6:Courtney and Shayne POV

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Courtney POV:

I was still sobbing. It's been hours, it was now midnight and I didn't want to bother anyone but I knew I couldn't be alone right now. I don't know if I trusted myself to be alone right now.

I grabbed my phone and went to the group chat. I started to type even though I couldn't see very well.

A/N I kinda hate doing this in stories but I don't know how else to do it so-

*the group chat*

Me: Is anyone up?

Noah is gross man: yeah what's up?

Liv liv: yeah?

Shayney: I'm up do you need something?

"Michael Jackson": me

My dad: what's up court court?

Softest smosh member: seems like we're all up lol

Me: can you guys come over? I don't want to bother you I just don't want to be alone right now.

Shayney: is everything okay?

Me: no

I turned my phone off trying to steady my breathing.

In no time the squad, Ian and Damien showed up to my apartment. I made my way to the door and took some deep breaths before opening it still sobbing.

Immediately Olivia ran up and hugged me. We fell to the floor in my living room and everyone came in silently to sit on the couch.

Olivia rocked me back and forth and spoke up. "Courtney what happened?" I looked up at all the guys on the couch and saw Damien, Shayne and Noah tearing up and Ian and Keith looked really sad and concerned.

"S-she" I sobbed trying to finish my sentence. "What Court? Who's she?" Oliva said talking me through it. "M-my mom. She's dead!" I said finally before sobbing into Olivia's shoulder again

It was silent for awhile. They understood I just wanted to be with them. Once I calmed down a little we started talking.

"I'm so sorry Courtney. Want to talk about it?" Damien said giving me a kind look. I nodded before clearing my throat.

"Last night, I fell asleep on the couch because I hadn't slept in a few days and I woke up this morning to a missed call from the hospital and my dad. I thought it would be good news. I-I went to the hospital and found out she passed away last night. It didn't really hit me. Even with her sitting there, I cried but it wasn't really hitting me. Maybe it was because I didn't want to break down in front of my dad, I don't really know. But when I got home it really started to hit me. I mean she's not gonna see me get married or see me have kids. She's gonna miss all these important moments. I wasn't even there for her when she needed me. What kind of daughter am I?! She was in the hospital and she died without me there! How am I supposed to live with that?" I asked no one in particular.

Damien got on the floor with me and Olivia and hugged me. "I know how much it sucks to loose a parent. It seems like the end of the world but you need to know that she doesn't want you to feel like this. It's not your fault and times goes on."

I ran out of tears to cry and everyone gave me a group hug. We just hung out for awhile before I had to force them to leave because they had work tomorrow. Shayne stuck to the back of the group when they walked out of the door and stopped once everyone was gone.

He closed the door and looked at me. "What? You have work too sir" I said smirking at him. "I know I just... don't want you to be alone tonight. I can stay over if you need me to." He offered giving me hopeful eyes. "I don't want to make you do that" I said hesitantly.

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