Chapter 7

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It was a fresh day. 2 days since Blackpaw had left Reedwhisker to the new clans. In that time Blackpaw had now been named Blackberry. When he got out of his den he noticed there were already 2 groups of cats sitting down seperate from the rest. Reedwhisker or Waterfallstar was in one and Shademoon looked to be the leader of the other group. Each were small. Blackstar was staring at him from Great Tree. He beckoned Blackberry over with a flick of his tail. Blackberry slowly padded up Great Tree to Blackstar.

"I suspect this is your doing?" Blackstar meowed once Blackberry got there.

"Who told you this?" Blackberry demanded. "Was it Shademoon?"

"Told me about what?" Blackstar meowed cooly. "All i see is that you split the clan by their beliefs. What are you hiding?"

Blackberry held his gaze as strongly as Blackstar. "Why do you need to know?"

"I am your father and clan leader!" Blackstar spat.

"Not anymore." Blackberry hissed.

The two small clans with Shademoon and Waterfallstar walked side by side as they came up from behind Blackberry. "What Firestar did when he was controlled by Tigerstar was wrong, but it doesn't mean it has to last."

Blackberry flicked his tail and all the cats went charging at Blackstar. The only thing that was heard was a yowl and blood splattering everywhere. Before all was silent.

Warriors Super Edition: Blackberrys Dark Path (COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang