in saying her parents weren't home..

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